The China Thread

While our 150 IQ Whites are told they "need not apply" and the 115 IQ DEI engineers take over, we have planes falling out the sky and bridges collapsing. In China, their 150 IQ Chinese are pushed to be the best on the planet and they are now doing things we simply cannot do.

While our 150 IQ Whites are told they "need not apply" and the 115 IQ DEI engineers take over, we have planes falling out the sky and bridges collapsing. In China, their 150 IQ Chinese are pushed to be the best on the planet and they are now doing things we simply cannot do.

...except when their Long March boosters scatter themselves on population centers
Top Chinese scientists at US companies and universities are resigning their posts and returning to China. According to the Wall Street Journal, 40% of faculty of Chinese descent are also strongly considering a return.

This is after decades of work at the top universities and companies in the United States, and even includes naturalized citizens with American children.

In interviews, they point to US government persecution, anti-Asian racism, and better career and economic prospects in China. What's more, Chinese universities have eclipsed top US unis in terms of research, and Chinese students are opting instead to finish graduate studies in Chinese universities, rather than abroad.

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While our 150 IQ Whites are told they "need not apply" and the 115 IQ DEI engineers take over, we have planes falling out the sky and bridges collapsing. In China, their 150 IQ Chinese are pushed to be the best on the planet and they are now doing things we simply cannot do.

This is a lie. Nothing can land on the moon and collect samples of whatever, but the majority of people will buy this hoax as well as other hoaxes like Covid and whatnot. Furthermore, there is no dark side of the moon. But yeah, we are all supposed to (((trust the science))).
Unless we get rid of DEI, and not just rename it, but crush it for good, then the Chinese will come here and take our land to feed their people. They have already surpassed us, the only question remains is can we get rid of DEI and if not, when does it become cost effective for the Chinese to take our mineral rich land.

Unless we get rid of DEI, and not just rename it, but crush it for good, then the Chinese will come here and take our land to feed their people. They have already surpassed us, the only question remains is can we get rid of DEI and if not, when does it become cost effective for the Chinese to take our mineral rich land.

Today or yesterday I read an article how “scientists” found microorganisms in the deep depths of the ocean producing oxygen. For whatever reason it was believed oxygen production is directly linked with photosynthesis. Don’t understand the details but I’m also mentally retarded. Anyway, the scientist in question was some university Jew [lol] doing research on the feasibility of mining the ocean bed for rare earth minerals. So ask yourself, with creatures like this in control, would the Chinese need to send in troops? I’m not sure why you think invasion is some kind of nightmare scenario when America has been treated like the town bicycle since before you were even born.
Today or yesterday I read an article how “scientists” found microorganisms in the deep depths of the ocean producing oxygen. For whatever reason it was believed oxygen production is directly linked with photosynthesis. Don’t understand the details but I’m also mentally retarded. Anyway, the scientist in question was some university Jew [lol] doing research on the feasibility of mining the ocean bed for rare earth minerals. So ask yourself, with creatures like this in control, would the Chinese need to send in troops? I’m not sure why you think invasion is some kind of nightmare scenario when America has been treated like the town bicycle since before you were even born.
Because, what motivation would the Chinese have to let us live after they took our land? "We didn't do those evil things, it was our satanic elites", as if they will care. You are just a pest that is in their road, and unless they can find some use for you, they just see you as a pest.

I'm not saying China is the bad guy, I'm saying if we don't handle the bad guy who is sucking us dry, then we will not be able to defend ourselves when the time is needed. Will the satanic elites go down with us? Yes, most likely. Do they seem to care? Not so far, we will see if they can manage to stop hating the very people, they need to protect themselves or not.
Because, what motivation would the Chinese have to let us live after they took our land? "We didn't do those evil things, it was our satanic elites", as if they will care. You are just a pest that is in their road, and unless they can find some use for you, they just see you as a pest.

I'm not saying China is the bad guy, I'm saying if we don't handle the bad guy who is sucking us dry, then we will not be able to defend ourselves when the time is needed. Will the satanic elites go down with us? Yes, most likely. Do they seem to care? Not so far, we will see if they can manage to stop hating the very people, they need to protect themselves or not.
The Chinese have no such military conquest ambitions. This is simply not present in their culture, it never has been. If you look at their history, the Chinese have almost only ever really had defensive wars and civil wars. Even the relatively recent Tibet thing was quite clearly defensive and unavoidable (not to mention objectively righteous).

The Chinese are conflict-averse, uber-conformist and autistic ant people who would rather build an unbelievable wall that can be seen from space than simply go and obliterate their barbarian attackers (which they very much could have done). If they want your lands, they'll just keep doing what they've been doing for decades and simply buy them from you.

Modern warfare is very expensive and unpredictable, even if it's against a fallen nation or some nowhere third world country. It would make no sense to do the conquest thing instead of just buying the things they want, which will cost them mere peanuts anyway if the sellers are in some kind of crisis.
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The Chinese have no such military conquest ambitions. This is simply not present in their culture, it never has been. If you look at their history, the Chinese have almost only ever really had defensive wars and civil wars. Even the relatively recent Tibet thing was quite clearly defensive and unavoidable (not to mention objectively righteous).

The Chinese are conflict-averse, uber-conformist and autistic ant people who would rather build an unbelievable wall that can be seen from space than simply go and obliterate their barbarian attackers. If they want your lands, they'll just keep doing what they've been doing for decades and simply buy them from you.

Modern warfare is very expensive and unpredictable, even if it's against a fallen nation or some nowhere third world country. It would make no sense to do the conquest thing instead of just buying the things they want, which will cost them mere peanuts anyway if the sellers are in some kind of crisis.
You are very correct about the Chinese history. I have lived with Chinese people and have observed them. After listening to Edward Dutton, I started to piece together the differences in Europeans and Chinese and it is probably true for many Asians. Edward actually addresses the issue of Asians having higher IQ's and it is interesting, so I thought about it a lot and came up with the differences I could see.

Europeans are outward, we have the "Faustian Spirit". We dream to go out to sea, out to space, out to conquer. Our God (Gods historically) is in the sky. Our famous salute is the reaching up to the sky roman salute. When something is wrong, we often look for an external solution to fix it. And that often leads to war and conflict.

Chinese are the opposite. The are inward. They didn't go out to the sea to explore, they went inland. Their God is internal, they bow, they believe in fixing themselves to address issues. This is why they are so strong on study, and hard work, which ends up with vastly overpopulated countries due to no war and over stressed people from constantly putting more on themselves.

But, when push comes to shove, and the USA becomes Idiocracy, where the military can't defend itself and the Chinese just have to launch some drones and sit back and watch, it will just happen. They will need the land to feed themselves, it is likely that farming could fall off here and not produce enough to feed them. So, they either starve or send some drones and robots to distantly cull the population and then use the land for better purposes. That is what I am predicting, they come take the land to use it for better purposes than our own people will in 20 or 50 years. Unless of course we get rid of DEI and start to promote and hire on merit and make our country competitive with the Chinese again.
You are very correct about the Chinese history. I have lived with Chinese people and have observed them. After listening to Edward Dutton, I started to piece together the differences in Europeans and Chinese and it is probably true for many Asians. Edward actually addresses the issue of Asians having higher IQ's and it is interesting, so I thought about it a lot and came up with the differences I could see.

Europeans are outward, we have the "Faustian Spirit". We dream to go out to sea, out to space, out to conquer. Our God (Gods historically) is in the sky. Our famous salute is the reaching up to the sky roman salute. When something is wrong, we often look for an external solution to fix it. And that often leads to war and conflict.

Chinese are the opposite. The are inward. They didn't go out to the sea to explore, they went inland. Their God is internal, they bow, they believe in fixing themselves to address issues. This is why they are so strong on study, and hard work, which ends up with vastly overpopulated countries due to no war and over stressed people from constantly putting more on themselves.

But, when push comes to shove, and the USA becomes Idiocracy, where the military can't defend itself and the Chinese just have to launch some drones and sit back and watch, it will just happen. They will need the land to feed themselves, it is likely that farming could fall off here and not produce enough to feed them. So, they either starve or send some drones and robots to distantly cull the population and then use the land for better purposes. That is what I am predicting, they come take the land to use it for better purposes than our own people will in 20 or 50 years. Unless of course we get rid of DEI and start to promote and hire on merit and make our country competitive with the Chinese again.

The Chinese can farm Africa, which is a vastly underdeveloped region with great agricultural potential. As well as I have explained before, their population is diminishing and they won't starve, their food demand is already peaking. They are already self-sufficient in rice, producing about 30% of the global crop. Russian agriculture is also booming and is export-oriented, they can supply China in wheat, porc, poultry etc.

China is also developing new generation nuclear plants and doing a lot of research on fusion and new energy platforms. It is very likely that in 20-30 years they will break through and produce power that will be "too cheap to meter", at which point the world will have a state of abundance with cheap food, transport etc.
The Chinese have no such military conquest ambitions. This is simply not present in their culture, it never has been. If you look at their history, the Chinese have almost only ever really had defensive wars and civil wars. Even the relatively recent Tibet thing was quite clearly defensive and unavoidable (not to mention objectively righteous).

The Chinese are conflict-averse, uber-conformist and autistic ant people who would rather build an unbelievable wall that can be seen from space than simply go and obliterate their barbarian attackers (which they very much could have done). If they want your lands, they'll just keep doing what they've been doing for decades and simply buy them from you.

Modern warfare is very expensive and unpredictable, even if it's against a fallen nation or some nowhere third world country. It would make no sense to do the conquest thing instead of just buying the things they want, which will cost them mere peanuts anyway if the sellers are in some kind of crisis.
If you look at one of those videos showing China over time, it changed size continuously over the centuries, and in particular, it enlarged to it's maximum size in the 1800s, around the same time all the European countries were maxxing their colonial empires, and Russia was maxxing its Asian empire. Even when Europe was humiliating them, they were actually enlarging their territory by a lot.

They ended up losing Mongolia, but they are still nearly the largest size in their history. They are the fourth largest country in the world, just a little smaller than the US.

They never went in for colonizing remote parts of the world, but have always been interested in conquering or dominating their neighbors. I think this impulse is alive and well in the current leadership.
Reported by Reuters awhile ago but good to be aware and it was posted by Vox.

US admits it spread disinformation about Covid vaccine – Reuters​

The Pentagon reportedly created hundreds of fake social media profiles to convince Filipinos that the Sinovac shot was “fake”

The US military has admitted that it ran a clandestine campaign aimed at discrediting China’s Sinovac vaccine in the Philippines and across Asia and the Middle East, Reuters has reported.

“It is true that the [Department of Defense] did message Philippines audiences questioning the safety and efficacy of Sinovac,” Pentagon officials wrote to their Filipino counterparts in a letter dated June 25 and reported by Reuters on Friday.

According to the document, the Pentagon admitted that it “made some missteps in our COVID related messaging” but assured Manilla that it halted the operation in late 2021 and has since “vastly improved oversight and accountability of information operations.”

The operation in question began in 2020, after China announced it would distribute Sinovac shots in the Philippines free of charge. In an effort to counter this public relations boon for Beijing, the Pentagon ordered its psychological operations center in Florida to create at least 300 fake social media profiles to disparage the Chinese vaccine, a Reuters investigation revealed last month.

“COVID came from China and the VACCINE also came from China, don’t trust China!” read a typical post created by the psyops team, while another stated: “From China – PPE, Face Mask, Vaccine: FAKE. But the Coronavirus is real.”

Military officials involved in the campaign knew that their goal was not to protect Filipinos from an unsafe vaccine, but to “drag China through the mud,” a senior officer told Reuters.

The propaganda campaign soon spread beyond the Philippines, according to the report. Muslim audiences across Central Asia and the Middle East were told that Sinovac contained pork gelatin, and was therefore “haram,” or forbidden under Islamic law. The campaign forced Sinovac to release a statement insisting that the shot was “manufactured free of porcine materials.”

The Pentagon has not publicly acknowledged the letter to the Filipino military, and the governments of the US and the Philippines refused to comment on the matter to Reuters.

Last month, however, a Pentagon spokesperson told the news agency that the US military “uses a variety of platforms, including social media, to counter those malign influence attacks aimed at the US, allies, and partners,” and claimed that Washington was only responding to a Chinese “disinformation campaign to falsely blame the US for the spread of Covid-19.”

The Chinese Foreign Ministry told Reuters that it has long maintained that the US spreads disinformation about China.

In the Philippines, Reuters’ report prompted an investigation by the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. In a hearing last month, Senator Imee Marcos, who leads the committee, called the Pentagon campaign “evil, wicked, dangerous, [and] unethical,” and suggested that Manilla investigate whether it can take legal action against Washington.

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