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The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

Warning: Language.


Useful reminder to those complaining about refugees in Europe: if you want less refugees, your primary focus should be to prevent wars by the US or, in the instance of this coming war with Lebanon, Israel & the US...

Another reason why the ideological alignment between Le Pen's Rassemblement National (RN) and Israel is so paradoxical, and shows the RN doesn't reflect much beyond basic hatred of Muslims...
Seems to be a bit of a media silence on this latest Afghan knifing in the French city of Metz -
French :
The Greek coastguard knows how to protect the borders

I propose that we stop referring to them as "migrants in boats" etc., and refer to them henceforth as "Satan's Navy" or perhaps "Israel's Naval Auxiliary" or some such thing.
Hungary is being fined by the EU for being tough on migrants -
“It seems that illegal #migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens,” the prime minister said in a post on X (formerly Twitter).

I don't get why the normies can't see that there is an elite with an agenda pulling the strings and creating all this mayhem...
This is old news ...
Bye, Bye, Iceland...


Following a parliamentary vote, it is clear that Icelandic lawmakers will introduce much stricter asylum laws than before. 38 MEPs voted to remove social and economic benefits for rejected asylum seekers – while only 15 opposed this.
Does anyone have the link to a video I saw posted on here. It was of a Jewish woman who was talking about how she's been promoting immigration into Europe for years. Now (since 7 Oct) she has questioned what she had been doing - finding the very people she's been helping want to genocide her. I believe it was in Italy.

And also another video, well circulated, of another Jewish women saying that Europe needs mass immigration to survive, but then that Israel should not accept any immigration, because they are small and they only have Israel.
Does anyone have the link to a video I saw posted on here. It was of a Jewish woman who was talking about how she's been promoting immigration into Europe for years. Now (since 7 Oct) she has questioned what she had been doing - finding the very people she's been helping want to genocide her. I believe it was in Italy.

And also another video, well circulated, of another Jewish women saying that Europe needs mass immigration to survive, but then that Israel should not accept any immigration, because they are small and they only have Israel.
I don't know about the first woman, but the second one sounds kind of like Barbara Lerner Spectre (?)

Is this the second clip that you're thinking of:

I don't know about the first woman, but the second one sounds kind of like Barbara Lerner Spectre (?)

Is this the second clip that you're thinking of:

Yes. That's the one I was thinking of. But I seem to remember there was a bit tagged on of her saying that Israel can't accept any immigration, because that would be genocide.

Can't seem to find it or maybe it was another video.