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Sometimes listening to people with calm, slowly delivered speech helps me relax and fall asleep. Last night I dozed off listening to Zac Poonen, an Indian preacher who has that kind delivery.
A couple of nights ago while trying to sleep, I felt tightness in my chest & my pulse racing. It seemed like a high level of anxiety. I repeat many times the Lord's prayer. Also I asked God to not leave my wife as a widow. A bad thought appeared in my brain - walking off a bridge and splat, into the concrete. A sure way to sleep. But that is an evil thought. Looks like my condition continues to deteriorate. I believe the devil is attacking me at my weak point. He's quite good at it.
Sometimes listening to people with calm, slowly delivered speech helps me relax and fall asleep. Last night I dozed off listening to Zac Poonen, an Indian preacher who has that kind delivery.
That guy's got some wise nuggets. I've liked what I've heard/seen.
A couple of nights ago while trying to sleep, I felt tightness in my chest & my pulse racing. It seemed like a high level of anxiety. I repeat many times the Lord's prayer. Also I asked God to not leave my wife as a widow. A bad thought appeared in my brain - walking off a bridge and splat, into the concrete. A sure way to sleep. But that is an evil thought. Looks like my condition continues to deteriorate. I believe the devil is attacking me at my weak point. He's quite good at it.

Have you tried fasting from coffee?
Have you tried fasting from coffee?
No. I drink a couple of cups in the morning but that's all. I've been talking with my spouse about some deep things which have been bothering me. The talks haven't been easy but sleep quality has improved. At least I'm sleeping 5-6 hours nightly.