Signs of Escalation Into A World War


Orthodox Inquirer
Posted by Cooper on RVF:

This Amir Weitman guy is unhinged. I presume he is reacting to Putin saying the ground operation with heavy armor should not happen. Do other Israeli politicians feel this strongly about Russia?
Various European countries "suddenly" (all at the same time) talking about bringing back obligatory military service (conscription).
Globohomo world masters have obviously given orders, just like they did during the fake pandemic.




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Various European countries "suddenly" (all at the same time) talking about bringing back obligatory military service (conscription).
Globohomo world masters have obviously given orders, just like they did during the fake pandemic.
They can try, but with the self-obsessed vibrant youth of today it simply is not going to happen. You will get mass protests, and a political panic, followed by a screeching U-turn. These people are completely out of touch with reality.
The millions of "new Europeans" from the 3rd world will never tolerate it. They're here for the money, and not the responsibility or giving back to society. Given that this vibrant enrichment are a protected class and a sacred cow for the EU self-appointed elitists, I can't see this ever getting out of the starting block.
I would not be so quick to dismiss the idea of wide-scale conscription in the West as impossible. The combination of a devastating false flag as a casus belli along with the carrot and stick approach would surely lead a lot of young men to enlist. (The carrot: a stable military paycheck in an increasingly terrible economy, training, "hero" status on social media. The stick: being locked up or rendered unemployable as a draft dodger, socially shamed by women, easily identified anywhere in public by facial recognition and the modern surveillance state). And remember, they don't need to conscript absolutely everyone. Just a few hundred thousand per country would go a long way toward their ends.
There was an article posted earlier today on Alex Jones website, Infowars, that mentioned how the Selective Service system is planning on getting more aggressive and fast tracking their entire registration system for guys that turn 18. So now the European countries are talking about bringing back mandatory conscription. It looks like the powers that be are preparing for a major war in the not too distant future.

I personally believe the reason why the government is allowing these illegals to come in is that they are going to be drafted and given full fledged citizenship to serve in the military. The powers in charge know that your average 20 something will not serve in the military and once a draft comes, the amount of resistance to this will make the anti Vietnam war protests look tiny compared to what will happen. Look at the Floyd riots and Antifa riots three years ago and how violent they got.
I would not be so quick to dismiss the idea of wide-scale conscription in the West as impossible. The combination of a devastating false flag as a casus belli along with the carrot and stick approach would surely lead a lot of young men to enlist. (The carrot: a stable military paycheck in an increasingly terrible economy, training, "hero" status on social media. The stick: being locked up or rendered unemployable as a draft dodger, socially shamed by women, easily identified anywhere in public by facial recognition and the modern surveillance state). And remember, they don't need to conscript absolutely everyone. Just a few hundred thousand per country would go a long way toward their ends.
I agree. Prior to Covid, I would have assumed a draft in the West largely impossible. After seeing how gullible the masses were during Covid, however, I've come to believe that almost anything is possible through the modern highly sophisticated propaganda and psychological warfare systems the current powers have at their disposal...There are limits, of course, and things can break down over time, but a false flag that creates enough fear can almost certainly achieve certain ends in the short term...
There was an article posted earlier today on Alex Jones website, Infowars, that mentioned how the Selective Service system is planning on getting more aggressive and fast tracking their entire registration system for guys that turn 18. So now the European countries are talking about bringing back mandatory conscription. It looks like the powers that be are preparing for a major war in the not too distant future.

I personally believe the reason why the government is allowing these illegals to come in is that they are going to be drafted and given full fledged citizenship to serve in the military. The powers in charge know that your average 20 something will not serve in the military and once a draft comes, the amount of resistance to this will make the anti Vietnam war protests look tiny compared to what will happen. Look at the Floyd riots and Antifa riots three years ago and how violent they got.
I truly hope that young men fight tooth and nail and do everything they can to avoid serving this evil ZOG empire that hates them. It's time to starve the beast. They've made their bed with their tranny military and now they should lay in it.
There was an article posted earlier today on Alex Jones website, Infowars, that mentioned how the Selective Service system is planning on getting more aggressive and fast tracking their entire registration system for guys that turn 18. So now the European countries are talking about bringing back mandatory conscription. It looks like the powers that be are preparing for a major war in the not too distant future.

I personally believe the reason why the government is allowing these illegals to come in is that they are going to be drafted and given full fledged citizenship to serve in the military. The powers in charge know that your average 20 something will not serve in the military and once a draft comes, the amount of resistance to this will make the anti Vietnam war protests look tiny compared to what will happen. Look at the Floyd riots and Antifa riots three years ago and how violent they got.

Let us not forget that the USA has a history of giving citizenship in exchange for military service. In the Civil War for example, tens of thousands of Irish were granted citizenship in exchange for service in the Union.

The USA also has a vast recruitment pool in the form of incarcerated men. If Russia can send their prisoners to the frontline in exchange for clemency, so can the USA. If the USA decided to offer clemency to prisoners in exchange for military service, I'd wager hundreds of thousands of men could be recruited this way. That's a lot of frontline fodder, enough to sustain operations for years.
I truly hope that young men fight tooth and nail and do everything they can to avoid serving this evil ZOG empire that hates them. It's time to starve the beast. They've made their bed with their tranny military and now they should lay in it.
We will need to be ready to help them in this coming battle. It is going to take all of us telling them to go to hell and ready to defend our young men by any means necessary, so they don't get shoved in a van like we see in Ukraine.
Let us not forget that the USA has a history of giving citizenship in exchange for military service. In the Civil War for example, tens of thousands of Irish were granted citizenship in exchange for service in the Union.
True, but sending 80 IQ Somalians or Guatemalans with our for-profit weapons to fight against die in the wool badasses from Hamas or Hezbollah or the Houthi's, much less the Russians, isn't going to produce the results the elites want. I can't wait to watch that fight turn on them instantly.
True, but sending 80 IQ Somalians or Guatemalans with our for-profit weapons to fight against die in the wool badasses from Hamas or Hezbollah or the Houthi's, much less the Russians, isn't going to produce the results the elites want. I can't wait to watch that fight turn on them instantly.

That's not how they will be used.

The low IQ and prison draftees will be put on the frontlines, and sent charging into the field of battle. They will be annihilated in numbers north of 80%.

Meanwhile the high IQ guys will be back operating the artillery and drones, and probably will have casualties less than 5%.

The cannon fodder is sent in first so they reveal the firing positions of the enemy artillery. Then you can send in drones to their locations to target and destroy them.