Nashville Anti-White Shooting Manifesto Finally Leaked

This makes me think about Stephen Paddock's mass shooting in Las Vegas, the worst in American history, and wonder if information is being suppressed for similar reasons.

The theories for that shooting are ridiculous. One said he wanted to go down in infamy, another said he was mad at the casinos and wanted them to suffer, but most said there was no reason at all and he just snapped. His victims were country music concert goers that were practically all white and a huge portion of them were also likely Trump voters.
The worst shooting in world history is another white supremacist. Samseau pointed it out as being similar to George Washington in being anti government. Most aren’t even aware of its existence.
Link to cases?
I don't have any media reports at hand now, but that is how the media treats such cases. The anti-white motive does not get mentioned. In waukesha, the guy didn't even get hate crime charges if i remember correctly; he was just some guy acting crazy; derek chauvin on the other hand was treated as the worst racist in history, because a black criminal, that according to his own brother, could not boil water, overdosed; and the result of that charade were months long anti-white riots which conservative hero trump (south african style platinum plan) just allowed to go on.
And when some black guy knocks out a white grandmother, that does not get treated as an anti-white attack, although it is anti-white terrorism; the system preaches anti-whiteism and then blacks and in the nashville case some deranged transgender carry out the attacks, but mostly it is blacks to whom the jews delegated their privilege until they go against jews, then the privilege is revoked.
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This is why the bud light thing blew up so bad. Let’s be honest, who drinks bud light? Releasing a tranny marketing campaign right after this happens. Talk about tone deaf and making daily living feel like an occupation.

Of course, it doesn't make sense. Frankly, the "trans" marketing thing with bud, didn't make sense to anyone at bud either, except the diversity hire that proposed the idea - and she's gone.

So what gives? It's not about profit. It's about ideology. gilette did the same thing, they literally paid for an advertisement that told its primary customer demographic that they were terrible people. Never mind the political aspects, you need to remove those monikers to see the situation clearly. Because once you take out "feminism" or "trans" all you're left with is a corporation taking it upon themselves to lecture their customers as to why they're bad people.

Absurd. This shows you how insidious the woke infiltration truly is. Because that is where all this is coming from. For instance, all of these companies have a chief diversity officer and, for that matter, a sufficient amount of other diversity-minded people, mostly in human resources. This is where this is coming from.

Effectively, these companies have been infiltrated, yes, but it is more accurate to say they are being extorted. During the regrettable "obama" years we saw a lot of headlines reading "There needs to be more lgtid&*4jd representation in ads and movies etc". This is the net result of that plea from years back. Also, it's why we don't see many white people in advertisements any longer. And if they industry doesn't comply then they're called and istismphobe. The griff. Its that simple.

So, they do what they're told. Even if that means hurting their business. Because the people behind this woke are fanatics they don't care about profit or revenue. As Elon said about soros, they hate mankind and the world.
This is an opportunity to put some major pressure on the government, particularly in Nashville. But conservatives are just not organized, so nothing will happen except the government will put more resources into finding and punishing the leaker than they ever will put into preventing another one of these tragedies.

Yes, the GOP is in on it, and if you are watching "right wing dissidents" who just stay online and support Trump, or anyone else in the GOP, you are wasting your time. You have to get out in the real world + on the internet, and call out everyone in the GOP for being traitors and gutless cowards.
Yes, the GOP is in on it, and if you are watching "right wing dissidents" who just stay online and support Trump, or anyone else in the GOP, you are wasting your time. You have to get out in the real world + on the internet, and call out everyone in the GOP for being traitors and gutless cowards.
Why I don’t vote. GOP will not save you. And even if you mobilize and win TPTB will just rig the election.
I can't wait for someone to sue one of these companies that has a Chief Diversity Officer.

First, the name "Chief" is cultural appropriation and that is offensive to Native Americans.

Secondly, the Chief Diversity Officer's main job, the literal thing they are measured against, is that they don't hire White men, then White women. If the company hires too many people like me, then they are literally not doing their job.

Therefore, a White Man can never be a Chief Diversity Officer. This is reason alone for the position to be illegal.

I think these are high-level, yet simple legal arguments that would be hard to fight back against rhetorically. I'm shocked no one has done it yet.
I can't wait for someone to sue one of these companies that has a Chief Diversity Officer.

First, the name "Chief" is cultural appropriation and that is offensive to Native Americans.

Secondly, the Chief Diversity Officer's main job, the literal thing they are measured against, is that they don't hire White men, then White women. If the company hires too many people like me, then they are literally not doing their job.

Therefore, a White Man can never be a Chief Diversity Officer. This is reason alone for the position to be illegal.

I think these are high-level, yet simple legal arguments that would be hard to fight back against rhetorically. I'm shocked no one has done it yet.

And completely unnecessary and useless. Corporations, companies etc, have survived and flourished, for centuries, without chief diversity officers. If "diversity" is so important and mission-critical to "success" then how come it's only just now that we're realizing this? And it's only just now that we need chief diversity officers. And how come we here about this "necessity" not from customers or the market, but, from obscure academics, who no nothing of business?

On one hand, this is a disaster, on the other, we've seen a lot of corporate reductions in diverse personnel. The latter is encouraging. There does seem to be a realization among the private sector that all of this diversity stuff is hurting them. So, that's also encouraging.
I can't wait for someone to sue one of these companies that has a Chief Diversity Officer.

First, the name "Chief" is cultural appropriation and that is offensive to Native Americans.

Secondly, the Chief Diversity Officer's main job, the literal thing they are measured against, is that they don't hire White men, then White women. If the company hires too many people like me, then they are literally not doing their job.

Therefore, a White Man can never be a Chief Diversity Officer. This is reason alone for the position to be illegal.

I think these are high-level, yet simple legal arguments that would be hard to fight back against rhetorically. I'm shocked no one has done it yet.
Your points are completely logical. Therefore, leftists would point out that you are using "white" reasoning, and mansplaining, and call for you to be canceled.
Your points are completely logical. Therefore, leftists would point out that you are using "white" reasoning, and mansplaining, and call for you to be canceled.
Sure, but courts supposedly actually have to apply the law, and not all juries consist of leftists.

Again I’m shocked no big case has made these arguments (that I’m aware of). If I worked for a company that had a CDO and I was fired for anything involving the politics surrounding the position, or even not hired for a job to begin with, I’d seriously consider suing.

Anecdotally I have heard that companies who are giving “climate feedback” surveys, this past year, got a lot of negative feedback regarding questions around how the organization can increase diversity. I know of at least 3 instances of people I know pushing back hard on those questions. In one of the orgs the org didn’t even publish the results, I was told.
Sure, but courts supposedly actually have to apply the law, and not all juries consist of leftists.

Again I’m shocked no big case has made these arguments (that I’m aware of). If I worked for a company that had a CDO and I was fired for anything involving the politics surrounding the position, or even not hired for a job to begin with, I’d seriously consider suing.

Anecdotally I have heard that companies who are giving “climate feedback” surveys, this past year, got a lot of negative feedback regarding questions around how the organization can increase diversity. I know of at least 3 instances of people I know pushing back hard on those questions. In one of the orgs the org didn’t even publish the results, I was told.
It is tough to do when this kind of thing happens

But at least this time, everyone's behavior is recorded for all to see. They brag about their behavior. So, if we are ever able to correct it, the future will know of the true evils of these people.