The Destruction of Modern Women

Women's lib originally was a central bank owner plan to double taxable income and break up the nuclear family, as explained by Aaron Russo in this 3 minute clip (he was close friends with a Rockefeller who told him this):

Aaron Russo was the producer of the great film "Trading Places" and he was dying of cancer as he was discussing this stuff.

Today western women are obsese, tatted up, irreligious, they've been completely blown out mentally and physically by Chad, and they are also extremely entitled, nasty and aggressive. Ouch.
Didn’t Russo also die in a small plane crash after he started spilling the beans?
No, he died at age 64 but yes, his early life was Brooklyn (ironically?). Apparently, groups and foundations funded by families like the Rockefeller have plans set out 50 years at a time. The elites have figured out a lot about what pulls the levers in man, but we must also say that you have to have willing people to do what they want, either way.

Have any of you all come to the realization that, weirdly, if we care all that much (or too much) about these earthly things, we are sort of in this same camp of earthly living that's akin to the materialists? I see the costs and benefits of a long peace time and materialism, the two things which slowly but surely broke everything down. I think it's stupid or frustrating, possibly the best words to use, that other people don't see what I've called the long game (as above, women not seeing that trading a small window of youth and beauty is actually an easy decision to make), but this is what you get when culture gets that complicated. To be honest, what happens now (or doesn't happen) is more based on entrenched norms, sadly. I've given the solution (age gaps) but that's a social taboo, which is why it doesn't happen. As long as the women/career thing exists, that will be the majority cultural narrative or pressure.
I found this article, written by a woman, describing why sloot shaming is “bad.”

(The censor blocked it out, it’s a synonym for “whore.”)

In it she whines about how female sexuality is demonized and that she shouldn’t be shamed for fooling around and dressing immodestly. What else would you expect from a woman?

1 Timothy 2:12
But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

At the end of the article it claims she goes to the University of Texas, which is in Austin. Austin is an extremely liberal city:

So this is what women desire, to be able to sleep around and not be judged or shamed, only to be shown Jesus. This way they can politely decline, resume in their fornication, and when they’re done having fun at 30, they can “seek forgiveness”, and have a beta wife them up.
So this is what women desire, to be able to sleep around and not be judged or shamed, only to be shown Jesus. This way they can politely decline, resume in their fornication, and when they’re done having fun at 30, they can “seek forgiveness”, and have a beta wife them up.
You'll come to realize that they don't really desire anything, they just follow or are imprinted by what the culture does, and then add a dash of what is particularly attractive to them to figure out their place in the large scheme of things. The come to Jesus moment is of course just another way of trying to justify their past actions and get re-incorporated, understanding now they must try one or many things to save a sinking ship of value.

GIF by Giphy QA
The more I see of such debauched behavior, the more I want to join a monastery. Quo vadis, western woman? Men, stop simping!

If you were standing in line at the supermarket and glanced at the tabloid rack, would you get worried that there were aliens at every street corner?

I get it that we are in a culture war and women are being pressured to be whores and certainly it is having a horrible effect on society... but this stuff you are linking to is pure Jewish demoralization and marketing.

I guess all I am trying to say is that even if decent girls are beset on all sides by this propaganda, they are just one strong man away from becoming trad (because women are water and take the shape of their containers). You just can't maintain it alone; ideally you have her parents and grandparents, and the extended church community, to constantly shame her to keep on track.

But don't think it's hopeless. It's never hopeless.
I came across natty or not again, who comes to the same conclusions as the smart posters of this forum: nothing changes til the system resets. And we all know this; it's just a question of what you do in the meantime. He points out that things are the way they are because where women are bad, low quality, etc. it's due to one thing: men have no leverage.

It really is that simple, yes.
The act of forcing others to adhere to social expectations is exactly what got us here in the first place. The more one is told not to do something, the more one wants to do it. The conduct is entirely psychological and is referred to as reactance, a mechanism in which our brain strives to guarantee our freedom to pursue the actions we desire in our lives (Brehm, 1966; Steindl et al., 2015).

Moreover, the Holy Spirit does not manifest Himself in shame or condemnation (John 16:8, Revelation 12:10), so those who rely on such a tactic, I daresay, are not exercising wisdom nor acting in the Spirit of Christ.

Lastly, I would argue that maintaining a perspective of women's poor choices in terms of her "quality" is a carnal one and is unproductive to solving the issue. Her quality to whom? One who is currently still looking for the right woman to marry? Sure, but it is certainly not how God sees women-- or men for that matter. As Christians, we should be aiming to use a lens that sees the world through Christ and not one who is bound by the world. In other words, merit: what one can produce and not produce in the workplace, in the community, or even in a relationship. I know that that is difficult for especially men, because that is how the world judges us and deems our value, but we must not conform to the world (Romans 12:2); Christ is a living example for that not being necessary to change it.
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The act of forcing others to adhere to social expectations is exactly what got us here in the first place. The more one is told not to do something, the more one wants to do it. The conduct is entirely psychological and is referred to as reactance, a mechanism in which our brain strives to guarantee our freedom to pursue the actions we desire in our lives (Brehm, 1966; Steindl et al., 2015).

Moreover, the Holy Spirit does not manifest Himself in shame or condemnation (John 16:8, Revelation 12:10), so those who rely on such a tactic, I daresay, are not exercising wisdom nor acting in the Spirit of Christ.

Lastly, I would argue that maintaining a perspective of women's poor choices in terms of her "quality" is a carnal one and is unproductive to solving the issue. Her quality to whom? One who is currently still looking for the right woman to marry? Sure, but it is certainly not how God sees women-- or men for that matter. As Christians, we should be aiming to use a lens that sees the world through Christ and not one who is bound by the world. In other words, merit: what one can produce and not produce in the workplace, in the community, or even in a relationship. I know that that is difficult for especially men, because that is how the world judges us and deems our value, but we must not conform to the world (Romans 12:2); Christ is a living example for that not being necessary to change it.
What got us here in the first place is birth control pills and women being allowed in the workforce.

Also, assessing a woman’s value based on her past is not carnal, it’s based in statistics on divorce rates.
What got us here in the first place is birth control pills and women being allowed in the workforce.

Also, assessing a woman’s value based on her past is not carnal, it’s based in statistics on divorce rates.

The sexual revolution of the 1960's was born out of rebellion for the rigid societal expectations prior to it. To reiterate reactance, it is the psychological drive to do the opposite of what one is told because humans need options to feel like they have freedom. More control does not equate to inspiring an integrious heart, nor does it result in better, more pro-social behavior that is sustainable (Brehm, 1966; Steindl et al., 2015). Even Jesus taught this (Matthew 22:36-40).

"Carnal" is generally defined as "relating to physical, especially sexual, needs and activities," so please note that I'm using it in this context. Sexual activity is an aspect of human marriage in matters of pro-creation, so in this context, it is carnal (Matthew 22:30). And viewing the worth of humans based upon what they can carnally produce for one another is not how God measures our worth (Matthew 10:29-31). As a Christian, I believe that when we take a stance of approaching problems from His vantage point, we are more likely to arrive at better solutions.

Also, please note that statistics are not meant to answer questions of "why," only "what." Focused, experimental studies are meant to offer a broader picture when paired with others of the same body of research, so I recommend them for any matters of "why."
What grates me about contemporary women today is the ego and, all in all, pride. It's coached in different and misleading ways, which unfortunately resonate with many women. For instance, having a career is liberating because before we couldn't, which is not true by the way.

Most annoying is their incessant claim that they can do everything a man can do. This isn't liberation, this is childish one-upmanship and it has no place among adults who have real adult problems. It reduces all of us down to the level of 7th graders.

Worse still is that there are no impediments to women, in fact, they get special treatment, yet, they still think the deck is stacked against them. And to hear things like "we need to see more women CEOs". Because that's akin to saying I want to see more of me playing for the NE Patriots. And even more incredible is the response from board rooms that agree and, therefore, choose a non-merit-based characteristic.

And all for what? I am not of the older generation. I'm Gen X. Whatever historical context pertaining to feminism is irrelevant to me. If there is repression or oppression it's definitely not towards women and is very much against men. All I see are women literally boasting and showing off. And its repulsive.
The act of forcing others to adhere to social expectations is exactly what got us here in the first place.
I see it as more propaganda stoking the natural rebelliousness in us, which was in large part due to global or intelligence communities, and you know who.
The more one is told not to do something, the more one wants to do it.
That can be the case, of course, but like Shaquille said, it's not about telling it's about even providing the possibility or allowing. I'm quite sure you wouldn't allow for pornography and then tell your children to not view or entertain it; rather, you'd restrict it because that's the wiser and healthier move.
Lastly, I would argue that maintaining a perspective of women's poor choices in terms of her "quality" is a carnal one and is unproductive to solving the issue. Her quality to whom?
I'm simply observing that where you get chaos and women trying to be like men, or have no restrictions (however those may come about, socially, economically, whatever) you get women who are less feminine, more promiscuous, and do not have any inkling to take advantage of their higher status days to get married. You know what the does? It hurts women.
And viewing the worth of humans based upon what they can carnally produce for one another is not how God measures our worth (Matthew 10:29-31).
Of course not. But we are talking about what makes marriage worthwhile, and what limits one should set on it. For example, the "brides" I see are wearing all white, but very few (if any) any longer are virgins. You are sort of inverting things here. What myself and posters like me promote is that by forming women in the proper ways, they will be much more fulfilled and happier as wives and mothers. Similarly, I wouldn't defend a guy who has no job and isn't good looking as a good match and tell a woman to marry him, because "look past all that, he's got worth". So you shouldn't do the same for women.
Most annoying is their incessant claim that they can do everything a man can do. This isn't liberation, this is childish one-upmanship and it has no place among adults who have real adult problems. It reduces all of us down to the level of 7th graders.
Amen. AND everyone knows it is an obvious lie.

If there is repression or oppression it's definitely not towards women and is very much against men. All I see are women literally boasting and showing off. And its repulsive.
I also don't understand a lot of the excuses, which I believe come from some pollyanna or emotional appeals to something that's just not in the real world. Character is a reality of life that is based on what decisions you have made, as well as how you act and behave - which is intrinsically tied to worth. Now, any given person I can't necessarily comment on her reality or struggles, since I didn't follow her around for her whole life. I can, however, tell you that as a group it's quite obvious what women in the modern day have decided to do, so the conclusion is accurate and relevant: whether they decide to knowingly or not, they forego their highest value days to then hope they can land a man later on, in the meanwhile not prioritizing family or husbands, but rather, fun (in various ways, yes many and multiple). I'm not supposed to notice that and want to distance myself from it, @Astronomer ?

I'll evaluate the worth when they are serious, because I'm serious and I have done the work. And serious means youthful and with the ability to legitimately have a family, not just cross your fingers and maybe it happens, and you're also too old and tired to really take care of them. I'm not looking for a bailout, and thus I have to be very discerning, since of course the point is that I have more to lose.
I see it as more propaganda stoking the natural rebelliousness in us, which was in large part due to global or intelligence communities, and you know who.

That can be the case, of course, but like Shaquille said, it's not about telling it's about even providing the possibility or allowing. I'm quite sure you wouldn't allow for pornography and then tell your children to not view or entertain it; rather, you'd restrict it because that's the wiser and healthier move.

I'm simply observing that where you get chaos and women trying to be like men, or have no restrictions (however those may come about, socially, economically, whatever) you get women who are less feminine, more promiscuous, and do not have any inkling to take advantage of their higher status days to get married. You know what the does? It hurts women.

Of course not. But we are talking about what makes marriage worthwhile, and what limits one should set on it. For example, the "brides" I see are wearing all white, but very few (if any) any longer are virgins. You are sort of inverting things here. What myself and posters like me promote is that by forming women in the proper ways, they will be much more fulfilled and happier as wives and mothers. Similarly, I wouldn't defend a guy who has no job and isn't good looking as a good match and tell a woman to marry him, because "look past all that, he's got worth". So you shouldn't do the same for women.

The point contained within those cited studies is that not only is it the verbal telling of someone not to do something, it is the general removal of options. If a human being does not have options, or some measure of control over their own lives, not only will they will be unhappy (Faulker et al., 2021), but Scripture also tells us that it is necessary for even the possibility of relationship (Genesis 2:16-17; John 8:36). I do not believe removing women's options will do anything to actually change the condition of their heart nor will it actually give a man the kind of marriage he wants; rather, that women will be more fulfilled and happier as wives and mothers if their are inspired to, than forced.

I can, however, tell you that as a group it's quite obvious what women in the modern day have decided to do, so the conclusion is accurate and relevant: whether they decide to knowingly or not, they forego their highest value days to then hope they can land a man later on, in the meanwhile not prioritizing family or husbands, but rather, fun (in various ways, yes many and multiple). I'm not supposed to notice that and want to distance myself from it, @Astronomer ?

If one desires a traditional family, than the above is all the more important in a day and age where technological advancements have removed the gaps in ability between men and women. Currently, men stand to gain more from marriage than women do, which means that to gain a wife, simply being able to provide may not be enough anymore (which is often not realistic on one income in today's economy anyway). Men are having to adapt to this new reality, and women, too. Women are now experiencing the new pressures of having to provide when they traditionally did not have to. (Here's the full report.)

The needs have changed, but the wants are another matter entirely. The answer is not the removal of all rights and liberties, because not only is that ethically questionable according to both Scripture and science, but it is not feasible nor legal in the U.S. Rather, the answer is the heart. In fact, it arguably always has been (Matthew 6:1-2, 5-6, 16-17).
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I do not believe removing women's options will do anything to actually change the condition of their heart nor will it actually give a man the kind of marriage he wants; rather, that women will be more fulfilled and happier as wives and mothers if their are inspired to, than forced.
You aren't paying attention to the last 80 years, then, my friend.

Where you are missing the mark is thinking that women know that doing things in their early life, or not doing them, impacts the entirety of the rest of their lives and how they look back on them, as a fulfilled people. I find this quite astonishing being a member of this forum.

I think you are having a hard time with restriction and "force" (look at my porn example again) and thus aren't thinking of all of this very clearly. It's quite clear, both in the American heyday and now, there is a small minority of people that actually are inspired to do XYZ or care about faithful Orthodox Christianity, I'm sad to say. What you get with open societies is ultimately, therefore, is just less options for men to lead and form in the Christian path, as a result. And that means less family formation and decreasing numbers to reveal the faith. If "more" and "better" options are optimal for women, let's say, why are we less faithful overall and have we been losing the cultural battle since this happened? This also testifies against your position. I hate to break your idealism, but it's pretty clear that the powers that be took advantage and are now laughing at the state of things, mostly fertility rates. These women were quite clearly more inspired by other things, not Jesus Christ.
You aren't paying attention to the last 80 years, then, my friend.

Where you are missing the mark is thinking that women know that doing things in their early life, or not doing them, impacts the entirety of the rest of their lives and how they look back on them, as a fulfilled people. I find this quite astonishing being a member of this forum.

I think you are having a hard time with restriction and "force" (look at my porn example again) and thus aren't thinking of all of this very clearly. It's quite clear, both in the American heyday and now, there is a small minority of people that actually are inspired to do XYZ or care about faithful Orthodox Christianity, I'm sad to say. What you get with open societies is ultimately, therefore, is just less options for men to lead and form in the Christian path, as a result. And that means less family formation and decreasing numbers to reveal the faith. If "more" and "better" options are optimal for women, let's say, why are we less faithful overall and have we been losing the cultural battle since this happened? This also testifies against your position. I hate to break your idealism, but it's pretty clear that the powers that be took advantage and are now laughing at the state of things, mostly fertility rates. These women were quite clearly more inspired by other things, not Jesus Christ.

Could you please elaborate on why a decline in religion in the U.S. is connected to, and contrary of, the Scriptural and scientific evidence that having options is necessary for humans to be satisfied with their own lives and their relationships with each other and God?

In addition, because of the report that I previously shared that found men have more to gain from marriage than women, I am concerned for the presence of bias in the statement that they intrinsically do not have the ability to understand action-and-consequence, and by inference, men do. Therefore, they require restriction that is equitable to the needs of children, whose brains are still maturating (this is my understanding according to what you've shared with me, but please correct me if this is not an accurate representation of your beliefs). However, I am more than open to reconsidering my position if you have Scripture and scientific documentation that both support this claim. I will thoroughly read whatever you have to share and get back to you within a couple of days.
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