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The Destruction of Modern Women

It doesn’t even need to be that. Consider Venezuela. What would happen if everyone, not just women, but everyone who is lost in the material world can’t buy food? People facing starvation will straighten up way fast.
This will happen, but likely over time, as most things - slowly but surely. The tech stuff will be the crossing point (robots and greater AI use during job loss and rampant inflation).
You could argue that such barbarism would be preferrable to the current situation and a more fertile ground for proper Christianity, but I'm not so sure about that.
I don't know either. The only laudable or reasonable goal I see moving forward is getting to a country that is reasonably safe and has its own traditions, and of course, feminine women to complement your life.
I saw this on natty or not, the truth seeker forum, which has some good blog posts. A self reported good looking guy, but short, had this to say:

But if a woman finds you physically attractive you need to practice on her. YOUR WORDS WILL ONLY EVER CONFUZE AND FRITEN HER. HER GOOD FEELINGS COME FROM LOOKING AT YOU AND LISTENING TO YOU. Example: (gf goes on about dumb girl shit she did that day) You: (don’t bother listening to that stupid shit FOCUS ALWAYS ON THE PERSONA. look over, give her that specific warm smile she likes and say in that deep, honey inviting timbre) “sounds like you had a go of it.” Mission accomplished. YOU ARE JUST A GAME OF FUCKING PS3 OR XBOX TO WOMEN YOU ARE AN NPC. Maybe an epic npc but still an npc. Adopt your persona make it badass, never break character around women. And they’ll get way easier.

This was somewhat in response to Prof Truth's idea that the only thing that matters is what you bring and/or recent events right before or after a date. That is, you aren't going to change much about whether the girl, let's say, likes you. She either will or won't almost immediately or in a way that won't be changed significantly, but for the downside if you talk too much or get into controversy (anything straying from what this guy Chadlet, who writes above, states).

Since they are reactive, it's funny that he uses the term NPC for the dude. Largely, that means detached, outcome independent, and true I'd say. It's a generalized comment for effect of course, but you can see how it is quite clearly a successful maneuver or tactic. You could look at it another way, which would be, "Most people aren't all that interesing or want to talk about very interesting things, so why would a woman?" On average, that's of course going to be the case. Put another way, how many women would find even 10% of the threads on this forum interesting? Yet for us or other men it, or something like it, might be the most interesting on the entire internet.
But if a woman finds you physically attractive you need to practice on her. YOUR WORDS WILL ONLY EVER CONFUZE AND FRITEN HER. HER GOOD FEELINGS COME FROM LOOKING AT YOU AND LISTENING TO YOU. Example: (gf goes on about dumb girl shit she did that day) You: (don’t bother listening to that stupid shit FOCUS ALWAYS ON THE PERSONA. look over, give her that specific warm smile she likes and say in that deep, honey inviting timbre) “sounds like you had a go of it.” Mission accomplished. YOU ARE JUST A GAME OF FUCKING PS3 OR XBOX TO WOMEN YOU ARE AN NPC. Maybe an epic npc but still an npc. Adopt your persona make it badass, never break character around women. And they’ll get way easier.

Good advice for a first or second date, completely useless beyond that and will only crush any chances of a relationship.
Good advice for a first or second date, completely useless beyond that and will only crush any chances of a relationship.
Borderline friend-zone advice. A Chad can get away with a lot, including being dull, but you definitely don’t want to turn yourself into an accessory for a woman even if you look good.

In aforementioned quote you would essentially be building a woman up, similar to paying for her to go college. You would be there strictly to make her feel like a winner so she feels good about herself. Don’t be surprised if your honey bunny has sex with some guy in the stock room. Tingles come from excitement which is danger, competition and unorthodox behavior.

With advice like this floating around it’s no wonder we continue the trajectory. Similar to how you go on Reddit and find out the greatest honor for a man is to give a woman an orgasm.

Do what you want, demand what you need, and honor the word of God simultaneously. There’s nothing else to concern yourself with.
Tingles come from excitement which is danger, competition and unorthodox behavior.

I don't think any of these things help towards a LTR.

The key to building a successful relationship is the ability to constantly maintain the leadership position. You must be leading, almost always. Thus, the passive "just nod your head and listen" approach is okay for the first few dates when you are learning about a woman, but past that it is lousy advice.
One of the issues with that, while he means well, is that is presumes the world will be what he thinks it is now, in the future. I'm not saying don't try that, but you could do something similar to what he says you might "plan" and most of your family might die or starve, or worse, be alive but hooked to a sick system of X,Y or Z. Who knows.

Either way, planning will have to take place, and around these parts I think the only outlet for most is to try to do it in another setting/country/region.

Yes, I appreciate the sentiment and these type of posts are great to being hope to a generation that may have little. The focus on family is great. However, it may be a case if survivorship bias (actually it is.) For one family like this, there are several that are broken or didn’t make it.
approach is okay for the first few dates when you are learning about a woman, but past that it is lousy advice.
the entirety of his message, while debased, was to prove a larger point about the fickleness of women. Don't lose character or frame could be in line with what you were saying.
The focus on family is great. However, it may be a case if survivorship bias (actually it is.)
I think about bias a lot, as it's the hardest part of critical thinking and seeing what most people miss. Survivorship bias might be the hardest to spot and explain to people, so I say, good call (as usual, Rational1).
For one family like this, there are several that are broken or didn’t make it.
I would argue the proof of this type of thing are the thousands of men that "had families" and went with the social/societal flow for the last 5 decades, and got chewed up and spit out in divorce --- and worse. Since I'm aware how fortunate I was to be born to the parents I was born to, and see tons of insecurity owing to not having such a family, it's actually the rule, not the exception to "not make it."

But hey, in many of those cases someone's "genes" were "passed on."
Perspective helps when dealing with the problems in our society. We think we have it bad in the (((West))), but look at Asian and China:

Hypergamy on crack cocaine steroids over there. Makes me feel genuinely privileged to be in my situation. It's all relative. If it's difficult for the White man, it's even more insane for non-Whites.

The expectations of the soulless Chinese women are so funny to listen to I nearly spit out my food while listening to the above. 38 years old and wants a man who has millions in the bank, lmao. At the same, it is extremely sad and tragic that people like this exist, and I sincerely pray for them!

Female pride is the root cause of all civ death.
Perspective helps when dealing with the problems in our society. We think we have it bad in the (((West))), but look at Asian and China:

Hypergamy on crack cocaine steroids over there. Makes me feel genuinely privileged to be in my situation. It's all relative. If it's difficult for the White man, it's even more insane for non-Whites.

The expectations of the soulless Chinese women are so funny to listen to I nearly spit out my food while listening to the above. 38 years old and wants a man who has millions in the bank, lmao. At the same, it is extremely sad and tragic that people like this exist, and I sincerely pray for them!

Female pride is the root cause of all civ death.

I have millions in the bank. Millions of rupees.
Perspective helps when dealing with the problems in our society. We think we have it bad in the (((West))), but look at Asian and China:

Hypergamy on crack cocaine steroids over there. Makes me feel genuinely privileged to be in my situation. It's all relative. If it's difficult for the White man, it's even more insane for non-Whites.

The expectations of the soulless Chinese women are so funny to listen to I nearly spit out my food while listening to the above. 38 years old and wants a man who has millions in the bank, lmao. At the same, it is extremely sad and tragic that people like this exist, and I sincerely pray for them!

Female pride is the root cause of all civ death.

Yeah I've been thinking about this a lot recently. It seems like there's a very small percentage of women that are worth pursuing, regardless of where we live. I'm sure some countries have better odds, but I don't think giving up on the US or American women is necessarily the right answer.
Yeah I've been thinking about this a lot recently. It seems like there's a very small percentage of women that are worth pursuing, regardless of where we live. I'm sure some countries have better odds, but I don't think giving up on the US or American women is necessarily the right answer.
You're sort of correct with the first statement, which I've considered in depth. The problem is that one doesn't know for sure, but the other countries pass the attraction/youth test, which is #1 for me. You can't get beyond certaint things without that, sorry to say. That is, men can't, which is the issue at hand.

As for part 2, it's frail because of my point #1.
Right. For example, there's the fact that all women look very old at 30 but everyone pretends that this is not the case. Everyone is eager to deny it, but 30 is already old, actually. Even for men, who age incomparably better than women, 30 is about the age where your flesh begins to fail you in various ways (silly microinjuries, much slower recovery, lowered T, the list goes on). You can obviously still be very strong and full of vigor at 30 (a lot of men are still very strong at 70, actually), but there are good reasons why it's rare for people like soccer players to not yet have retired by 30.

Something about the pathetic attempt to defeat the passage of time just by simply lying and pretending that it's not there really annoys me in a way few things do. There are some women in their 30s that my peers will say are still attractive. Really? You would "still hit that"? Let's go pick up girls at the local nursing home, pal. There's this baddie named Gertrude, she still got it, she's young at heart! Give me a break.

Nowadays, even at 25-28 a lot of women just objectively look like hags already. The other day at work, I (naive, clueless) asked a woman her age because it was relevant to the conversation (forgot that women get really weird when this question is asked), and she got this really obnoxious look on her face and said "guess". She looked obviously 30-40 to me, but I lied through my teeth and said 25, thinking I was gonna get some social brownie points, "teehee, oh stop it you, you don't mean that, I don't look that young". Nope, she was 23. What are they putting in the water and food that women deteriorate this fast? Or is it the endocrine-system-destroying birth control pills that they all take?
I think the premature aging is more a western woman thing. I was just in Kosovo and now I’m in North Macedonia. I see plenty of women here who are 35 with children and still look good. Sure they don’t look as good as they did when they were 18 but they still look more attractive than a typical western woman looks at 25.
...Venezuelan women are homewrecking feminist hoes, though. Colombian women hate them. They cross the border to Colombia and create all kinds of problems. Doesn't seem to me like they straightened up.

I think a destructive war, rather than "straigheting up" anything in any real sense, would just result in society falling into complete amoral barbarism, where every man is a murderer and a thief, and every woman a dangerous seductress. You could argue that such barbarism would be preferrable to the current situation and a more fertile ground for proper Christianity, but I'm not so sure about that.
Sure Venezuelan women are mostly hoes but Colombian women are no better.
Yeah I've been thinking about this a lot recently. It seems like there's a very small percentage of women that are worth pursuing, regardless of where we live. I'm sure some countries have better odds, but I don't think giving up on the US or American women is necessarily the right answer.

I think it is a good idea to look outside of western countries. Negative influences will always be there. Having a girlfriend or wife in the west is like raising kids in the ghetto.
I think the premature aging is more a western woman thing. I was just in Kosovo and now I’m in North Macedonia. I see plenty of women here who are 35 with children and still look good. Sure they don’t look as good as they did when they were 18 but they still look more attractive than a typical western woman looks at 25.
You are correct, but biology is still biology. I would argue the biggest thing that makes western women physicallly less attractive with age is the diet and work culture, which includes (both incidentially) alcohol as something way overused. When you consider stress, it's going to age people significantly especially when they are early maturers (women) and also have short windows of pure physical beauty.

The funny part about it is that your realizations just hammer home the fact that you win all the way around with foreign women, especially if you get them younger. Tradeoffs, though, indeed will arise in branching out and dealing with other places - as always.

This pro footballer’s wife goes on some tv show and tells the whole world she once screwed her husband’s backup QB “to make him jealous.” Somehow I don’t think that was the real motivation, but aside from the other obvious issues with this behavior, now and then, how has a woman screwing another man ever made any man jealous, as opposed to disgusted? Women get jealous when a man they like gives another woman attention, it doesn’t work the same way with men. By the same token, what is wrong with this faggot footballer that he would still have married this woman if he knew about this beforehand?
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This pro footballer’s wife goes on some tv show and tells the whole world she once screwed her husband’s backup QB “to make him jealous.” Somehow I don’t think that was the real motivation, but aside from the other obvious issues with this behavior, now and then, how has a woman screwing another man ever made any man jealous, as opposed to disgusted? Women get jealous when a man they like gives another woman attention, it doesn’t work the same way with men. By the same token, what is wrong with this faggot footballer that he would still have married this woman if he knew about this beforehand?

This is the ‘prize’ woman in America. We are really beyond fixing at this point. It also begs the question, if this is the best a professional athlete can do where does that leave other men? There are also other examples like Tom Brady’s ex-wife parading around and banging her jiujitsu instructor.

Also, I know some guys will claim there are these virginal devout women and he should have found one, some of them are just as bad. I knew of several who were undercover sluts, but broadcasted they wanted a Christian man. :ROFLMAO:

A lot of men are either checking out and not participating in the game. As for the guys who are married, most are doing mental gymnastics in terms of their happiness. I’d say if you combine the guys who their wife wears the pants, their wife has other emotional/mental problems that cause friction, she was somewhat promiscuous before marriage, is average or unattractive, or a mixture of the above it’s 99% of marriages. So even if you do get married in the US, it’s bad. You can see it from the posts here, where guys post about current or former LTRs or marriages.
A lot of men are either checking out and not participating in the game. As for the guys who are married, most are doing mental gymnastics in terms of their happiness. I’d say if you combine the guys who their wife wears the pants, their wife has other emotional/mental problems that cause friction, she was somewhat promiscuous before marriage, is average or unattractive, or a mixture of the above it’s 99% of marriages. So even if you do get married in the US, it’s bad. You can see it from the posts here, where guys post about current or former LTRs or marriages.
When you add how much MORE effort you have to put in to assuage the average woman's anxieties post children, and/or do all that work, you're talking cherry on top levels of not worth it. I'd rather pursue young women in LatAm or elsewhere, and be happy I'm getting something out of it, and then decide if she wants me and kids, we could do that.
When you add how much MORE effort you have to put in to assuage the average woman's anxieties post children, and/or do all that work, you're talking cherry on top levels of not worth it. I'd rather pursue young women in LatAm or elsewhere, and be happy I'm getting something out of it, and then decide if she wants me and kids, we could do that.
It's really not that much better here in LatAm, though.