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The Destruction of Modern Women

Women’s selection is dysgenic, not eugenic.
This is biased but it's a correlated bias, meaning that women only get choice in modern, depraved and populated environments (good economies for a while until collapse), thus you see what you see. What the study shows is true, but interestingly it's not as much of a choice as it is a result.

It's very curious that women are made to evaluate things relatively, while men are principle and objective in general. That's what hypergamy is, by the way. I told a friend today that the sickest joke on modern women is that they literally can get guys that are much higher value than they ever had objectively, but because they can see or are aware of some higher guy theoretically, the above average guy that they'd never get in years past actually would settle with them. And they still F that up, because it's all relative. It's not about thinking. It's funny to think that that's how human civilization has to be, and when men lose control, or they are sabotaged by others, this happens.
Women’s selection is dysgenic, not eugenic.
Its true but its only part of the story. The women having the most kids are fat single moms on welfare. Its the most dysgenic women who are matching up with dysgenic men and having lots of children. A bit like the idiocracy movie. At this point the smarter men see the system is stacked against them and the dystopian future unfolding and prefer not to bring children into the world as the quality of life will be low for those children. Whereas dumb people don't think about the future. Not to mention wealthier and higher earning men have more to lose in a divorce so the risk is higher for them (without the reward being any higher).
Its true but its only part of the story. The women having the most kids are fat single moms on welfare. Its the most dysgenic women who are matching up with dysgenic men and having lots of children. A bit like the idiocracy movie. At this point the smarter men see the system is stacked against them and the dystopian future unfolding and prefer not to bring children into the world as the quality of life will be low for those children. Whereas dumb people don't think about the future. Not to mention wealthier and higher earning men have more to lose in a divorce so the risk is higher for them (without the reward being any higher).
Yes, it's bizarre, but the math works out such that only the crazy wealthy who are already on some other social plane can withstand all the nonsense that crushes the 70-98%ile, which is amazing. I keep wondering how quickly the mean reversion will happen, population wise. I think it has to, but it's not like it has to occur over just 20-30 years. It could take 80-100.
I told a friend today that the sickest joke on modern women is that they literally can get guys that are much higher value than they ever had objectively, but because they can see or are aware of some higher guy theoretically, the above average guy that they'd never get in years past actually would settle with them. And they still F that up, because it's all relative.
Do you think that it's mostly that they can have, or do have, some modicum of earnings/money that induces the retardation of hypergamy to clown world levels, or is it more the social propaganda? It is perhaps all tied together, and they are mostly equal in their abuse of women, who are so reliant on what the status quo does to "fit in"? I tend to think it's more about the money, since resources are far more important in shaping people's behavior.

That is, one could throw propaganda out there all he wants, but if you don't have money, you're still going to seek men who do and thus you'll have to fit their desires, more or less (direclty).
The Clott Adams guy is correct there.
Wokeness is just a one of the tentacles of atheism.

God is declared dead by the rulers.

Wokeness replaces the command by God to love each other, especially to pray for sinners.

There is a fake problem, "heteros were killing gays", never happened, and that fake problem is solved. With woke.

Like with communism "factory owners are extorting labourers", never happened, people moved from the land the factories on their own desires.

Its all just extremely dumb.

These rulers, think they can replace God with their quasi emotional sensitive propaganda "movements". I wish them good luck pushing their filth on their way to hell.
I can already see my life shaping up to being quite free and enjoyable, and in a good way, not in a chasing the dragon hedonic manner. Of course, that will be a temptation, but that's why I'd rather go abroad and find/commit to a worthy or suitable wife. There really is no (good) return on women in America, even in their 20s, to be honest, which is sad. The culture, technology and lack of femininity with materialism as the cherry on top have destroyed about a 25 year stretch of women. There are good women out there, yes, but most of them are closer to average looking at best, and average these days is actually quite fat, to boot. Homie don't play dat.
Do you think that it's mostly that they can have, or do have, some modicum of earnings/money that induces the retardation of hypergamy to clown world levels, or is it more the social propaganda? It is perhaps all tied together, and they are mostly equal in their abuse of women, who are so reliant on what the status quo does to "fit in"? I tend to think it's more about the money, since resources are far more important in shaping people's behavior.

That is, one could throw propaganda out there all he wants, but if you don't have money, you're still going to seek men who do and thus you'll have to fit their desires, more or less (direclty).
It's a ton of factors. It's everything you mentioned, but it's also the laws, the destruction of various customs and institutions surrounding marriage which were of great importance, it's the androgens and estrogens in the water and food and even air and clothes, so on and so forth. There's so many factors that I don't think it's even possible to fathom/grasp the situation completely. But above all else, the absolute root of the problem is that people aren't Christian.
I can already see my life shaping up to being quite free and enjoyable, and in a good way, not in a chasing the dragon hedonic manner. Of course, that will be a temptation, but that's why I'd rather go abroad and find/commit to a worthy or suitable wife. There really is no (good) return on women in America, even in their 20s, to be honest, which is sad. The culture, technology and lack of femininity with materialism as the cherry on top have destroyed about a 25 year stretch of women. There are good women out there, yes, but most of them are closer to average looking at best, and average these days is actually quite fat, to boot. Homie don't play dat.
Even if you do find a good Christian woman who looks good, the fact that these unhinged divorce and "abuse" laws exist will always be a sword of damocles over your head. You'll be putting way too much of your safety entirely in a woman's hands, and that's never a good idea, but especially not in a world where every force in society will be constantly trying to convince her that you're oppressing her and that she needs to be "free" and a bunch of other retarded nonsense, and if she's a housewife and you're the breadwinner, you get, what, 4 hours tops at the end of the day to try and undo the brainwashing?

It's just completely unfeasible barring divine intervention. Fortunately, there is indeed divine intervention, that's part of what a marriage is supposed to be for, it's so that God blesses your union and whatnot, but still, it's a really big risk and if you're gonna marry, you should probably marry somewhere not completely insane and stay there.
I met an 18 year old girl from another church. Her parents were missionaries, she works with the middle schoolers at her church, when I met her she was reading the Bible. Saturday night when everyone is getting drunk and acting like retards on St. Patrick's Day, girls like this are playing volleyball with their friends.

I'm not saying this will go anywhere, but she keeps showing interest and knows that I'm older. Put yourself in a position to meet 18-25 year old women that take Christianity seriously. There is still hope.
The topic is interesting since the overall point of the forum is based on this issue, and then the other issues, which are good for knowledge, self improvement, and hopefully all building blocks for the glorification of God, stem from the initial interest or nexus of having found yourself here due to the amazing irrationality of the modern day, which has a feminine archetype as its theme.

In the larger scheme of things, we are all responsible for the evil working in the world, there is no doubt. This realization is a high level understanding in Christianity, however, and doesn't help most people in our current world in that few are aware, have any interest in getting to that level, and are quite frankly battered by the evil forces, breaking up of the family, and overall lack of any good leadership from a country or familial level. That's how successful the evil one has been, through actions of "our leaders" on the social/governmental/technological levels.

We can understand all of these things, and know where we are going, but still roll our eyes about how comforting it may be for anyone else. I am still planning and have hope for a plan, and I can see it, and even those on this forum are amazingly unaware of such things, which I also find amusing given they call guys like me that point out clearly obvious, bad realities "black pill." I urge people to go beyond the "just go monk mode", since this is not a one size fits all phenomenon. I truly see human selfishness and competition as parts of that suggestion, even though for some it may be appropriate. I cannot stress that enough, because we are entering times where the dysgenic production of children has peaked and is falling, and more proper genetic and quality family and lineage is being crowded out. I largely don't see that as a win for the world or the godly, to be quite frank. I don't see older men and priests really care about the activity or behavior of women, or else we wouldn't be here. They now see converts and disenfranchised young men as opportunities for healing, and they are, but these also aren't going to easily find mates or have children, so what we have no is an imbalance of the future and what it holds, and family formation in general. I could go on, but I think you see where I am going - no one seems to care one iota about a portion of this generation of high quality men that would make wonderful leaders and fathers. They'd rather just focus on the future, which is what they should do, but not ignoring what has happened and what is right in front of their face. Sadly, that leaves the only option - if these men are high quality - which is to force them to leave to find suitable women. Period.

Women, whether they "fell for it" or were more egocentric and less humble than they should have been, make their choice in their 20s. There's nothing we can do about that. The reality for men is that they have a long lasting value in different ways, so being honest about this and what we should recommend to them and inform others about, has been a top priority for me as a poster on this site.

I do agree that repentance is not helpful in a pragmatic sense, but sometimes it is all we have. Both men and women are in a difficult spot right now because of the choices we have made.

I can sit here and decry what dating apps have done to the prospects of young men wanting to find a decent woman, but I used those apps to get into casual flings with women for years, and even now I don't actually feel a genuine repentance not only for the damage I did to those women, but in contributing to the general trend that has led to the whole scene being ruined that I now find myself lamenting. I made the bed I am lying in, as it were.

Whilst it might be cathartic to hear priests call out the behaviour of women, I still don't really see anything useful in that, because I don't see that the behaviour of women as being necessarily the crux of what is going on. We are all in a big muddle because we have by and large all made stupid choices. So I am not saying the behaviour of women is lacking culpability, but rather those men who are turning up in church can't expect that the bed they helped make is just going to disappear and a few cathartic words from a priest is not going to change that. Nor is it particularly useful in terms of healing for disenfranchised men to hear women being called out, in fact it could have the opposite effect, in that, like Adam they just blame women and God for their own failings.

Young men who are starting to come into church are definitely on the right track towards being good leaders, and quality husbands. But I think the 'I go to church now, where tradwife?' is not a reasonable attitude. Not saying that you are holding to said attitude personally, but I certainly had a differently phrased but no less naive outlook when I first converted, and I think it is likely the case with a lot of new converts. I can't speak for anyone else, and maybe my take is way off the mark, but for me personally, having been a very active member of the church for 3 years, I can say that the view of women I have is still utterly broken from my years of sin. I don't even really know how broken it is, because I don't know what it is like to have a healthy conception of women, so I don't really know when, or if I would ever be capable of loving one deeply as a Christian man. Again, I don't know, I can only speak for myself, but I guess the likelihood is that men who went a similar route might be inclined towards similar issues.

And for someone like me, it is cathartic to hear people call out the ways in which feminism etc have wrecked society. But really this doesn't cause me to look at myself. And it ultimately, I think, just adds to the wound in my heart that can't relate to women properly. I don't mean to sound like one of those who just offsets the blame onto men for all the issues of feminism, but the reality is, as men, there are things we said yes to, viewpoints we held and so on, that have damaged us. I think if you turn up in church like 'I spent 15 years on dating apps having casual relationships and fornicating with women, hopefully I can find a wife now' I think God might initially retort 'go and lie in the bed you made for yourself.'

It's not a fix, and it doesn't make things any easier, but I think there can be a tendency to view God as a slot machine, whereby we turn up to church and He gives us what we want. God gives us what we need, and I think, what men and women need, is to look deeply in themselves and start uprooting the thorns that the enemy has planted there.
Do you think that it's mostly that they can have, or do have, some modicum of earnings/money that induces the retardation of hypergamy to clown world levels, or is it more the social propaganda? It is perhaps all tied together, and they are mostly equal in their abuse of women, who are so reliant on what the status quo does to "fit in"? I tend to think it's more about the money, since resources are far more important in shaping people's behavior.

That is, one could throw propaganda out there all he wants, but if you don't have money, you're still going to seek men who do and thus you'll have to fit their desires, more or less (direclty).
Argentina has huge poverty but Argentinian women still have a lot of feminist bad attitude. So I think poverty levels mstter but culture definitely plays a part also. Even in Colombia which is poor and far less feminist then Argentina I still noticed feminist beliefs gradually seeping in due to westernization. And the sad part apart third world countries becoming more westernized is they only pick up the bad parts of western civilization (wokeness, feminism, homosexuality, etc) without any of the positive traits such as work ethic, being an organized and high trust society, low crime, etc.
I can sit here and decry what dating apps have done to the prospects of young men wanting to find a decent woman, but I used those apps to get into casual flings with women for years, and even now I don't actually feel a genuine repentance not only for the damage I did to those women, but in contributing to the general trend that has led to the whole scene being ruined that I now find myself lamenting. I made the bed I am lying in, as it were.
I think you may be younger than I am but the number of years you "spent on the apps" isn't small so maybe you aren't much younger. The "genuine repentance" thing is a difficult one to discern, I agree with you, and I think that's more related (private opinion here) in general to the inclination to sex being strong for procreative reasons. There are a few things going on here that perhaps I'm indifferent to and its a failing of mine, but I think about it slightly differently. I was focused on many other things and went a long time before I even ventured into any acting out phase, so by that point my view is that there is no justification for any behavior, but historically speaking the activity, if we're being honest, was already with women who had nothing to "lose" at that point. That's why I think it's sort of ridiculous to keep putting this on men, and a majority of men to boot, since it is really the setup and the leaders that allowed the culture, not someone born in the last 50 years even. I didn't really end any more real connection I had with a small number of women, circumstances of their choosing or background/cultural/religious differences did. Forgive me, but the rest were already on the end of the spectrum of prostitutes, which is what even dating app girls are, if we think about what women are and should be in a historical perspective. Men can only sleep with women, for example, if women allow it, so the real issue is the woman that is generally dumb enough in the west to listen to the debased society and not family or smart men, and act like a guy 2 points or more higher than her is going to stick around. Uh, no. You don't go girl.

We all know this, but it has to be stated again: you only get that behavior when you give women jobs and promote careers. That way, they look at to "have fun" in cities while working and you don't incentive going out to find a man and make a family. This really isn't difficult to understand, but the modern egalitarian nonsense, and probably some fathers not liking the idea of their daughters marrying a guy who then leads her, made it more and more problematic.
So I am not saying the behaviour of women is lacking culpability, but rather those men who are turning up in church can't expect that the bed they helped make is just going to disappear and a few cathartic words from a priest is not going to change that.
There may be some people on the internet that act or think like this, but I don't, especially because I complain about the camp that also says "Pray to God and he'll give you a wife". Or the better (impossible to counter) "he'll give you a wife if it is for your salvation." I guess you'll tell me that at the end of my life, right? :rolleyes:
Young men who are starting to come into church are definitely on the right track towards being good leaders, and quality husbands. But I think the 'I go to church now, where tradwife?' is not a reasonable attitude. Not saying that you are holding to said attitude personally, but I certainly had a differently phrased but no less naive outlook when I first converted, and I think it is likely the case with a lot of new converts.
The men turning up to church, by the way, are taking great steps and strides, and a lot have inherited issues and definitely a society that hasn't done anything to help their plight. They have a lot of things to work on. I don't know if you know my posts historically, but I'm not talking about these men when I complain/talk about the wife thing in the USA. If anyone has been paying attention at all, by the way, all you will see (and this is getting "worse" from a numbers point of view or disparity) is young men, barely any young women that aren't but maybe 14 or 15. That's the issue, of course, so it sounds like yes it is an issue of young women, Lawrence.
It's not a fix, and it doesn't make things any easier, but I think there can be a tendency to view God as a slot machine, whereby we turn up to church and He gives us what we want.
As above, that's why I'm not into this thinking and also find it almost insulting to say that you should pray for a wife in the sense that if you do it'll happen magically. You should pray and be faithful, for its own sake, of course. But the simpletons in life, and this is even with many Orthodox, act like they have some understanding about what is going on, when in reality I see that it's cycles and largely the world is indifferent historically about any given thing that a human, or group, thinks that is important. I'm OK with that. I just hate people talking about "doing the work" and when you do and even accomplish things, there is little around so they then start distracting to other topics, rather than talk about the one at hand (everyone is competing over a crazy small portion of women, who are worse than ever in pretty much every way, yes because they've been told to do that - I get it).

If you doubt any of this, just look at the run of guys from the 1950-1970s that got married at early 20s, even with age gaps and had kids with normal women. I have no issue with them, I'm just pointing out that very few of these guys were any better in any way, or more faithful, or whatever you want to say, than many men I know currently for 20 years. Them's the facts. We need to cut the BS every once in a while, and that's why I'm here.
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