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Nick Fuentes Thread

He basically discovered that he’s about 0.2% Jewish or whatever, and then he goes on and on about the Jews and how nobody has suffered like them etc etc. like he really belabours the point that he’s proud to number himself among the Jewish people.
Yeah, atheists associate the narrative that Jews tell themselves, with themselves. Because they are whiny and think they are misunderstood geniuses and the trampled upon children of the world.

Hitchens is just one of many examples. A pal of mine I've grown apart from a little has the same thing. 4-5 years ago he suddenly started babbling about how he's 1/16 Jewish and that's why he's so above it all and he's part of the smartest and most ethnocentric group in the world and Milton Friedman was the smartest man ever and cringe-inducing garbage like that. It doesn't even buy him anything, he's not involved in any Jewish projects or communities at all. The most Jewish thing about him is that his family are rich landlords or something, so they don't really work, apparently. He obviously also has a worldview that was mainly composed of Hitchens platitudes.

It's basically the Neocon version of when leftists identify with some other supposedly down-trodden group. They all want to be Harry Potter who finds out he's a wizard. It's exactly as childish and retarded as it sounds.

That's what I referred to in the What Is A Jew thread. "Aspirational Jews", like Elon put it, are a thing, and they almost always have the same psychological profile.
He did a "Twitter Space" tonight using a burner account. At some point, Daily Wire CEO Jeremy Boreing spoke and said he watches Nick's show and enjoys it, and that he is open to having Nick speak with Ben Shapiro.

That's just a tidbit. The entire thing is nearly four hours and there are some less interesting commentators, but it's preserved here:

These brave men are red pilling other young/conservative men on the evils of Israel and the evil politicians they control.

It’s also interesting to me in retrospect, how Christopher Hitchen’s autobiography ends.I don’t know if anyone here has read it, and I must admit it was a very long time ago, but even as a blue-pilled leftist (at the time) I remember feeling that the ending was very weird and out of place. He basically discovered that he’s about 0.2% Jewish or whatever, and then he goes on and on about the Jews and how nobody has suffered like them etc etc. like he really belabours the point that he’s proud to number himself among the Jewish people.
I think in family cultural terms it was rather much more significant than 0.2%. He did indeed find out late but his mother was seemingly very aware of her own Jewish background.

As for people who do DNA tests and the like, the science is far from settled and even more commonly misrepresented.

A few years back, online news articles trumpeted that Adolf Hitler’s known living male relatives supposedly had the E1b1b haplotype, suggesting he was “Semitic” despite opposing Jews.

Whilst this type is indeed common in North Africa, relatively-speaking, it is also much more common in Greece than in Turkey (and most Turks have minority Central Asian/“Turkic” DNA, even in the male line).

And North Africa is really a predominantly European-like population subjected to different cultural forces and subsequent racial intermingling.

There’s a tendency to label Sicilians, Calabrians and others as “non-European” due to E1b1b when most of this is really holdover Greek DNA from their southern Italian colonies, which were later Romanised, and finally re-Hellenised in a way during, say, Justinian’s Byzantine rule.

The infamous North and South Italy divide, with Lazio, Rome and other places in between, is substantially a Greek-Roman versus Roman-Celtic plus moderate Lombard distinction.

From memory haplotype J is the more “Hebrew” of the types found in Europe in some form.
These brave men are red pilling other young/conservative men on the evils of Israel and the evil politicians they control.

Interesting nomenclature on his surname.

"Nick Fuentes jewish Ancestry"

"So what?" is the first question - he confesses that Christ is the Way, Truth and Life. Second, what's the "blood" part if he's actually a European mixture of converts to judaism (Italian, as per his Ashkenaz reference), and then back? The vid suggests that as well.
I think in family cultural terms it was rather much more significant than 0.2%. He did indeed find out late but his mother was seemingly very aware of her own Jewish background.

As for people who do DNA tests and the like, the science is far from settled and even more commonly misrepresented.

A few years back, online news articles trumpeted that Adolf Hitler’s known living male relatives supposedly had the E1b1b haplotype, suggesting he was “Semitic” despite opposing Jews.

Whilst this type is indeed common in North Africa, relatively-speaking, it is also much more common in Greece than in Turkey (and most Turks have minority Central Asian/“Turkic” DNA, even in the male line).

And North Africa is really a predominantly European-like population subjected to different cultural forces and subsequent racial intermingling.

There’s a tendency to label Sicilians, Calabrians and others as “non-European” due to E1b1b when most of this is really holdover Greek DNA from their southern Italian colonies, which were later Romanised, and finally re-Hellenised in a way during, say, Justinian’s Byzantine rule.

The infamous North and South Italy divide, with Lazio, Rome and other places in between, is substantially a Greek-Roman versus Roman-Celtic plus moderate Lombard distinction.

From memory haplotype J is the more “Hebrew” of the types found in Europe in some form.
I was thinking about ethnicity in general, or what "nations" are considered the other day (with some interested or prideful in it), and it seemed funny to me that while it is useful to understand people or there characteristics, from just modern points of view in their evolution or adaptation, all it is over time is talking about the most recent historical period, which is typically 1000-2000 years of people in a particular place, posssibly less. For example, what is Greek, or Roman, having been HUGE empires that encompassed tons of people, a lot of whom have gone into near extinction at this point, or have been amalgamated (Assyrians for example). What we are really talking about is what we can call certain people in certain places for just 1000+ years. In 2000 more years, if we have that, the "peoples" of each place will be so mixed and changed compared to now, but they'll be called something if they themselves have a proper identity and reasonably big nation or empire. It's more or less stratified nonsense with particular characteristics that are generalized. For me, ultimately it just comes down to are you European (caucasoid), Asian (mongoloid), or Sub Saharan African (negroid). Those are the only real "races" ... the rest comes down to limited ranges of IQ differences in each group, and sexual selection that one may or may not prefer.
In most major metros, much less a metro as violent as Detroit, if you call 911, your likelihood of being put on hold is growing. And yet some young guys wanted to have a conversation, exercise their 1A rights, in a legal and rented venue, and it was illegally shut down by the same police you can't reach if a man breaks into your home.

But hearing "Christ is King" chanted by these young men sends shivers down my spine. How inspiring.
