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Nick Fuentes Thread

If Trump was "opposed by the Talmudic elite" he would already be in prison and wouldn't be bragging he is the "most pro-Israel president in the history of the USA" and Jared Kushner wouldn't be his right-hand man. This will sink Nick among his fans if he stays with this silly take that Trump is the way forward. If Trump loses or goes away, Nick doesn't have to worry. If Trump wins and presides like he did from 2017 to 2021, Nick is finished.

I thought Nick was a "tradition Catholic" which would mean he would oppose the Pope and his satanic liberal open borders agenda. Is this not accurate?
Unfortunately, Nick makes a lot of fun of Tradcats and is pro Novus Ordo. At the same time, he says he doesn't agree with Francis, but says "that's just part of the game". It is what it is, I guess.

As for Trump, Kushner and Ivana stabbed Trump in the back and distanced themselves from him, and he did note that Netanyahu didn't stick to his end of the geopolitical bargain.

Also: They are trying quite ruthlessly to put him into prison. What keeps Trump in the game is that his followers are the most militant and wouldn't tolerate him getting arrested, which is why they play this weird technicalities game where they make it impossible to campaign.

Nick says, accurately, that Trump is the only way forward at the moment, ballot wise. That's just a plain fact, I don't know what else to tell you. I'm not even American, but given that the EU is currently de facto governed by the State Department, I see only Trump as a viable option for support in the race. Given his opposition to war with Russia, I even think supporting him as a candidate is vital for many people in the world.

If he got elected despite rigging, and he didn't follow up on it, that would be tragic and disappointing, but the other candidates aren't even offering that. It's a pretty clear-cut "lesser of two evils" situation.
That aside, Trump is funny and a Germanic warrior. Thoroughly enjoyable. His opponents are depressing soyjak wimps.
Unfortunately, Nick makes a lot of fun of Tradcats and is pro Novus Ordo. At the same time, he says he doesn't agree with Francis, but says "that's just part of the game". It is what it is, I guess.

As for Trump, Kushner and Ivana stabbed Trump in the back and distanced themselves from him, and he did note that Netanyahu didn't stick to his end of the geopolitical bargain.

Also: They are trying quite ruthlessly to put him into prison. What keeps Trump in the game is that his followers are the most militant and wouldn't tolerate him getting arrested, which is why they play this weird technicalities game where they make it impossible to campaign.

Nick says, accurately, that Trump is the only way forward at the moment, ballot wise. That's just a plain fact, I don't know what else to tell you. I'm not even American, but given that the EU is currently de facto governed by the State Department, I see only Trump as a viable option for support in the race. Given his opposition to war with Russia, I even think supporting him as a candidate is vital for many people in the world.

If he got elected despite rigging, and he didn't follow up on it, that would be tragic and disappointing, but the other candidates aren't even offering that. It's a pretty clear-cut "lesser of two evils" situation.
That aside, Trump is funny and a Germanic warrior. Thoroughly enjoyable. His opponents are depressing soyjak wimps.
You can read the Trump complaints thread, I already laid all this out. Trump would already be in prison, if he was legit, he isn't. This will sink Nick the longer he carries this forward.

Nick has more holes than I realized. That is okay, he is a useful tool for now and eventually someone both stronger and wiser will pick up the mantle and carry it forward.
Great stream (the one with Mcinnes). Just watched the whole thing. I think finding out Jews would rather get rid of Catholicism than Islam - despite all the problems Islam causes today - genuinely blew him away. It shocked me too, and I imagine it would even make boomers reassess their fanatical "you can't criticise Jews ever!" stance.
Great stream (the one with Mcinnes). Just watched the whole thing. I think finding out Jews would rather get rid of Catholicism than Islam - despite all the problems Islam causes today - genuinely blew him away. It shocked me too, and I imagine it would even make boomers reassess their fanatical "you can't criticise Jews ever!" stance.
Yeah, Gavin really needed a wake up call in that regard. Goes back to my point about Trump. Being a shabbes goy makes life as a dissident right winger a lot easier, but at the same time it makes you less dissident. It seems to be an easy lifestyle to get sucked into.
But the backstab always happens at some point.
The Jew always feels the need to have you renounce your Christian faith, and will always push you to that end. It's never JUST the philosemitism. Then Chutzpah keeps pushing until the goy has completely demeaned himself or renounced his faith. Or becomes a Jewish convert, which is the worst type of self-humiliation.

Gavin talking about Christ fulfilling prophecies actually surprised me, and it showed that he's growing in his faith more than I expected. He seemed very vaguely Deist to me in the past. He reached a necessary crossroads. You cannot become a better Christian while defending Jewish excesses, there will always be a breaking point.
I remember finding all about Gavin around the time right after Gamergate when a lot of anti-SJW influencers started getting big. Already back then he said he was already a Catholic and was even part of the Knights of Columbus. I thought he was might have been more into Catholicism in the same way a lot of Pagan LARPers are into Paganism because they think it's a way to stand up against godless liberalism rather than genuine belief but if he's talking about Christ fulfilling prophecies, then he must be further into it than I think.

He was also apart of Rebel Media at the time which I believe was founded by a Jew so that would explain the philosemitism.
Great stream (the one with Mcinnes). Just watched the whole thing. I think finding out Jews would rather get rid of Catholicism than Islam - despite all the problems Islam causes today - genuinely blew him away. It shocked me too, and I imagine it would even make boomers reassess their fanatical "you can't criticise Jews ever!" stance.
I have to give the Jewish guy credit for being honest, which he did not have to do, and which almost no other Jew would do publicly in front of goyim.

I also don't blame him for being against the Catholics since as far as I can tell the Catholic Church is the only institution to successfully stand up to Jews and to be the central force in establishing the greatest societies of white people. It's one of the major things that made me decide to leave Protestantism and makes moves to join the Catholic Church.
Yeah, Adam King and Gavin god bodied.

My favorite quote from the man:

"You're saying Israel can defend itself, well on Oct 7 it couldn't defend itself from a bunch of paragliders, miniature tricycles and clown cars "

I tried to watch this. Tried to follow it... but so much of it was well ....it was grade AAA cringe.

Bringing on the Zerka dude or whatever... I mean... no idea who he is.. but you devalued the show.

Gavin's wrong here. and his incorrectness needs to be exposed... but then showing dipshits like that guy who derail it are counter productive to the agenda.

The jewish guy there has plenty of points a common sense, non christian fact based historian can dispute... but when other clowns show up it destroys the dialogue.
The jewish guy there has plenty of points a common sense, non christian fact based historian can dispute... but when other clowns show up it destroys the dialogue.
Disagree, I think Adam did very weird annoying tangents and constantly started the classically Talmudic "well, what about shnitzumputzum" thing and tried to get under people's skin. Gavin didn't make any credible arguments. Zherka is a mentally ill cokehead but him and Adam deserved each other I think. It was also very funny to see how Gavin got totally angry and lose composure, because he always acts so arrogant and aloof on the JQ.

I have to say, I am overall very happy with how the debate went. It wasn't a particularly productive one in terms of things to learn, but seriously:
Haven't we all learned about the core of the matter by now? There is a post-debate recording on the NJF Archive on telegram, where I think all the points are driven home.
Disagree, I think Adam did very weird annoying tangents and constantly started the classically Talmudic "well, what about shnitzumputzum" thing and tried to get under people's skin. Gavin didn't make any credible arguments. Zherka is a mentally ill cokehead but him and Adam deserved each other I think. It was also very funny to see how Gavin got totally angry and lose composure, because he always acts so arrogant and aloof on the JQ.

I have to say, I am overall very happy with how the debate went. It wasn't a particularly productive one in terms of things to learn, but seriously:
Haven't we all learned about the core of the matter by now? There is a post-debate recording on the NJF Archive on telegram, where I think all the points are driven home.
You're right.... about Adam. I finished the rest of it... Adam King went full little hat... And his comments are very very easily rebuffed. Vincent of course was on point as always.

The Jewish "white people" thing is retarded.
You're right.... about Adam. I finished the rest of it... Adam King went full little hat... And his comments are very very easily rebuffed. Vincent of course was on point as always.

The Jewish "white people" thing is retarded.
Aside from behaving like a typical jew he is (e.g., pivoting from straight questions by quoting some elders of zion stuff like “what about Vatican”)

He is a low-life boy who failed to grow up as a man who can’t control his emotions (e.g., the cell phone use while answering the super chats) or even worse, when at the very end of the stream both Nick and Vince thanked that jew for being on the show and highlighted learning a thing or two from him and his streams - what did this jew do to return the favor?? He continued bragging about how he’s the truth-speaker and did not even thank Nick or Vince.

God help us all and shed light on all of these satanic jews!
I only know about Gavin within this whole context but the dude pulled the patriotic (on the other hand, also face-saving) right move.

I don't understand.

Nick knows that Adam King has handed them a jewel of the ages with this.
Excerpt of Nick talking to an audience of black prostitutes about World War II and the Hollercauster, well at least someone's willing to listen. He's getting warmer to total truth but still has amateur misunderstandings and biases.

"Nick Fuentes discusses the holocaust topic, Feb 19th 2024"

Some extra correlated segments on this video as I can't find the Fuentes clip by itself:
At 16:16 are clips from an episode of when Montel Williams the black talk show host had Mark Weber and David Cole on to talk about the lies about it, and funnily enough an Uncle Ruckus' type of upstanding black gentleman chimed in at the end about the jews owning the slave ships
At 27:30 clip of interview between Zundel and professor Robert of exposing some documents false interpretations.
At 30:56 a clip of Christopher Hitchens (I know he's insufferable) able to see how the narrative figures doesn't make sense
At 31:55 David Irving's talk about why jews are disliked everywhere they go.

Some of it is garbage, but it's interesting to see the truth of the war come out, even in some instances, in larger audiences.

Rumor has it that Irving has passed in the last few days, if so there needs to be another competent historian to continue his work and that of Zundel's truth-seeking.
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Excerpt of Nick talking to an audience of black prostitutes about World War II and the Hollercauster, well at least someone's willing to listen. He's getting warmer to total truth but still has amateur misunderstandings and biases.

"Nick Fuentes discusses the holocaust topic, Feb 19th 2024"

Some extra correlated segments on this video as I can't find the Fuentes clip by itself:
At 16:16 are clips from an episode of when Montel Williams the black talk show host had Mark Weber and David Cole on to talk about the lies about it, and funnily enough an Uncle Ruckus' type of upstanding black gentleman chimed in at the end about the jews owning the slave ships
At 27:30 clip of interview between Zundel and professor Robert of exposing some documents false interpretations.
At 30:56 a clip of Christopher Hitchens (I know he's insufferable) able to see how the narrative figures doesn't make sense
At 31:55 David Irving's talk about why jews are disliked everywhere they go.

Some of it is garbage, but it's interesting to see the truth of the war come out, even in some instances, in larger audiences.

Rumor has it that Irving has passed in the last few days, if so there needs to be another competent historian to continue his work and that of Zundel's truth-seeking.

He certainly has a ways to go, and he will never be a real leader of a movement. But he is able to get new ideas out there to a wide audience, get more people to open their minds and question things, and that makes him very useful.

He is a great pipeline from Trump voter -> to Nick-> to the real right wing.
Excerpt of Nick talking to an audience of black prostitutes about World War II and the Hollercauster, well at least someone's willing to listen. He's getting warmer to total truth but still has amateur misunderstandings and biases.

"Nick Fuentes discusses the holocaust topic, Feb 19th 2024"

Some extra correlated segments on this video as I can't find the Fuentes clip by itself:
At 16:16 are clips from an episode of when Montel Williams the black talk show host had Mark Weber and David Cole on to talk about the lies about it, and funnily enough an Uncle Ruckus' type of upstanding black gentleman chimed in at the end about the jews owning the slave ships
At 27:30 clip of interview between Zundel and professor Robert of exposing some documents false interpretations.
At 30:56 a clip of Christopher Hitchens (I know he's insufferable) able to see how the narrative figures doesn't make sense
At 31:55 David Irving's talk about why jews are disliked everywhere they go.

Some of it is garbage, but it's interesting to see the truth of the war come out, even in some instances, in larger audiences.

Rumor has it that Irving has passed in the last few days, if so there needs to be another competent historian to continue his work and that of Zundel's truth-seeking.

I remember many years ago when many people such as Hitchens made a principled stand for freedom of speech, even if it’s something you don’t want to hear. It feels like an almost distant, false memory when you consider how crazy the left has gone. But I remember hearing about his defence of David Irving.

It’s also interesting to me in retrospect, how Christopher Hitchen’s autobiography ends.I don’t know if anyone here has read it, and I must admit it was a very long time ago, but even as a blue-pilled leftist (at the time) I remember feeling that the ending was very weird and out of place. He basically discovered that he’s about 0.2% Jewish or whatever, and then he goes on and on about the Jews and how nobody has suffered like them etc etc. like he really belabours the point that he’s proud to number himself among the Jewish people.

I swear this is real. I think he even distanced himself from David Irving iirc. Can anyone else confirm? I wonder whether the (((publishing industry))) had a hand in it