The Destruction of Modern Women

Daddy government is their man, but they'll be sure to remind you they don't need no man.

Or we have the careerists. Their boss and job is like a version of husband and family. Democrats prey on unhappy people. Sad!
Daddy government is their man, but they'll be sure to remind you they don't need no man.

Or we have the careerists. Their boss and job is like a version of husband and family. Democrats prey on unhappy people. Sad!
The problem is the scare mongering about abuse in a Christian marriage. Sure some people fall through the cracks. And that’s what caused this behavior in women. The are afraid of falling through the cracks. They think husbands were tyrants before 2nd wave feminism.

I’m surprised nobody calls out the scare mongering more. I know many older couples who were married during this time. The seem genuinely happy and enjoy their spouse. That’s one benefit of church, you meet people from the bad old days. Second, men fall through the cracks too. How many men have to put up with a cheating spouse so they don’t lose everything in the divorce? How many battered men? Men can fall through the cracks too. Furthermore, you’re more likely to have a boomer boss or the government is more likely to go tyrannical than having a bad marriage. There’s at least a human relationship. To the government and the boomer boss, you’re just a number on a spreadsheet.



This is how I always handle it:

“There is no national abortion ban. I’m actually against a national ban believe it or not. If young ladies have an issue take it up with the state legislature or move. If you can’t be bothered to move over this issue, it’s clearly not as important as staying put. America is not a monolithic state. It has several subcultures that fall under the umbrella of America. Asking a culture changes its values to suit yours is kind of awful. Some people don’t want to be swimming in dead babies and that’s ok. Other people are ok with swimming in dead babies and if you want to be too, move. California, New York, and Illinois exist. If the issue is that important you can leave. If you can’t be bothered to do the work and leave, not sure what to tell you. Can’t be that important to you and you’re just making noise.”
Daddy government is their man, but they'll be sure to remind you they don't need no man.

Or we have the careerists. Their boss and job is like a version of husband and family. Democrats prey on unhappy people. Sad!
It will be interesting to see how collective manhood (or a good section of it) reacts to any crisis and its aftermath.

I don’t see a casual switch to traditionalism as being sufficient. There should be explicit reminders that many women lived in these delusions before “the reversion”.

Ukraine will be a good litmus test, despite the differences with West European countries and their offshoots in the Anglosphere.

If the Gen X, Millennial and Gen Z Ukrainian men go along with “boss girl” delusions after the hundreds of thousands of dead Ukrainian males and even more physically wounded ones, the prognosis looks awful.
I don’t see a casual switch to traditionalism as being sufficient.
There has to be addressing of the idea that traditionalism is not just "I'll have a family" or the supposed desire to want one at some point in the future, but a sincere action on being traditional, meaning having children at a young age and committing to a man giving your youth as part of the deal for marriage. Nothing else matters as there really isn't an incentive for a man to marry unless it's a girl who is younger. In modern life, it's not like "young" is really all that young anymore, either.
the prognosis looks awful.
All of it comes down to there being excess "money" or resources for women in an economy, or not. Fewer men, as I've said, means an economy that is less robust, of course, and a higher F:M ratio, both of which are the only real selection pressures on women (be better looking, be thin, be young).
Question to everyone: Considering the way the situation is - would you going down the path of celibacy without becoming a monastic be an option you would consider?

There's a thread on celibacy already but it's in the Orthodoxy sub-forum. However, I think this should be a subject that Christians of all stripes could explore. I'm surprised hasn't come up more often yet actually since we're all about discussing the ills of the modern world and how to respond to it. It seems like the two most common responses to the WQ (woman question) on here is either to grind it out and keeping looking for a wife within the western country you currently are in or to go overseas. I do think we need to discuss a third option which is to simply remain single for the duration of your earthly life. The most extreme form of this would be to become a monk but I'm guessing no one here feels a calling for it so for most people it would be just remaining single as a layperson.

If the way the typical modern women is being described in this thread is accurate, then it seems like marriage and just any sort of non-professional relationship with a woman is mostly a net negative. I wrote this in the thread earlier

Based on all of what is being said, it seems like being around women constantly like you would be doing so in a marriage sounds completely unappealing. It's strange that on the one hand men desire being around a woman so much that plenty of men on this forum are willing to take such big time investment in wanting to go across the world just for the chance of meeting a woman but on the other hand once you do meet a woman, the experiences of interacting with one ranges either from hellish if you end up a deeply combative BPD woman to at best, a submissive one that won't give you a headache but is less interesting to interact with than a pet would be. If this is the case then it seems like the Apostle Paul's advice on marriage is the best way to go.

I realize sex is a big part of the equation but assuming you do get a woman who is willing to satisfy all your needs in that area, what are you going to do with her the rest of the time she is around? You can only have so much sex per day. Even in the case scenario, when you do a cost benefit analysis it doesn't seem worth it.

If this is true, then wouldn't celibacy be the best option for a lot of men in today's climate?