I’m not a doom and gloomer but I’m just stating the facts. The west really has fallen. Go look at the Red Sea situation. The west can no longer project power or play world police without backlash today like they could when I was growing up.
The west being unable to easily murder people on a whim anywhere around the world isn't a problem.
In fact, it would be a blessing, for both us and them.
Anyway, the US hasn't been particularly good at controlling people through violence for a very long time (and it's not really a very effective method). Just look at Viet nam, Afghanistan, Nicaragua, Serbia, Libya, and anywhere else we tried to "help" by killing people.
Actually, historically, a direct cause of the decline of most empires, is when they divert too much expenditure to the outside world, particularly oppressing them militarily, and lose focus at home. America never had a large military during its best years (things were still pretty good from around 1945-1965, but that was really just running on fumes from before WW2. It is no coincidence that 20 years is the historical period of a generation. Just see how horrible things got here from 2000, the last sane year in America, and 2020), and of course Constitutionally we are not supposed to have a standing army unless we are at war.
And there are plenty of stable societies around the world that do not have the ability to drone strike your wedding if you have a different opinion about sexuality or organization of government or rules of international trade than they do. Being able to use extreme violence to force your will on someone is not an effective or important tool (would you, for example, recommend that strategy for finding a mate, heading a family, or leading a church?)
Heck, we don't even *need* to be a reserve currency. It's normal, in fact, to only issue your currency domestically, and face the consequences of your own economic actions.
It's important to understand this because if you misdiagnose a problem, then you will never fix it.
Due to our 2 oceans and peaceful borders and generally good relations with our neighbors, the US could get along fine with a very weak military, if it was not for the other points you reference, namely the competency crisis and the crime and dysfunction we will get from the pushes for diversity and pretending that race isn't relevant.
The US would have been much better off historically if it had been unable to military oppose the Confederate secession, didn't help defeat the Japanese in WW2, and didn't occupy Europe for the past 80 years. And so would the people in those countries. Russia today is a far better country than it was under the USSR when it sent tanks all over Eastern Europe and dominated foreign peoples.
But what *will* end the country faster than anything, is things like this:
And black crime.
These are things out of our control, and it is understandable that there is some emotional and even illogical rage at such a thing that we cannot control. Most of these problems were put in motion by the Boomer, and they are still in power, and will hold the next office of the US Presidency. (The black crime thing is really weird because when I was growing up Boomers were viciously racist, but somehow now they are totally fine with BLM and release without bail and apologizing for noticing facts).