Nashville Anti-White Shooting Manifesto Finally Leaked

*puts on tin foil hat*

This is all window dressing to distract us from Israel Genociding Palestine .

If I had to guess, it’s coming from the jews inside of the fbi or the Biden administration deliberately leaking it. Or both
No, they didn't want this released. The last thing they want is White people talking about how they are discriminated against and targeted.

Tommy Robinson and some other Israel First "conservatives" were just allowed back on Twitter. Now that is the elites trying to cover for Israel.
No, they didn't want this released. The last thing they want is White people talking about how they are discriminated against and targeted.

Tommy Robinson and some other Israel First "conservatives" were just allowed back on Twitter. Now that is the elites trying to cover for Israel.

You think someone inside the fbi grew a conscience and doesn’t mind being another Seth Conrad Rich?

They all know the score. Anyone who wasn’t on board with the current agenda likely got out years ago.
You think someone inside the fbi grew a conscience and doesn’t mind being another Seth Conrad Rich? They all know the score. Anyone who wasn’t on board with the current agenda likely got out years ago.

I heard it was a Nashville police officer. That someone had already taken pictures of it with their phone and was passing it around the department and one of them sent it to Steven Crowder, because he is a fan of Crowder.

The reaction to silence this, not talk about it, and the response is telling they don't want this out there.
You think someone inside the fbi grew a conscience and doesn’t mind being another Seth Conrad Rich?

They all know the score. Anyone who wasn’t on board with the current agenda likely got out years ago.

I was about to post something regarding transgender women not being women, but it turns out she was actually a woman. Absolute recipe for the disaster.
-Estrogen (emotional instability normal women have)
-Testosterone (roid rage)
-Absurd regret over giving up an easy life as a woman
-Male loneliness

If you think you've seen a ticking time bomb, this is that but literally on steroids.
As the trans thing gets bigger and bigger how many more instances like this will happen among younger zoomers? Especially trans men as you outlined. Also your point 3, it’s why you see so many women just going “non binary” instead of trans man. Keeps life easier.

I’m disappointed in the manifesto. I was expecting a less boring read. This is cookie cutter. Eliot Rodger was low IQ but at least interesting in like watching tard rage. Old Man Ted is classical literature today.

Also, wasn’t this guy… gal… whatever white?
Edit: corrected gender reference
I hate this so much man. I miss the times before 2016 when men dressed like men (medieval kings attire does not count) and vice versa, also never believing they can be of the opposite sex. The most migraine inducing retardation is when a new tranime drops and people guess if the character drawn as a girl is a guy or not. 2 nukes was not enough.

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BREAKING: I just got word that two officers are due to be fired over the the release of the #NashvilleManifesto pages.
Allegedly, the documents were sold by one of the officers.

Yesterday I said that I wanted to wait to report on the released pages because while it was a major break, I felt the documents were incomplete and did not paint an accurate picture of what transpired given the amount of evidence we know was collected in the aftermath of the horrific shooting.

I am glad I waited. Yesterday evening I was contacted by a source with more concrete information regarding all of details on #AudreyHale ‘s many notebooks and what her true motive was. I will be breaking this on my podcast today.

Credit where it’s due— this only happened because the Crowder team reopened this conversation in a major way by releasing the initial 3 pages of Audrey’s journal.
This was great work which will lead to major answers for parents like myself who live in the #Covenant community and have been infuriated by the lack of information presented to the public.

Stay tuned.
I hate this so much man. I miss the times before 2016 when men dressed like men (medieval kings attire does not count) and vice versa, also never believing they can be of the opposite sex. The most migraine inducing retardation is when a new tranime drops and people guess if the character drawn as a girl is a guy or not. 2 nukes was not enough.
Me too, its driving me crazy as well. In 2016, I was like; this can't be taken seriously, I mean we're literally contradicting reality itself.

Here's the truth of our situation. Yes, "trans" has become a thing, but, it's very obvious it is one of those top-down artificial fads and not some legitimate manifestation. God or even, "evolution", just to cover all corners here, are not coming down and saying "And now there will be hundreds of "genders" not just the two from before...". That didn't nor will that ever happen.

Therefore, men remain men and women remain women, regardless of what is being said.

Also, the truth is this; you and I are under no obligation whatsoever to "affirm" this sort of thing. We do not have to concede, comply or even imply tacitly even, in "trans". It is well within our rights, our human rights, if you will, to retain our reality-based beliefs, and these same beliefs are affirmed through theistic scripture, for sure, but, you don't need to fall back on that. Because this is science or biology or simply reality. That is the level of truth we're operating on.

By comparison, the "trans" proponents contend that mere feelings are sufficient enough to deny and "reimagine" reality. Not only that but on a whim - many "trans" say they are male one day and female the other and demi-tri-poly the next. Reality is simply being denied here, plain and simple.

Putting on a costume and then insisting you are authentically that costume is the same thing as saying "Watch me walk off this several-story building and fly". Sure, the latter has more immediate consequences, but the idea of changing one's biology is equivalent to thinking you can fly off big cliffs or buildings, etc. That's what we're dealing with here.

And it is unfair to all of us. We shouldn't have to endure the stress and discord this causes us in life. We expect from our fellow citizens a level of authenticity upfront. Pretending to be what you aren't and never will be is dishonest, as well as, childish. You are what you are, warts and all, and becoming a mature man and woman demands we acknowledge this. "trans" says you're already perfect and let the world deal with it. In other words, they literally believe "the world revolves around you".

Note: you and I are oppressed by "trans". We are being forced to believe something we ardently deny against our will. We're not only told to obey this in the physical sense but to affirm this on a conscious level. No state has sovereignty over your thoughts and those states or cultural fads that insist they control your mind are ipso facto tyrannical and equivalent to the most vicious and authoritarian forms of government that ever existed. You see, if "trans" says you will believe what I say or else, then, they are imposing their view onto you and me. Therefore, you and I are oppressed and they are the oppressors.

Remarkably, I'm using the left's own criteria for determining power dynamics what is oppression, and who is oppressed. It's not scripture here I use, it's their own leftist "philosophy" or dog food!

"trans" is evil. "Children are empty vessels, you can fill them with anything..." said a surviving member of the Hilter Youth. Consider what "trans" proposes and its "solution". "trans" contends you are born in the wrong body. Right from the start, this is an entirely incorrect ascertain, because, you quite literally are born into your body whatever that body may be. And its evil to promote such untruth, especially to kids. But, the evil gets more evil. "trans" says you're born in the wrong body and then convinces individuals that this is the case. The solution is to literally surgically butcher individuals, many times children, to "conform" to their "true" identity. Whereas, before, the individual's belief that being in the wrong body is a mental illness and a function of imagination, post-op, the individual is now literally entrapped in the wrong body, which has been mutilated. Worse, is that the individual here, who could be a child, will later on regret this decision. Especially if they're a kid, because, no matter what psychosomatic and natural bodily functions, regardless if some of the processes are dulled by medication, will kick in. At that point, not only will the subject conclude they were wrong, but, they are truly now trapped in the wrong body and they only have themselves to blame. Because they did this to themselves. When you look at it like this you literally watch people self-induce their own personal hell on Earth. And then we get into the "medications", which prevent puberty and all the permanent damage those things do.

Never stop fighting this. I will never say "men can be pregnant". Never bow to this, it is evil incarnate. You are not alone. I am not alone. Our sentiments, rejection, and revulsion of this thing are very common. Due to censorship, it's hard to see that sometimes, but, our side is extensive. People are standing up to this. It will fall. And when it does we need to hold all of these "compassionate" people responsible.

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Nashville Police Chief John Drake is BLATANTLY LYING to the people about the partial manifesto release

I'll debunk a few of those lies:

**1. "Total disregard for Covenant families": The Covenant School families said IN A COURT FILING that the documents could be released AFTER THE SCHOOL YEAR ENDED (on or after June 8, 2023)
**2. "We are not at liberty to release the journals until the courts rule": THIS IS FALSE. The COUNTER PARTIES in the litigation are literally SUING FOR THIS INFORMATION TO BE RELEASED

- Nashville PD are the ONLY ones preventing the release, as that is the ONLY thing being demanded by the plaintiffs. The suit would be DROPPED if the documents were released
**3. "Covenant families have control of the journals": THIS IS FALSE. Metro Nashville Police have seized AT LEAST 20 JOURNALS from the shooter.

- Firstly, @MNPDNashville and FBI have FULL AUTHORITY any writings, statements, or videos by the assailant. These are just more excuses to cover this up.

- Secondly, the families do NOT have control over the 20 journals
One of the plaintiffs suing for the release of these documents is the NATIONAL POLICE ASSOCIATION which represents police officers NATIONWIDE. Even THEY know this is a huge coverup.




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Steven Crowder has done Americans a service. Not just because he has published the Nashville killer’s manifesto of anti-white racist hate, but more importantly has exposed the stranglehold that Google (surprise, surprise) has on the truth. YouTube’s censorship of conservative voices has now rendered it as worthless as FaceBook. Oh, and of course, one does wonder why our own government hides information from us as well, all based on politics naturally.

Warning: Language.

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This is an opportunity to put some major pressure on the government, particularly in Nashville. But conservatives are just not organized, so nothing will happen except the government will put more resources into finding and punishing the leaker than they ever will put into preventing another one of these tragedies.