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The bear vs. man meme

I have no idea what's this bear business. Can someone explain?
Enjoy: https://www.glamour.com/story/what-...mean-all-about-this-simple-yet-profound-trend

I have a joke (really a truth wrapped in a thin veneer of humor) among friends that in order to never ever be subservient to their fathers and then husbands, women will be subservient to her male politician, doctor, media figures, and of course boss.

But the bear thing really has me laughing these days. Not only would they waste their lives away toiling for and making decisions based on any man who is not their father and husband, they would quite literally rather be mauled by a bear. And of course they are secretly hoping to get raped right before the mauling because it may be the only thing that gets them remotely turned on at this point.
Understood. It's supposed to be funny (which it is). The implied metaphor of the meme is that modern women feel safer alone in the woods with a wild bear than some random man. However, They aren't distinguishing what kind of bear? If it's a random black bear versus a random man, then you should probably go with the black bear, but if it's a random brown bear versus a random man, then you should definitely go with the random man. As usual, modern women aren't good with in-depth situational street-smarts analysis, therefore, due to their low real world IQ, they assume that all bears (and men) are the same (which they are not).

"When a brown bear comes at you, you play dead... when a black bear comes at you (which is rare), you fight for your life."
See, that's what I thought. There are probably a lot more black bears than grizzlies and like you said, I thought black bears are pretty unlikely to attack people. Unless maybe it's a mama bear with cubs. So maybe, technically, the meme is correct, but even at this point I've overthought it and any guy with even a basic understanding of game knows that engaging a bunch of feminist harpies with bear statistics is pointless unless for some reason your aim is to have a bunch of unpleasant white women call you an incel.
Never heard of this meme, but I always question whether whatever crap trends online is organic or a psyop. It sounds like more anti-family, anti-man paranoia to divide the sexes and make men’s dating prospects even more bleak.
On one hand, it's indeed perfectly feasible to just bot a trend like this into existence, but on the other, women are definitely more than retarded and hiveminded enough for this trend to be legit. Regardless, this is a nonsensical question and we should just ignore it. If a woman asks you this question, it means that she uses social media way too much and that she's afflicted with quite a high level of feminist brainrot. It's not worth engaging with. Just look away from them, pretend to be busy with something, hit them with a Minecraft villager noise and then go silent. Always works.

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The actual question going forward with these anti-male questions should be: "Are you lying or are you just stupid?"

I interpret it like this almost all women have experiences with men where they feel awkward, insecure, threatened etc. They have zero experiences with bears other than cute pictures of a fluffy animal or cartoons or toys. The most unattractive woman have the most unpleasant experiences. they get hit on by ''low'' status men all the time. Their overall experiences with men is poor so they are going to pick the bear with the strongest conviction.

The meme is not would you spend a day in the woods with henry cavil or a bear. They insert ''man'' with the most common type of man in their life. Attractive and desired women will visualize the attractive and desirable men they have in their life because they outweigh the experiences they have with low status men. Its as simple as that. its a trap for unattractive women (feminists). Other women will just disregard it or not take it that seriously.

If they are just stupid and not lying = typical women its just how they are when left to their own
If they are not stupid and they are lying = women are actually jews
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