The Biden-Harris Administration

No primary ballot I've seen had room for a vice presidential candidate. An incumbent nominee could nominate a different vice presidential running mate.

Well that’s one motive to do all of this with Biden’s corpse: money. They needed a legit was to transfer the money from Biden’s campaign to Kamala. I’m guessing using smaller transfers doesn’t violate campaign finance laws
Well if it’s an actual press conference then Joe would be there with cameras, media, not answering questions of course but he can read a prepared statement,

My best guess is that he was just resting or treating some ailment the past week, not dead
Is Biden going to hold up a newspaper with today's date? Otherwise, I'm going to predict it's going to be pre-recorded or AI-generated.

The whole thing is really bizarre - especially dropping out of the race via Twitter. Choosing not to run again after stating multiple times he would seems like the sort of momentous announcement the sitting president would make in a nationally televised address or via a White House press conference. Then he goes MIA and we don't see or hear from him in person for nearly a week.

My guess is that the medical event in LV really did happen and that's when TPTB decided that Joe had to go. I think Biden has either been incapacitated to the point that they haven't wanted him making any public appearances or he refused to drop out of his own accord and they don't want him letting the public know that the decision was made for him so they kept him away from cameras until he was willing to play ball.
After the LV medical event, they probably threatened to 25A him, which would be humiliating and also end his presidency six months earlier. Probably even had video of him stroking out. He caved to dropping out of the race to avoid being 25th’d.
Is Biden going to hold up a newspaper with today's date? Otherwise, I'm going to predict it's going to be pre-recorded or AI-generated.

Agreed. I suppose if he jumbles his words like he did at the debate, it would be in keeping with his recent mental capacity. Under that scenario, he really has been sick, and somehow they are expecting to get him drugged up enough to get through one final public speaking situation. If so, it will be more believable if he barely muddles through.

Of course, that being the most reasonable scenario, they would probably program the AI to do it that way.
Do the math. Out of Biden's 80 million votes, how many were fake? Joe was on track to get around 60 million votes before the vote counters shut down. Afterwards he got another 20 million votes, or 1/4 of them. Thus, they can cook up 20 million votes for whoever the Dem candidate is.

Unfortunately your math doesn’t check out: in 2020 they would have just kept coming back with more and more fake ballots until the had “enough “
Unfortunately your math doesn’t check out: in 2020 they would have just kept coming back with more and more fake ballots until the had “enough “

No, they would have run out of names to use on the ballots. There is a physical limit to the fraud they hit in 2020, as turnout was 100% in the big blue cities under control (like Philadelphia) or even 110% in same strange cases where there is zero rule of law like Detroit.
He has a big old bruise on his face. Now we know why they kept him out of the public eye for a week. He fall down, or they beat him up?IMG_4153.webp

He's got big issues. A very deep bruise on his lower left jaw (screen right) which changes his speech pattern, creating even more slurring. He has a bruise over his left eye, directly on the socket where the eyelid folds. And he has lower tooth pain, likely also taking numbing meds, that's why he looks like he just had a root canal. Something happened.

Clutching his jaw too.

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He fell and smashed his face 100%, it's sickening the amount of deception they shamelessly thrust on us like we're all fools. They just keep pushing the limits with no consequence, I wish republicucks weren't so damn weak and on the take actually doing something that mattered and held someone accountable.
I wonder if this is it. The mask is finally dropping and the imperial bureaucracy of
The overseas empire is finally stepping out of the shadows and any pretense of democracy is being done away with. If we get President Harris - she’s pretty much a bureaucracy appointee. Can Biden just give his delegates to her like that? This whole situation is entirely unprecedented and I’m not sure what to make of it.

Vox Day mentioned that there’s two Americas. An overseas empire with an administrative state and a land empire that expanded out over the 19th century. The overseas empire and its people hold the land empire and its people in contempt. I usually don’t hang onto every word from Vox Day but he might be right about this one. Anyone ever notice how leftists always say “our democracy” and not just “democracy?”