Paul Skallas talks a lot about this matter. He argues that people age a lot slower now because they care a lot about hydration now, unlike in the past. People used to virtually only drink things like coffee and alcohol. There has been a massive cultural shift in the past few decades towards a level of health consciousness which is arguably unprecedented historically, and hydration is part of that.I have found that a lot of modern people don't age like they used to. I think it's a have or have not kind of thing like others have said, like so many of the things in society now. A retirement blogger today said something about how 50 yo people now that retire are getting a lot of attention for being more youthful in appearance than all the working people. I will say that apart from some aging characteristics that are impossible to get by, like hairline (mostly that if you are in good physical shape and exercise), guys that I know and myself who work less and can sleep in, take naps, do all that stuff, easily look 10 years younger than most of the current work hard crop or those from the 1970s. It's amazing to me sometimes what hte photos look like in the 1970s and 80s of similarly aged people. It makes the "food is poison these days!" idea seem sorta stupid, to be honest. I think the reality is that discipline is poison for most people, and there are must MORE people - as I've said, absolute numbers of lower quality people and dysgenics are high, and stand out. Remember, humans aren't good when it comes to bias. That hurts guys who are successful, since they are largely crowded out as well in the modern day of "game."

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