The Barbarian Invasion of Europe

How should one respond to this quote when people who want to help the poor refugees, use this against people who support restrictive borders.

Well, for one thing it doesn't say "thou shalt let any foreigner who desires, dwell among you." But if someone is using verses like this to justify open borders and population replacement then I don't think reasoning is going to be of much use to them honestly.
I have just found out about the existence of this organization/abomination:

A quick search on Google reveals that there are branches all over the UK.

For those of you who are wanting to check out German fast food, may I recommend this, the world's largest bratwurst restaurant:

To be fair, "German" kebab is very easily the best in western Europe, especially the ones sold in northern Germany.

If you're looking for great German cuisine, southern Germany is the place to be. Eastern Germany also has great quality but far less variety than the south.
Well, for one thing it doesn't say "thou shalt let any foreigner who desires, dwell among you." But if someone is using verses like this to justify open borders and population replacement then I don't think reasoning is going to be of much use to them honestly.
It's common for people to act like the Bible is just some sort of quranic manuscript that doesn't have context: it just fell from the sky and do what it says, or something. Not only is that statement for the people of Israel at the time (uh, that's the point of the writings), which in one sense could end the argument, as Iacobus says it basically says "don't mistreat foreigners". Of course, that's a far cry from inviting or allowing illegals to come into a country and try to prosper as a result, which is also the suggestion by someone who would bring this up. Beyond that, we have welfare (which is why they come) and the illegal is hardly blameless in their attempts to game anyone who is dumb enough to give free stuff to them. I generally believe that a country has a duty to protect itself because of course other actors are going to try to do all sorts of things to it - that's just life. But to suggest that every illegal is just "coming here for a better life" - on their own and not trying to get help at all - is patently absurd.
Once they got White Americans into suburbs (away from Ethnic Enclaves) and fed the "American Dream" Propaganda, coupled with the Twisting of the Protestant Work to justify their Unlawful Transgression of coming here among Conservative People, the Demographic Destruction was in the Bag for the Chews.

Interesting Article on TOO.

The last commenter gets it right: State Sponsored Dysgenics.

Those times are coming to a close right now.
Once they got White Americans into suburbs (away from Ethnic Enclaves) and fed the "American Dream" Propaganda, coupled with the Twisting of the Protestant Work to justify their Unlawful Transgression of coming here among Conservative People, the Demographic Destruction was in the Bag for the Chews.

Interesting Article on TOO.

The infamous slum landlords Rachman and Langsam used to be commonly known among the British people. I thought about this property speculator tactic this morning when I read about a Cornish village becoming a Cornish minority overnight after busses of migrants arrived.

Cornwall already has the highest levels of homelessness in England but even if you do have a home (or a holiday home) in Cornwall, you could be facing negative equity should the migrants arrive and SERCO offers you a cash sum, "to take the property off your hands."
It's like the supposed Philosophy of the Rothschilds I believe.
"If there's Blood on the Ground, Buy Real Estate"
Referencing Post War or Catastrophic event to buy in cheap. The Problem is with that it seems is they do alot of that to forment their own Re-Start of Economic Boom-Bust Instability. What they thrive off of. Creating conditions to plunder and buy in at basement prices and then resell at Ceiling Prices...

I guess this is what Germany was trying to get away from near 100 years ago.....and others as well... This kinda of Economy Destroys Labor Value, thus No Sustainable Civilization can occur without a Middle Class that can save and prosper as well. They believe only They can Partake in their controlled Economic International Global System, spurned by Credit Expansion or Vulture Capitalism which Destroys True Enterprise or Entreprenuership that allows folks needs and the so called market to work without a Unnatural Concentration of Wealth.
During the 2008 crash and the corporate welfare bailouts and quantitative easing (money printing) I took up an amateur interest in usury, inflation and the boom and bust economy, which its supporters and foes mistakenly call 'capitalism'. I cam across Prof. Michael Hudson. He said that WW1 was a war between two financial systems: The Allies' basing economies on real estate value and the Central Powers basing the economy on manufacturing output. With deindustrialisation, the GATT Treaty and Net Zero, there will be a lot of Western economies which will exist of nothing other that commercial and domestic real estate speculation like bitcoin.

I will probably revisit the TOO article as I suspect the Great Reset's economy is going to be based on increasing high rent (relative the wages) slums: the Bantustan economic and social arrangement.
Western economies which will exist of nothing other that commercial and domestic real estate speculation like bitcoin.
The first thing btc does is flip real estate, as it is a store of value that is much better than real estate (from an investment point of view). People hear that and think that people like me are "attacking home ownership" but that's not what we are talking about. People themselves can choose whether they want to value home ownership, and to what level. The next stage is where it demonetizes everything else that is considered "money" and by that time it's too late to get into it as a "speculative" investment. Since BTC destroys the idea that currencies actually hold any value, booms/busts will generally go away (the business cycle will always exist, of course), and so will central power.
The first thing btc does is flip real estate, as it is a store of value that is much better than real estate (from an investment point of view). People hear that and think that people like me are "attacking home ownership" but that's not what we are talking about. People themselves can choose whether they want to value home ownership, and to what level. The next stage is where it demonetizes everything else that is considered "money" and by that time it's too late to get into it as a "speculative" investment. Since BTC destroys the idea that currencies actually hold any value, booms/busts will generally go away (the business cycle will always exist, of course), and so will central power.

Completely opposite, the centralized powers already own most of the BTC.
My point about bitcoin is that it has no intrinsic value. Its market value comes from the devaluation of currency and the collapse in production.

Gold and other precious metals' values increase with the devaluation of currency too but these metals have intrinsic values because they can be used, manufactured, refined over centuries.
My point about bitcoin is that it has no intrinsic value. Its market value comes from the devaluation of currency and the collapse in production.
And you are incorrect.

But we can talk about it, if you want, in the other thread. Or you can just read it and learn more.
Martial Law being imposed on Irish people who protest against thousands of ethnics being dumped in their town.

These "violent protests" are almost as pathetic as grown men arguing on Twitter about the way things should be. Even on the extreme end of the spectrum where immigrant buildings are destroyed, the problem still remains. Even if a bunch of Irish men are angry enough to beat up a few immigrants at random on the streets, it doesn't stop them from living in the country, fucking their women, and continuing to spread like a cancer.

Real violence (killing) has always been the only solution to most of life's problems and that will never change. Until immigrants start getting deleted in large numbers, as well as the politicians who enact these laws and the police who protect both of these parties, nothing will get better. Of course this is a hypothetical that will never occur though as there are simply almost no real men alive capable of such necessary measures. Immigrants will continue to pour in, breed the native women, and eventually make the natives a minority. While this is going on they will whine about it on Twitter and throw tantrums in front of the police in public, but as I've already explained this accomplishes absolutely nothing.

The last real fight for humanity ended when Hitler lost the war. Now we're doomed to Hell on Earth, and if you disagree you know nothing about the way human life is naturally supposed to be and the way a healthy, non-degenerate society works. Its a subhumans world now, we're just living in it.
Except of course the whole Great Replacement discusses how birth control and women’s educations and careers are a major cause of declining birth rates.
Is this a case where smart people just get lazy, or are arrogant in their analysis? I've noticed this recently with people that are intelligent, but frequently don't understand how they are distracted by details in order to not have a comprehensive understanding of what's going on. A detail right here might be EMusk not realizing that the GR is not just some static, single idea of "bring in the illegals!" rather, it's a dedicated governmental program to reduce population, and it of course affects certain populations more than others. Screaming at the clouds, "Hey women, have children!" when you do everything promote jobs and materialism over children and family formation seems to be ignoring a basic understanding of life and how a country or society has children in the first place. I think the error in thinking, the lack of wisdom, etc is mostly in that these people believe that since women can still theoretically have children, no problem. That means nothing of course, it's the dumb leftist or emotional thinking of people that also thinks that because a single person is or isn't X, all people of that group aren't necessarily. LOL

For me, it's like thinking women have agency because theoretically a really small number of them might be "saints". Of course, when you realize women of the 50s and 60s were saints (they were just actual mothers and obedient to husbands) you understand that it's just based on what the culture said or did, and allowed them to do. I look around and see women completely under the thumb of the culture, which shows me that there isn't much individualism and thoughtfulness or integrity, which is not something I would predict anyway - and I don't' hold it against them. It's when they argue about it that it gets stupid, saying things like "Well, men shouldn't only want young women to marry" or "I should be able to have a job and do x, y, or z". Umm, not over the population if you want to get married, no you shouldn't.
Good speeches:
Who does John Coleman list?