The bear vs. man meme

Aren't you Brazilian though? I've heard really bad things about Brazil and feminism. I think there are other countries where the situation is better. Then again I haven't been single for over a decade so things might have gotten worse in those countries too.
No, I think the Brazil guy is God's Lonely Asperger. I'm Colombian. It's gotten really bad in Colombia and in all of the countries it borders with. Yes, even Venezuela. Not sure about the rest of Latin America but I'd wager the situation is more or less the same. It's not as bad as America, though.
No, I think the Brazil guy is God's Lonely Asperger. I'm Colombian. It's gotten really bad in Colombia and in all of the countries it borders with. Yes, even Venezuela. Not sure about the rest of Latin America but I'd wager the situation is more or less the same. It's not as bad as America, though.
Ah, that's right. Seems like I've heard alot of bad things about colombianas too. I'm reluctant to say where my wife is from, but it's nowhere near you.

And even in Brazil or Colombia like you say, I think a gringo would have a better chance of finding a good wife than in the US or Canada. Go to church, don't go to nightclubs, don't drink, don't fornicate, etc. That was basically how I ended up being my wife's first boyfriend. Well into her twenties I was the first guy she met who didn't drink or try to push her into sex after a few dates, and I was willing to go to church with her.
It's gotten really bad in Colombia and in all of the countries it borders with. Yes, even Venezuela.
Wouldn't surprise me. Half of my family is Colombian, and we have a Brazilian who's married in. Although I'm Americanized as all get out, I'll never forget the time my Colombian father told me "I hope you end up with either a Latina or an Asian, since they know how to take care of their men. If you  must marry a White girl, make sure she's a Christian." Haha. If I tell some of my American friends that he actually said that to me, their heads would probably explode.
Nowadays, still single and I'm noticing that:
The Asians are taken.
The Latinas who aren't taken are as tattooed and promiscuous as the Whites.
White Christians were all some of the first to end up taken.
Absolutely no Chrisitan White women(or any Chrisitan women, for that matter) are posting bear over man memes.

Maybe the right choice is a forest full of bears rather than a city full of feminists, after all.
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Feminism is extremely prevalent in Latin America, though. I would know, I live here.

Maybe it's better in the rural towns (in my experience, it really isn't any better unless the town is small enough to have no TV or internet, so more like villages than towns) but at that point you should probably just go to a rural town/village in your own country.
When you say feminism do you mean like working and having their own lives or do you mean the trendy man hating and treating guys like accessories? I could live with a woman who wants a career and not be a tradwife. It’s the second half that bothers me because of hypocrisy. Arguably the worst thing ever. If the shoe were on the other foot and I did trendy misogyny and treated women like accessories I’d be called a pig and my user name would check out.
When you say feminism do you mean like working and having their own lives or do you mean the trendy man hating and treating guys like accessories? I could live with a woman who wants a career and not be a tradwife. It’s the second half that bothers me because of hypocrisy. Arguably the worst thing ever. If the shoe were on the other foot and I did trendy misogyny and treated women like accessories I’d be called a pig and my user name would check out.
It's got to be better than the US and Canada. It doesn't get much worse, except maybe Ukraine and Russia.
When you say feminism do you mean like working and having their own lives or do you mean the trendy man hating and treating guys like accessories? I could live with a woman who wants a career and not be a tradwife. It’s the second half that bothers me because of hypocrisy. Arguably the worst thing ever. If the shoe were on the other foot and I did trendy misogyny and treated women like accessories I’d be called a pig and my user name would check out.
Definitely both and it gets quite extreme. They literally just mimic American feminists in every way they can. They were going around saying "kill all men" in English back when that was super trendy, even if they didn't speak a lick of English and totally butchered the pronunciation. Why they didn't just translate the sentence is beyond me. Wouldn't surprise me if they're doing the bear meme right now as well, but I wouldn't know because I don't use social media (unless you count this forum) and I don't associate with any of them beyond basic courtesy.
are you saying that russian and ukrainian women are more feminist than us&canada ?
Less feminist, but at least as poor overall as wife material as North American women. It's possible to find an Eastern Slavic woman who's good wife material of course, just as it would be possible to find such a woman in the US or Canada. Still, mostly likely if you marry a Russian or Ukrainian woman and don't have very solid game and a deep understanding of women and her culture you will greatly regret it. Being married to an Eastern Slavic woman is similar to owning a wolf-dog hybrid. She's beautiful and exotic and she looks great next to you, but her nature is to constantly test you and challenge you for leadership of the "pack," so to speak.

It's exhausting. Listen to Mel Gibson's calls with his Russian ex. That's what Eastern Slavic women do to a Western guy who's even partially a decent person.