The China Thread

The current status quo regarding Taiwan suits everyone really.
Any change will just bring chaos for all involved.
Keep in mind China has been "threatening" to invade since 1949, so it's been over 70 years now with no changes.

On the old Roosh forum folks used to argue that Ukraine was a great place for relocation...
One can invade without bombing chips factories.
In fact, they can continue operating during full scale war, like what's happening in Ukraine and Russian gas continues to transit through Ukraine to this day.
The West is so certain in its domination of Taiwan and is openly taunting China all the time, but I would not be so sure in China putting up with things for much longer.
One thing I know about Chinese people is they are capable of great sacrifices for their nation, so I wouldn't bet on greed/materialistic aspect of trade with the US deterring China forever. Its a tiger waiting for its time to pounce.
I think Xi will want to down in history as Taiwan uniter, not as a humiliated bootlicker openly mocked by Pelosi and being called a dictator.
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Since we’re using the Asia Pacific Geo Lounge to share current events, I’ll start posting red pills on Sino Region/Culture/Past Events that might interest the audience here.

This podcast on “Why you should stop drinking boba: dark agenda” is a good start.


Uganda to borrow $150 mln from China's Exim after World Bank halts funding​

KAMPALA, Nov 27 (Reuters) - Uganda is preparing to borrow $150 million from China's Export Import Bank (Exim) to help expand its internet infrastructure, the finance ministry on Monday.

The move underscores the East African country's increasing reliance for credit on Chinese lenders after the World Bank halted all new lending to Uganda earlier this year in protest at a new anti-homosexuality law.

A junior finance minister and the minister for information asked lawmakers on Monday to authorise the debt, the finance ministry wrote on X, the social media platform.

The money, the ministry said, is "to finance the supply, installation, commissioning and support of the national data transmission backbone infrastructure."

Uganda is in negotiations with Chinese export credit agency SINOSURE and Exim Bank for a loan to finance the construction of a pipeline to help Uganda export its crude oil to international markets.

The World Bank, traditionally Uganda's biggest development lender, halted loans to Uganda after President Yoweri Museveni signed the Anti-Homosexuality Act which hands out tough sentences including death for a range homosexual activities.
I have been seeing a lot of Uyghur / Xinjiang memes especially with whats going on in Gaza / Israel so I'll dedicate this post to all the memes relating to that.

US/NATO projection


Re: Not Xinjiang related - but China has been accused of organ harvesting by Falun Gong when it turns out that a US-Proxies (Israel / Ukraine) are committing organ harvesting operations.

Tourism is cultural genocide according to the Economist.


According to Xinjian Victims Database - Andy Lau and Chow Yun Fat are Urumqi Police Officer!

Normal Uighurs and Controlled Opposition

Recently, Tucker Carlson interviewed Majorie Taylor-Greene. Tucker asked her about whether if there is a possibility of war between Iran and the U.S. She said yes, but from what she noticed, there are Republicans who prefer to get into a war with China.

They are preparing for it!!
Please excuse my sarcasm, but this is how I felt after viewing Tucker Carlson's interview with Marjorie Taylor-Green (MTG) yesterday. In the last few minutes of the interview, this exchange takes place:

Tucker: Do you think we could wind up in a war with Iran?

MTG: Yes, absolutely. We could easily end up in a war with Iran.

Tucker: What's the appetite for that among the Republicans in the House?

MTG: They all have a strong appetite. I don't know, the ones that I talk about it, they'd rather fight China. I hear that more than Iran.

Tucker: China?

MTG: Yes, China.

Tucker: It makes ALL of our antibiotics, so how long is that war going to last? I mean, they make everything.

MTG: … All the lessons we learned from COVID, you would have thought that one would have stuck? Maybe we would bring back the manufacturing to our country, at least make life-saving medicines. No, we're going to depend on China.

Tucker: But there are Republicans who want to go to war with China?

MTG: Yes! They are preparing for it. We have to build our military, we have to fund it, we have to build up our manufacturing… Because they say this: we are going to be at war with China within five years.

Tucker: They say that out loud, or they think that at night?

MTG: They say it out loud in our meetings.

Tucker: We wouldn't win that war, that's insane!

MTG: Obviously. Well, I think that's rational thinking that's speaking, but…

Tucker: Sounds like endorsement of China?

MTG: Nope, nope…

Tucker: They really say that, huh?

MTG: Yes, they say that. Out loud.

I found this exchange shocking. Why should even the supposedly conservative representatives of the American people talk about going to war against China? Given that the US is supposedly a democracy, are the voters demanding this war? Did they demand any war at all? Clearly, they did not. And given that the Pentagon knows for sure that the US would lose that war, where does the Congressmen's certitude come from?

The above exchange in the quote can be found in the below video. (Near the last few minutes of the interview.)
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War drums poundin'


Ever since the latest election in Taiwan, a hardcore independence candidate won and immediately announced that China is not part of Taiwan. Now China is going nuts.
War drums poundin'


Ever since the latest election in Taiwan, a hardcore independence candidate won and immediately announced that China is not part of Taiwan. Now China is going nuts.

China has been doing these military exercises around Taiwan for over 50 years now.
It's really nothing new.
On the other side, since the 1960s the USA periodically sails a few navy warships/battle cruisers between mainland China and Taiwan just to piss off the Chinese.

Here's a video from way back in 1962 with president Kennedy complaining about Chinese ships getting too close to Taiwan

I have realized one day China will be forced to come to the USA and take our land. They need it to feed their people and they see us as weak and worthless now we imported third world low IQ savages. Once we can no longer produce enough crops to feed them, they will have no choice. I don't know how many of you are aware of the high IQ/science it takes to produce crops year in/year out, but it is very extreme. And the low IQ's cannot keep it up.

I just pray when the Chinese come they don't seek full vengeance for things like this. Warning, this is a very bad video of what our tax dollars are doing and both parties strongly support.

^ They don't need to invade America for their food, they can just keep importing from places like Brazil or Argentina. But more so, their plan is to farm Africa, not just for food and natural resources but also for cheap labor and as a growing market. Russia is also a big source for food, Russian agriculture is booming and becoming more export-driven.

Moreover, China's population is set to decrease, pretty sharply so, due to decades of one child policy, it's going to drop from 1.5 billion to less than 1 billion this century, so their demand for food is going to decrease.

^ They don't need to invade America for their food, they can just keep importing from places like Brazil or Argentina. But more so, their plan is to farm Africa, not just for food and natural resources but also for cheap labor and as a growing market. Russia is also a big source for food, Russian agriculture is booming and becoming more export-driven.

Moreover, China's population is set to decrease, pretty sharply so, due to decades of one child policy, it's going to drop from 1.5 billion to less than 1 billion this century, so their demand for food is going to decrease.

True on today's projections

I am super philosophical, big picture, day dreamer, and it causes me to have different views. But let me lay this out there...

Country A was always ahead of Country B. A would create things beyond the dreams of B. B would do their best to copy A and just hope to copy what was done, on a smaller scale. A would take advantage of this and treat B's citizens like slave labor, give terrible trade deal. And if you go back historically, A's cousins and allies pushed drugs on your people to destabilize your society.

But now A is making a lot of mistakes, and you not only learned all of A's tricks and tactics, you have improved upon them. As time goes forward, B is going to grow stronger and stronger. A is committing suicide and dying out. Now, if you are B, you can stay in your lane and just let A eventually go extinct. But there will be a time period when you will need their food for trade and they can no longer produce it, because they have become so inefficient. Yes, the population of B is decreasing, which is what we need world wide, but you have an opportunity to take the resources/land, dispatch of the degenerates who spend decades hurting your people, and now you can reverse your birth trends and increase your population and spread your people across the globe, to make sure what little remains of A's population can never regroup and reassert themselves 200 years down the road.

Why would B not eventually do this? They have not only no reason to be nice to us, they are starting to see us as a cancer on the world. Exporting porn, transgenderism, BLM, promoting Israel's war of murdering innocent children.

I just cannot see China sitting on the sidelines forever. TBH, as bad as things are going and as evil as Israel looks, I can't see them sitting the rest of my life. I hope I am wrong, but I see no reason that I am wrong in this equation.

And to tie this back to the thread, the people in China know what evil Israel is doing with our tax dollars. And they rightfully are tying that to our people. And they think very lowly about it. This Israel problem is bigger than our wasted resources, it is making the big boys righteously angry at us and I can see them saying "enough is enough" over it.
The Chinese are kind of an insular people who are not particularly keen on infiltrating distant foreign lands. That's why Australia and NZ are Anglo-Saxon. They've done really well doing their own thing, which they have historically done for the last several thousand years.

Yes, they were always behind. I would go more into detail why I believe this is, all in all, their civilization is so old that is seems the people there are much more "domesticated" than say Europeans, and don't have the Faustian spirit of exploration and adventure.

But now the mask if off, they see how much Europeans have hurt them, and the shoe will soon be on the other foot. To not take advantage of that and cement your enemy into no longer existing would be a huge mistake. I don't see them making that mistake, they are very logical and see the evils the west is pushing on the world.

Yes, all of us are innocent in this and trying to stop it. But eventually China will not be able to afford to triage good westerners v. bad.
There is good evidence that Christianity spread into China by the sixth century AD, although many sources claim it didn't arrive until the age of exploration nearly 1000 years later.

There was another interesting book I read about a decade ago regarding the story of genesis found in the Chinese picture alphabet, this was long before Christianity but shows that the garden of eden was obviously a common story the people of the world knew about


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