The Destruction of Modern Women

Nordic women are the most attractive. Germany, Austria, Switzerland are right there too. Slovenia is another one.

Then Japan out East.
Kinda funny this is brought up here when in the Germany Lunancy thread they were talking about how unattractive German women are

Agreed. But if you spend some time in Germany you'll realise that German women quickly decline in terms of looks, or rather that they start the self-sabotage process which includes cutting their hair and generally just not looking feminine.

This is a picture of the teachers of a random school in Germany. It's hard to find pretty or feminine teachers among them. But that's just how German women look. You could still argue that Weidel would stand out among them.

And, culturally speaking, she would actually get criticised for being too pretty or being too focused on her looks. Yes, that actually is a thing in German culture that you can get shamed for looking too good, if that's not somehow part of your job.

From my experience there, many German women are more masculine than the German men. Besides the whole LGBTQIAP+++ alphabet soup, cuckoldry is a very common and celebrated there. It is a modern-day Weimar Republik 2.0.
You do come across a lot of older German women that look the same, probably working some mundane job. Short to mid length hair, a little streak of pink or blue dye as an act of rebellion. It's definitely a thing. Think part time lesbian/feminist meets David Bowie stardust era.
Nordic women are the most attractive. Germany, Austria, Switzerland are right there too. Slovenia is another one.

Then Japan out East.
Nordics and Switzerland maybe, but Austria and Germany have some of the most masculine and unattractive women in Europe. Slovenes basically look like Austrians with a dash of South Slavic blood.

But the most genetically gifted women I've seen were in Serbia and Ukraine. In Ukraine you have the inverse situation of the US, where the women struggle to find a decent guy.

Even the women of Persia in Alexander's time were often Blonde, just like how the ancient Egyptians closely resembled a Briton.
If ancient Egyptians had resembled Britons, they would've all died of skin cancer in the desert. Egypt is one of the sunniest places in the world, and Britons are some of the palest people in the world.
They are talking about the German female politicians, not the women as a whole.
There was comments specifically about German politicians or the wives of politicians which I left out. Instead I chose the quotes where it was speaking about German women generally.
Sure, a good looking woman is going to have an easier time. But there are so many thirsty men out there who have no standards that it's not much more difficult for the rest.

Youre Not Wrong Peter Porte GIF by Paramount Network

If ancient Egyptians had resembled Britons, they would've all died of skin cancer in the desert. Egypt is one of the sunniest places in the world, and Britons are some of the palest people in the world.

"King Tut DNA Results"

"Half of All European Men related to King Tut"

King Tut and half of European men share DNA

Don't believe the medical mafia propaganda. Skin cancer wasn't a thing back then, no toxic SPF, no seed oils, no jew vaccines, and no radiation machines. The sun does not cause cancer, it heals.

The chronological timeline of migration from the age of Noah with his three sons seeding the ancestors of most of the ancient civilizations, including Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome all predate the arrival of Britons to their Isles. The ancient Egyptians and Europeans share a common ancestor in Mesopotamia from the lineage of Noah. The various differences in civilizations then were less hereditary and more religious, linguistic, and customary; they were all from the same stock. The modern pale Britons in their dreary isles are descendants of their Pharaonic ancestors and are weakened by 20th and 21st century jewish weapons.

So yeah, it wasn't just the Egyptians, but also the Phoenicians, the Dorians, the Persians / Parthians, Trojans, the Medes, the Cretans, all of them. Blondes are even specifically annotated by historians as living in Egypt during the Greco-Roman Period (332 BC – 395 AD).

As to how it pertains to this thread, well the destruction of women has long been a thing that isn't relevant just in modernity, but on a whole the more genetic degradation and dilution a population suffers, the more degenerate they become.
"King Tut DNA Results"

"Half of All European Men related to King Tut"

King Tut and half of European men share DNA

Don't believe the medical mafia propaganda. Skin cancer wasn't a thing back then, no toxic SPF, no seed oils, no jew vaccines, and no radiation machines. The sun does not cause cancer, it heals.

The chronological timeline of migration from the age of Noah with his three sons seeding the ancestors of most of the ancient civilizations, including Egypt, Persia, Greece, and Rome all predate the arrival of Britons to their Isles. The ancient Egyptians and Europeans share a common ancestor in Mesopotamia from the lineage of Noah. The various differences in civilizations then were less hereditary and more religious, linguistic, and customary; they were all from the same stock. The modern pale Britons in their dreary isles are descendants of their Pharaonic ancestors and are weakened by 20th and 21st century jewish weapons.

So yeah, it wasn't just the Egyptians, but also the Phoenicians, the Dorians, the Persians / Parthians, Trojans, the Medes, the Cretans, all of them. Blondes are even specifically annotated by historians as living in Egypt during the Greco-Roman Period (332 BC – 395 AD).

As to how it pertains to this thread, well the destruction of women has long been a thing that isn't relevant just in modernity, but on a whole the more genetic degradation and dilution a population suffers, the more degenerate they become.

That being said, the elite and upper classes or ancient society lived indoors during the hot hours of the days and months. They didn't labor in the fields. Throughout history, dark skin has been associated with the lower/working class. Even today, from the Middle East to East Asia, white skin is considered "upper class". It's even mentioned in the Song of Solomon, in the Bible. The elite had little risk of getting fried by the sun.
There is no such thing as an attractive black woman. I've never ever even once seen a black woman and found her attractive.

Ad companies these days literally use AI instead of models when when want an attractive black woman in an ad, and the AI unfailingly gives the woman Caucasian features.

Blonde hair, white skin and green/blue eyes are considered exceptionally beautiful in every single culture all over the world. Indian women all use creams to make themselves whiter. Latin American women usually have Iberian curly dark hair (it's different from black people's curly dark hair) and they love to do all sorts of things to make their hair straight and blonde.
American black women are usually pretty horrid. But I have met the occasional Latina black or African black woman that I did find to be very attractive. But yeah the percentage is certainly lower than say Slavic women.
All races have good looking men and women. Groups have characteristics that are more desired, and of course these are percentage based. You should, and I think you do, know this.

It's not a question. Why? Beauty is objective. Europeans also have the most rare characteristics, so as I've said before, it's simply a supply/scarcity thing. But it's also coupled with objectively more desirable traits (blue eyes, blond hair, fairer skin) ... all the ones most people of the world don't have.
I agree with your first point that obviously different countries have different percentages of beautiful women, nobody is disputing that but I disagree with clumping all Europeans together because there is just so much variation. Sure if you want to compare by continent "Europe" has the most attractive women on average but its meaningless because you would not be living in "Europe" you would be living in a particular European country. If you are living in England, Scotland or Ireland you see far fewer attractive women that what you would likely see in Lebanon, Tunisia or Colombia.

Basically everybody on the forum can agree that on average Slavic women (on average) are the top tier when it comes to looks.

But I think it really needs to be looked at on a country by country basis. For example if you had to pick names out of a hat and the hat was filled with photos and names of random Ukrainian women under 25 you know there is an 80% chance of whatever name you pull out of the hat is going to be an attractive woman. If we are talking about women from the Anglosphere countries its more like a 20% chance. The average young girl in Colombia is way more attractive than an average young English woman.
I would say out of the European countries the English speaking countries have the least attractive women, with one step slightly above that you have Greek women (still not very attractive), then slightly above that you have Portuguese women (for some reason less attractive than Spanish women) French and German women.

After that I would say the rest of the European countries have on average very attractive women (Baltics, Dutch, Scandinavian, Slavic, Italian, Spanish, Albanian, etc) all seem to be very high in terms of average attractiveness.

Also its interesting to me that there is such a big gap between the attractiveness of Dutch women (very attractive) and German women (above average but nothing amazing) when they should be more or less on the same level given the similar genetics.
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Also its interesting to me that there is such a big gap between the attractiveness of Dutch women (very attractive) and German women (above average but nothing amazing) when they should be more or less on the same level given the similar genetics.
It's size and genetic drift. As we've also said, the slavs possibly have the most potential in a sense, but their history is also huge male reduction from wars and when coming back and having kids (Russians being the top example of this), that means the selection pressure on women was tremendous. They literally chose all the 8s+ and had all the kids with them. While some residual genetic history and memory will exist, this happened I think more times in their history than for other cultures. It is true that there are always tradeoffs though, as I imagine the russians are often like the polish, they age pretty poorly, and women already have short windows.

What's so interesting about this is that the modern day, the developed world that we live in, has almost no selection pressure on women, since we have tons of men (and thus economy) and haven't had (big) wars really for a century.
It is true that there are always tradeoffs though, as I imagine the russians are often like the polish, they age pretty poorly, and women already have short windows.
There is some truth to this although I think its also partly explained by environment factors in previous generations Slavic women often had hard lives and therefore aged quickly. I think you will see with today's batch of Russian or Polish women etc that are 18 now many of them will at least look reasonable when they are 35, certainly better than western women look.
It's size and genetic drift. As we've also said, the slavs possibly have the most potential in a sense, but their history is also huge male reduction from wars and when coming back and having kids (Russians being the top example of this), that means the selection pressure on women was tremendous. They literally chose all the 8s+ and had all the kids with them. While some residual genetic history and memory will exist, this happened I think more times in their history than for other cultures. It is true that there are always tradeoffs though, as I imagine the russians are often like the polish, they age pretty poorly, and women already have short windows.

What's so interesting about this is that the modern day, the developed world that we live in, has almost no selection pressure on women, since we have tons of men (and thus economy) and haven't had (big) wars really for a century.

I am not sure if you were around for the RVF early days, but we discussed and broke down the countries where the war machines ground up their males in the past 20 -80 years as a way of leveraging our possibilities. Ukraine and Poland were probably the two most famous in Europe, but also places like Vietnam in Asia. When men have high value, they choose the best of the bunch to have families with. This is no surprise.

As far as aging poorly go, we are watching gen X grow into middle age and retirement with a lot of class. Poland and their famous potato looking babushka ladies are no longer the norm with many middle age Slavic women retaining much of their youthful beauty. I myself am surrounded by women in their 40s who seem to fill their conversations to each other with all sorts of diet, fitness and wellness tips.
When men have high value, they choose the best of the bunch to have families with. This is no surprise.
Where do you think any of this exists still?
I myself am surrounded by women in their 40s who seem to fill their conversations to each other with all sorts of diet, fitness and wellness tips.
Aren't you in Canada?

I have found that a lot of modern people don't age like they used to. I think it's a have or have not kind of thing like others have said, like so many of the things in society now. A retirement blogger today said something about how 50 yo people now that retire are getting a lot of attention for being more youthful in appearance than all the working people. I will say that apart from some aging characteristics that are impossible to get by, like hairline (mostly that if you are in good physical shape and exercise), guys that I know and myself who work less and can sleep in, take naps, do all that stuff, easily look 10 years younger than most of the current work hard crop or those from the 1970s. It's amazing to me sometimes what hte photos look like in the 1970s and 80s of similarly aged people. It makes the "food is poison these days!" idea seem sorta stupid, to be honest. I think the reality is that discipline is poison for most people, and there are must MORE people - as I've said, absolute numbers of lower quality people and dysgenics are high, and stand out. Remember, humans aren't good when it comes to bias. That hurts guys who are successful, since they are largely crowded out as well in the modern day of "game."