
The Russians (who were banned from joining...lucky them) are having a field day mocking the faggot Olympics in Paris. Sorry, I have no translation, but try the subtitles. Only thing is, I think these will be the next Olympics, and not in 2060.

I always watch the opening ceremonies to the Olympics, as it is both a place for the home country to present itself to the world, as well as for all the athletes to make a statement about their country. Also it is one place where all the countries, even those the Evil Empire tries to hate and marginalize, like Best Korea, Iran, Palestine, etc. are all presented equally.

Of course, it was not all ugly. There was some beautiful choreography and fireworks and Parisian displays. But that was the exception.


This one was bizarre. Tons of blacks singing and dancing for the France presentation, obnoxious banter by the hosts (sometimes skipping countries completely or mislabeling them!), and a very, very ghetthoized Team USA (not just in the roster but in their presentation which included Snoop Doggy Dogg as the on-site reporter for how our athletes are doing).

After watching these, I concluded that Western Civilization and Culture is dead.
There is no place for me in these societies. I am probably going to stick around for 5 more years or so depending on how things go, mainly due to my aging parents, but I am actively planning my exodus and foreign citizenship.

France was perhaps the most honest--there was always the background of a beautiful civilization, as you could see beautiful churches and architecture in the background of the dancing gays and blacks, showing that yes, we have a history of culture, but today our culture is defined by shucking and jiving negroes and ugly fashion (they did a staged fashion show where they had a bunch of hideous models, but the one that struck me was a girl with no legs covered in spiky feathers like a bird--sorry I tried to find a photo).

Fashion shows have always been dumb and gay but there is a huge difference between this


and this


(Yes that is a desecration of The Last Supper with an Obese female replacing Jesus).

Mongolia was represented well in the entrance parade. They always have a strong ethnically united team with striking uniforms.

South America was whiter than USA or Western Europe.

They obnoviously had some negro with a huge ego being interviewed in Ebonics by Snoop Doggy Dogg, talking over the introduction of a bunch of countries I wanted to see.

I was looking forward to Russia's presence, but when I heard the announcer say "And this is where Russia's team would have been, but Russia has been banned from participating due to the ongoing war in Ukraine."

Of course they had just announced the entry of Team Israel minutes earlier. And OF COURSE described them as a victim, referencing the Munich Olympics where some Israeli athletes were taken hostage and killed.

I turned it off immediately after that and won't watch another minute. Totally fake and gay to ban Russian athletes because their country is involved in a war which is far smaller and more contained than anything the USA has been involved in over the past 40 years. Complete and utter absurdity.

But degeneracy aside, I still enjoy seeing that this is the France that France wants to be now. Thank you for broadcasting to me that I have no place in western civilization anymore. I turned it off before Team America, because I just REALLY didn't want to see more of that.


It makes no sense. Snoop Doggy Dogg? He's not even a black athlete. He's just an honest representation of what America is.
I have very bad feelings about all of this. I don't like this event at all. I really don't want to be right in saying this is an opening to the next plandemic but it sure looks like one.
I have very bad feelings about all of this. I don't like this event at all. I really don't want to be right in saying this is an opening to the next plandemic but it sure looks like one.
Just as likely to be the next chapter of fake terra.
Especially if they blame "russia is made cuz we didn't invite them so they decided to murder some athletes."
Total conjecture, but I could see them trying.
Other than. Wrestling and boxing... There's not a single sport I could even care about in the olympics.

Strong man, Pro boxing, UFC, and of course my sport of powerlifting, and college football are the only non gay sports I'd watch...and they are all generally dominated by Americans...
And yet it's still pretty gay to idolize other men (no matter the sport) and not push yourself to be the athlete.
And yet it's still pretty gay to idolize other men (no matter the sport) and not push yourself to be the athlete.
Sure. If you're a fat piece of tofu who doesn't have any athletic endeavors of your own. But...Wherein did I say that one should not have an athletic pursuit? Reread where I said the opposite.
I think the Olympia opening was a very crucial moment in human history. It felt like kids (hopefully) will read about it in history classes in 100 years when they have lessons about the downfall of Europe/the West. Satan is now so comfortable with humanity that he openly shows the world and beyond that he infected the children of God with filth, and nobody cares enough to stand up to it. But its good. We are getting very close to a new chapter.
I think the Olympia opening was a very crucial moment in human history. It felt like kids (hopefully) will read about it in history classes in 100 years when they have lessons about the downfall of Europe/the West. Satan is now so comfortable with humanity that he openly shows the world and beyond that he infected the children of God with filth, and nobody cares enough to stand up to it. But its good. We are getting very close to a new chapter.

I remember being a young boy and watching the Olympics in the 90s and and the medal count and being proud ECT ECT ECT.

This week we played cards and Mario cart. The notion of national games of pride and showmanship are long long gone. Replaced by something vile and perverse.

Damn those that seek to destroy any notion of comradery and the experience of man testing himself against others for the sake of completion with an agenda that relates man to a perverse inversion of the natural order. Those that would eviscerate the altruism of sport for the purppse of glorifying abnormality and removing all sense of societal cohesion for the spirit of revolution.
I always watch the opening ceremonies to the Olympics, as it is both a place for the home country to present itself to the world, as well as for all the athletes to make a statement about their country. Also it is one place where all the countries, even those the Evil Empire tries to hate and marginalize, like Best Korea, Iran, Palestine, etc. are all presented equally.

Of course, it was not all ugly. There was some beautiful choreography and fireworks and Parisian displays. But that was the exception.


This one was bizarre. Tons of blacks singing and dancing for the France presentation, obnoxious banter by the hosts (sometimes skipping countries completely or mislabeling them!), and a very, very ghetthoized Team USA (not just in the roster but in their presentation which included Snoop Doggy Dogg as the on-site reporter for how our athletes are doing).

After watching these, I concluded that Western Civilization and Culture is dead.
There is no place for me in these societies. I am probably going to stick around for 5 more years or so depending on how things go, mainly due to my aging parents, but I am actively planning my exodus and foreign citizenship.

France was perhaps the most honest--there was always the background of a beautiful civilization, as you could see beautiful churches and architecture in the background of the dancing gays and blacks, showing that yes, we have a history of culture, but today our culture is defined by shucking and jiving negroes and ugly fashion (they did a staged fashion show where they had a bunch of hideous models, but the one that struck me was a girl with no legs covered in spiky feathers like a bird--sorry I tried to find a photo).

Fashion shows have always been dumb and gay but there is a huge difference between this


and this


(Yes that is a desecration of The Last Supper with an Obese female replacing Jesus).

Mongolia was represented well in the entrance parade. They always have a strong ethnically united team with striking uniforms.

South America was whiter than USA or Western Europe.

They obnoviously had some negro with a huge ego being interviewed in Ebonics by Snoop Doggy Dogg, talking over the introduction of a bunch of countries I wanted to see.

I was looking forward to Russia's presence, but when I heard the announcer say "And this is where Russia's team would have been, but Russia has been banned from participating due to the ongoing war in Ukraine."

Of course they had just announced the entry of Team Israel minutes earlier. And OF COURSE described them as a victim, referencing the Munich Olympics where some Israeli athletes were taken hostage and killed.

I turned it off immediately after that and won't watch another minute. Totally fake and gay to ban Russian athletes because their country is involved in a war which is far smaller and more contained than anything the USA has been involved in over the past 40 years. Complete and utter absurdity.

But degeneracy aside, I still enjoy seeing that this is the France that France wants to be now. Thank you for broadcasting to me that I have no place in western civilization anymore. I turned it off before Team America, because I just REALLY didn't want to see more of that.


It makes no sense. Snoop Doggy Dogg? He's not even a black athlete. He's just an honest representation of what America is.

Is that picture of all the trannies mocking the Last Supper from the actual opening ceremony? That’s disgusting.
I think the Olympia opening was a very crucial moment in human history. It felt like kids (hopefully) will read about it in history classes in 100 years when they have lessons about the downfall of Europe/the West. Satan is now so comfortable with humanity that he openly shows the world and beyond that he infected the children of God with filth, and nobody cares enough to stand up to it. But its good. We are getting very close to a new chapter.

I couldn’t have put it better myself, but we can’t just lay down and take it.
Other than. Wrestling and boxing... There's not a single sport I could even care about in the olympics.

Strong man, Pro boxing, UFC, and of course my sport of powerlifting, and college football are the only non gay sports I'd watch...and they are all generally dominated by Americans...
Sure. Ra, Ra, Ra. As American as apple pie.

Whilst the Olympic opening ceremony is obviously evil and obviously pushing 'the message' (what else would we expect?), the sport element of it is on in the back ground here whilst I'm reading CIK and it's refreshing to see the screen not plastered in sponsor logos, like in a lot of other pro sport.
Whilst the Olympic opening ceremony is obviously evil and obviously pushing 'the message' (what else would we expect?), the sport element of it is on in the back ground here whilst I'm reading CIK and it's refreshing to see the screen not plastered in sponsor logos, like in a lot of other pro sport.

I agree I dont think playing sports is bad, on the contrary I think sports and competition is very healthy and playing for your country is a nice aspect. I think being a man putting emotions and investing yourself into others playing a game is an absolute joke.
Sure. Ra, Ra, Ra. As American as apple pie.

Oh wow... You found an Arab fighter and a black fighter for a fight set in England. There's a shitload of Russian and some muzzies in there too. For sure.

This proves your point how?

The culture of the UFC is vastly white and right wing leaning.

Again, those sports are predominantly American...with maybe the exception of Strong man... Which has a shitload of Eastern European and Scandinavians....

But yeah. Thanks for the sound clip.