Russia to offer sanctuary & residency to foreigners disgusted by the demonic globohomo clown world west


I thought such big news deserved it's own thread

Russia is to offer temporary residence (in effect a kind of political asylum or sanctuary) to all westerners who reject the faggot demonic Globohomo clown world west, WITHOUT the requirement to speak Russian language.
This was published TODAY on an OFFICIAL Russian government TASS news website.

"Russia offers safe haven for people trying to escape Western liberal ideals

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws"

MOSCOW, August 19. /TASS/. Moscow will provide assistance to any foreigners who want to escape the neoliberal ideals being put forward in their countries and move to Russia, where traditional values reign supreme, according to a decree signed by President Vladimir Putin.

Under the document, such foreign nationals will have the right to apply for temporary residence in Russia "outside the quota approved by the Russian government and without providing documents confirming their knowledge of the Russian language, Russian history and basic laws."

Applications may be based on the rejection of their countries’ policies "aimed at imposing destructive neoliberal ideals on people, which run counter to traditional Russian spiritual and moral values."

The values are listed in the foundations of Russia’s state policy in this field, while the Russian government is expected to compile a list of countries imposing unhealthy attitudes on their citizens. The Foreign Ministry has been instructed to start issuing three-month visas to such applicants as early as in September.

In February, Putin supported the idea of Italian student Irene Cecchini that Russia should ease entry rules for those who share traditional cultural and family values. The head of state agreed that each case requires an individual approach."
It sounds reasonable and honest up front, but there's always a catch. I love the Russian people, but their government is a different animal. The jews also have a special hatred for ethnic White Russians (the only real Russians).

If it wasn't importing so many Africans and Asiatics this might be ideal. What good is escaping liberalism if you have to live with mud dwellers and throwbacks?


Gab link for reference:

This Valdai group checks out, it is just a sort of eastern variant of globohomo working directly for the Kremlin. This write used to go by Rolo Slavskiy, and he's leagues ahead of any news we might hear from the inside of Russia.

No one ever asks why do the number of Africans have to double in this world? They don't contribute anything, they don't build anything, they are only locusts who destroy. They should never have been given European sanitation, medicine, and healthcare. Russia should be isolating the Africans and letting their population return to natural numbers, which it would do in less than a generation without sucking on the White teat of civilizational welfare, not compensating for the projected growth of joggers by displacing Russian people.

This is just another jab from the east to the west, never-ending back and forth post-WW2 dialectic. Same system, different supervisor.

Some of you guys hate me for this, but I'm telling you, if you're White, there is no place to run. There is no bastion of safety to retreat to where you and your White wife and White children can live unmolested by subhumans. You have to carve it out from a wretched world of savage frontiers like we did the past several millennia. There is nowhere to run, not the USA, not Australia, not Europe, not remote Polynesian islands, not the North Pole, and definitely not Russia.

For those of you here who are not White, I guess you have nothing to worry about since you are not targeted for extermination, just enslavement for the jews, if you survive.

Anyone from here who is in the west and who moves there, please give a detailed recent report. "Conservative-minded" Americans are not much to measure for long-term family growth, the only respite your kids will have in Russia is less trannies and sodomites, but once they are older, there will be more issues simply because of the non-Russian demographics and their inherent impulsive violence.
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Interesting for me and my wife and 4 little kids who are getting bombarded with sodom and gomorra trash daily.

They are building a new migrant village for conservative american expats with large families just outside Moscow

Also this recent story about a New York family with 3 school aged kids being giving asylum in Russia may interest you.

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Interesting for me and my wife and 4 little kids who are getting bombarded with sodom and gomorra trash daily. But such a residency deal will need to be indefinite though so I can buy a house and start investing.
There are only a few small pockets of Russia such as Krasnodar where the climate is reasonable. This is a big problem for a family looking to move to Russia.
There are only a few small pockets of Russia such as Krasnodar where the climate is reasonable. This is a big problem for a family looking to move to Russia.

I was looking at Krasnodar Krai and the coast towards Sochi for a while now, the climate is nice there and there seems to be lots of nice nature (we love the outdoors). Not sure of any opportunities there though, so if anyone can help.
I would be careful with Russia. Human rights are disregarded everywhere when rulers require a taming population, but in the East, I don't think they even understand this word. Maybe as a joke.

Also, don't forget that it is a country with ongoing, active conflict with no end in sight.

EE is a less extreme option as an entry point for Westerners.

I was looking at Krasnodar Krai and the coast towards Sochi for a while now, the climate is nice there and there seems to be lots of nice nature (we love the outdoors). Not sure of any opportunities there though, so if anyone can help.
The climate actually looks perfect in that part of Russia. Like a little warmer version of the Pacific Northwest in the US. Mountains, water everywhere, forests. Much different than what most people think of Russia.

Moscow and St. Petersburg are cold, but not as bad as I thought. Similar to Minnesota in the US. I think you have to go into the Arctic or Siberia to get those truly awful winters.
There are only a few small pockets of Russia such as Krasnodar where the climate is reasonable. This is a big problem for a family looking to move to Russia.
That was the conclusion I came to myself after doing a bunch of research on Russia, unless you really like cold weather. Instead of typing it out again, I will just quote myself...

Just months ago, I was strongly considering Russia as a destination. But after watching some city walks through Russian cities, I'm not so sure anymore.

St. Petersburg might be the only attractive city in the entire country as the Baroque architecture looks absolutely regal compared to its southern counterparts. The parks there also look like something out of a dream. However...I just don't think I could stand the cold being so far north. Heck, there are Russians who move south because that city is too cold for them, especially with the winds they get that only make the situation worse. You'd never even be able to appreciate the beauty of the Russian women you see on the street because they are bundled up in large parkas like everyone else as they brave the cold for 9 months out of the year. Apparently, the air is also very unhealthy due to the city being built on swamps.

So what else? Moscow? Sure...if you like living in Russia's version of New York City. I'm told that traffic is absolute hell over there. It is busy and chaotic and people go there mainly to make money as that's where most of the business is. They do have a ton of stuff to do there along with having maybe the most gorgeous women in Russia, but now you're living in a city with weather only slightly warmer than St. Petersburg, minus the beautiful baroque buildings.

To find better weather, I also considered cities in the south like Sochi. You'd think it would look like paradise since it's right on the beach. However, I didn't get that feeling at all. It doesn't look rich, nor does it look like a charming little beach town. Once you get off the strip and drive into town, it looks like your basic Soviet city replete with strip malls and tower blocs. In addition to this, the beaches are composed of rocks instead of sand. Plus, you're basically hemmed in with very few places to go nearby since you have the Black Sea to the west, mountains to the east, and the country of Georgia to the south. This would explain why it's more of a vacation destination for Russians and not somewhere that people would actually want to live year-round. Well, at least you have the nice weather and you'll be able to see the lovely figures of those beautiful Russian women wearing sun dresses instead of parkas.

So between the weather, the architecture, the ability to get around, and the choice of things to do, you can't have it all. You just have to choose which is most important to you. But honestly, the cultural change over there alone might be too much for me. I feel like if I move to Russia, I'd have that moment soon after arriving where I'd be like, "Lord, what have I gotten myself into..."
Unpopular opinion alert:

I think it's a smart move by Russians to promote the discord in the West.

I have zero belief that me as a former Marine, regardless of my genuine Orthodox faith, would not be servailed and viewed as a likely spy over there.

This just helps detract from the other issues Russia has internally.
This is a good move by Russia, USA takes the best from every country and offers them a place to live in America, this might be Russians way of doing the same thing.

They are offering Christians who follow traditional values to live in Russia and practice their faith freely. I think this would be good for white Christian westerners who are living in Europe where Christianity is low, no children etc, their countries dont seem to have a good future because of the Muslim immigrants who might soon out number them, Russia is a good place for these Europeans and Russia also has space and nature, Im not too sure of its good for Americans to go there as you guys already have space and nature and many churches you could always just move state.

I will find a link but last year Russia also opened its doors to white South African farmers to go live there which is also a good move and in my opinion America should be doing this there are good people here that already speak your language, they are European decendants, they are Christian (especially the Afrikaans community) and they have skills and could be a benefit to your country and up the numbers of the white population.
It sounds reasonable and honest up front, but there's always a catch. I love the Russian people, but their government is a different animal. The jews also have a special hatred for ethnic White Russians (the only real Russians).

If it wasn't importing so many Africans and Asiatics this might be ideal. What good is escaping liberalism if you have to live with mud dwellers and throwbacks?

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View attachment 11592

Gab link for reference:

This Valdai group checks out, it is just a sort of eastern variant of globohomo working directly for the Kremlin. This write used to go by Rolo Slavskiy, and he's leagues ahead of any news we might hear from the inside of Russia.

No one ever asks why do the number of Africans have to double in this world? They don't contribute anything, they don't build anything, they are only locusts who destroy. They should never have been given European sanitation, medicine, and healthcare. Russia should be isolating the Africans and letting their population return to natural numbers, which it would do in less than a generation without sucking on the White teat of civilizational welfare, not compensating for the projected growth of joggers by displacing Russian people.

This is just another jab from the east to the west, never-ending back and forth post-WW2 dialectic. Same system, different supervisor.

Some of you guys hate me for this, but I'm telling you, if you're White, there is no place to run. There is no bastion of safety to retreat to where you and your White wife and White children can live unmolested by subhumans. You have to carve it out from a wretched world of savage frontiers like we did the past several millennia. There is nowhere to run, not the USA, not Australia, not Europe, not remote Polynesian islands, not the North Pole, and definitely not Russia.

For those of you here who are not White, I guess you have nothing to worry about since you are not targeted for extermination, just enslavement for the jews, if you survive.

Anyone from here who is in the west and who moves there, please give a detailed recent report. "Conservative-minded" Americans are not much to measure for long-term family growth, the only respite your kids will have in Russia is less trannies and sodomites, but once they are older, there will be more issues simply because of the non-Russian demographics and their inherent impulsive violence.
The president of Russia has at least been baptised which is a big plus, how many other world leaders have been baptised?

So its ok to have those Africans and Muslims living in Russia as long as they dont get special protection and special rights so that the white population cant defend themselves, thats when it becomes a problem, let me give you an example. During the old days in South Africa we lived in the same country with many races yet it was a safe country and economy was good but the black people didnt have all this protection like now, so I remember when a car with black guys was driving a white neighborhood or just parked in an ackward place the white home owners would come outside and go and confront the black guys in the car and ask "what are you doing here, why are you parked here" and if they didnt give a valid reason they were told to get out and sometimes they would even slap them a bit, I remember my friends father would often smack drunk black people if they were disturbing the peace in public or harrasing people, today you cant do this anymore the law protects the blacks and if caught you could get in trouble even if you have a just cause, before we had some freedom to protect ourselves, now you cant even say the wrong words to a black person and I even saw some new laws you cant mispronounce their difficult names in the coprate world it can be a punishable offence.

Here is the article from last year about Russia wanting to take in 3000 boer farmers from South Africa and creating a village for them, Im not sure how nice the area is where this village is going to be set up?

If you read the bottom of the article it also mentions building a village for American conservatives who want to flee religious persecution in America, so looks like you would have to stay in these selected villages, doesnt seem like you can just go live where the climate is best.
If you read the bottom of the article it also mentions building a village for American conservatives who want to flee religious persecution in America, so looks like you would have to stay in these selected villages, doesnt seem like you can just go live where the climate is best.
If you follow Tim Kirby's channels about American Villages in Russia, you'll see this is not true. If you get Russia residency, you can live wherever you want. These villages are being set up to help people move there, build a house of their choosing, transition into Russian society, and still have other Americans (or non-Russians) around them, so the culture shock isn't so great. No one is going to force you to live in such villages. Personally, having lived in Russia in the 90s, I would have no interest in living around other Americans. I would want to integrate into Russian society. Just like I don't live around Americans here in western Europe. I've been here now for 13 years and I don't know a single other American and have no contact with them. All my friends are from a dozen or more countries. I don't move abroad to live around the same people I just left.
This is a good move by Russia, USA takes the best from every country and offers them a place to live in America, this might be Russians way of doing the same thing.

They are offering Christians who follow traditional values to live in Russia and practice their faith freely. I think this would be good for white Christian westerners who are living in Europe where Christianity is low, no children etc, their countries dont seem to have a good future because of the Muslim immigrants who might soon out number them, Russia is a good place for these Europeans and Russia also has space and nature, Im not too sure of its good for Americans to go there as you guys already have space and nature and many churches you could always just move state.

I will find a link but last year Russia also opened its doors to white South African farmers to go live there which is also a good move and in my opinion America should be doing this there are good people here that already speak your language, they are European decendants, they are Christian (especially the Afrikaans community) and they have skills and could be a benefit to your country and up the numbers of the white population.

I have a white South African friend who got asylum in Russia (because Australia rejected his family) and so far it seems they're running farms nicely albeit struggling with the language. But that's sort of how I look at it; there already have been instances where my eldest has brought up LGBTQ whatever shit just getting it from playing with kids in our small town. How is this not being persecuted!? Why do some say that Russia is a dictatorship while our kids are being groomed for what (or who) knows what!?

Some of you obviously have no children, it's very much a different story.
If you follow Tim Kirby's channels about American Villages in Russia, you'll see this is not true. If you get Russia residency, you can live wherever you want. These villages are being set up to help people move there, build a house of their choosing, transition into Russian society, and still have other Americans (or non-Russians) around them, so the culture shock isn't so great. No one is going to force you to live in such villages. Personally, having lived in Russia in the 90s, I would have no interest in living around other Americans. I would want to integrate into Russian society. Just like I don't live around Americans here in western Europe. I've been here now for 13 years and I don't know a single other American and have no contact with them. All my friends are from a dozen or more countries. I don't move abroad to live around the same people I just left.
Exactly. I never understood people who leave their country to go live somewhere else and then just live in a bubble with the other people from their own country. What is the point? You may as well not leave your own country if you are going to do that.
I have a white South African friend who got asylum in Russia (because Australia rejected his family) and so far it seems they're running farms nicely albeit struggling with the language. But that's sort of how I look at it; there already have been instances where my eldest has brought up LGBTQ whatever shit just getting it from playing with kids in our small town. How is this not being persecuted!? Why do some say that Russia is a dictatorship while our kids are being groomed for what (or who) knows what!?

Some of you obviously have no children, it's very much a different story.
I have heard of many South Africans who have moved to New Zealand and Australia BUT then their parents arent allowed to go which is a bad move by Australia and New Zealand because usually these families are good working people and they have money but arent millionaires like its required by Australian immigration.

Russia is taking advantage of this and bringing in good people from all over the world.
I have heard of many South Africans who have moved to New Zealand and Australia BUT then their parents arent allowed to go which is a bad move by Australia and New Zealand because usually these families are good working people and they have money but arent millionaires like its required by Australian immigration.

Russia is taking advantage of this and bringing in good people from all over the world.

First of all; there weren't many, there were few.

Australia is a shithole where most of the big cough was exhaled, you deal with "evil" people taking your land and now you're dealing with "evil" people taking your land.

Those ones who went to Russia are much better off.
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First of all; there weren't many, there were few.

Australia is a shithole where most of the big cough was exhaled, you deal with "evil" people taking your land and now you're dealing with "evil" people taking your land.

Those ones who went to Russia are much better of.
What the South Africans I know of liked who went to Australia is the safety and how everything just works BUT the regulations they dont like where in South Africa we can do just about anything we want so we not used to all the Australian regulations and how strict they are, even myself I would have to train myself if I go to a first world country because I have slacked a bit on some things like not stopping properly at stops signs, driving through red lights etc because we can get away with it here but heard its strict overseas for these small offenses
What the South Africans I know of liked who went to Australia is the safety and how everything just works BUT the regulations they dont like where in South Africa we can do just about anything we want so we not used to all the Australian regulations and how strict they are, even myself I would have to train myself if I go to a first world country because I have slacked a bit on some things like not stopping properly at stops signs, driving through red lights etc because we can get away with it here but heard its strict overseas for these small offenses

First of all; try better with your English brother (no offense) but why would you go from one place where they hate your guts to another where they hate your guts?

Start there.

Edit: we lived through utter hell here through the coof, the most insane lockdowns in the world (you will get Queenslanders saying it was ok, but look at their new land tax laws).

Good luck.
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