Nashville Anti-White Shooting Manifesto Finally Leaked

Too much exogenous hormones make woman write worse with pen stick on thin wood sheet than 5 year old with no thumbs.

Jokes aside reading her manifesto... It's clear she was a cretin.

She deserves the pit of hell she's in and it's a shame she didn't just kill herself instead of killing innocent children.
I was about to post something regarding transgender women not being women, but it turns out she was actually a woman. Absolute recipe for the disaster.
-Estrogen (emotional instability normal women have)
-Testosterone (roid rage)
-Absurd regret over giving up an easy life as a woman
-Male loneliness

If you think you've seen a ticking time bomb, this is that but literally on steroids.
Hollywood's next script will be based on this for The Joker 2 with Ellidiot Page as lead actor. Rated X, but children will be encouraged to go watch it.
Start with the (((Mayor of Nashville))).



Wife looks androgynous. Daughter has green hair. Funky stuff. I'm not making any claims here. Just seems a little odd based on his background and stance on issues so I think some speculations could be made but I won't.
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I'm glad this is back in the picture. No, not glad that it ever happened, obviously, but glad because it needs exposure.

In this massacre, the right kinds of people were killed and the wrong kind of person did the killing. Or, the wrong kinds of people were killed and the right kind of person did the killing. It's a matter of leftist prerogative.

This is the truth If we're to go off of the radical left's idea of "morality". Christians are bad so they're the right kind of people to be killed, but, they're also the wrong kind of people because they become victims. The "trans" murderer was the wrong kind of person to do the killing because it makes the "trans" person evil. But then again, she's the right person to do the killing because within the world of leftism, it's always someone else's fault and clearly she was reacting to the systematic and rampant istismphobia, which (they believe) is prevalent among Christian communities.

Had this shooter been male or white or attacked another anointed "marginalized" group, then the "manifesto" would have been produced immediately. That it hasn't been released even until now, aside from it being leaked, indicates the clear bias within the system to protect the trans population from bad publicity and to minimize the fallout, which demonstrates the clear undeniable connection between "trans" mental illness and mass murder. Again, it also paints Christians, a non-protected group, as victims.

All of this causes trouble for the prevailing "moral system", which is governed by the intersectional framework. Intersectionality has the shooter, a "trans" person ranking at the highest rung on this caste system. Alternatively, Christians don't even get a rung. They're not even on the chart. They're not even "people", in the Soviet sense. But here we have a case of Christians being gunned down in cold blood.

This is why the left was entirely silent about this event and didn't whimper a modicum of remorse. They even had a day of remembrance for the "trans" shooter, afterward. Talk about adding insult to injury. But they had to control the manifesto because it would have been all too obvious even for them to deny the evil that occurred. Thus, it would have forced them to condemn one of their own and embrace one of their key enemies as a fellow victim. As we can see, they can't bring themselves to do it.

Similar to Israel and Palestine, this situation, demonstrates the inherent flaw and total dysfunction of this moral/caste system. If the left were true to form with their "values" they would have looked at this situation without political bias and fervently condemned the killing. They proved they were incapable of that, even when confronted with mass murder. To them, they honestly believe the trans person was still a victim.

Amazingly, this is what their "ideology" stated as their excuse: this incident would have never happened if it wasn't for those "intolerant" and "bigoted" Christians, who refuse to accept a "trans" person's "authentic" self and "lived truth". So, it was the Christians, ahem dead Christians, that are the root cause here, because they didn't incessantly celebrate and comply with the ever-increasing demands of a group hostile to them. A group that hates them so much they don't even bother to offer he slightest sympathy even after children were killed.

You see, its always someone else's fault.

Additionally, the manifesto connects this murder to the killer's "trans" status and political ideology. The left is well aware of the criticism, and truth, of "trans" being not an "identity" but a mental disorder. What better proof of it being a mental disorder than mass murder? Furthermore, in this incident "trans" is the true cause of murder. Indeed, the entire corpus of leftist propaganda stands indicted as well, because, it's obvious, by way of her own writings, that she was entirely influenced by contemporary woke ideas. Not only Christians, but, she wrote about whiteness and all that. The manifesto isn't just bad publicity, its evidence that leftism, wokism and "trans" make people into murderers.

Alas, "trans" and woke have blood on their hands. Also, had this individual not been exposed to this kind of toxic thought, she would be alive and not a disgraced murderer.

This is what intersectionality produces. This is what woke and "trans" produces.

The most interesting part of this low-IQ, deranged manifesto, imo, is how hard the anti-white, anti-Christian authorities worked to suppress its release.
Most "hate crimes" are black on white; the media narrative is the direct opposite. The jewish system we live in is anti-white and they control the media and all institutions, thus them suppressing reality is no surprise.
In many countries you are not even allowed to have a different opinion on certain historical events (shouldn't human rights watchers take a close look at germany and so on for locking people up because of their opinions? i am certain, in 2024 trump will force germany to legalize "holocaust denial"....).

Liberal democracy is as restrictive as north korean communism, with the only difference that north korea does not hate its people; north korea actually worships the korean race; south korea, which is ruled by judeo-america, on the other hand has a fertility rate of 0,84 and is getting slowly but surely flooded with non-koreans, mostly brown. Every nation, from greece to japan, that is under judeo-american rule since 1945, is getting demolished; the reason for that is the jewish doctrine of destruction; they just can't help themselves, that is just what they do; it is their very nature.
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I'm glad this is back in the picture. No, not glad that it ever happened, obviously, but glad because it needs exposure.

In this massacre, the right kinds of people were killed and the wrong kind of person did the killing. Or, the wrong kinds of people were killed and the right kind of person did the killing. It's a matter of leftist prerogative.

This is the truth If we're to go off of the radical left's idea of "morality". Christians are bad so they're the right kind of people to be killed, but, they're also the wrong kind of people because they become victims. The "trans" murderer was the wrong kind of person to do the killing because it makes the "trans" person evil. But then again, she's the right person to do the killing because within the world of leftism, it's always someone else's fault and clearly she was reacting to the systematic and rampant istismphobia, which (they believe) is prevalent among Christian communities.

Had this shooter been male or white or attacked another anointed "marginalized" group, then the "manifesto" would have been produced immediately. That it hasn't been released even until now, aside from it being leaked, indicates the clear bias within the system to protect the trans population from bad publicity and to minimize the fallout, which demonstrates the clear undeniable connection between "trans" mental illness and mass murder. Again, it also paints Christians, a non-protected group, as victims.

All of this causes trouble for the prevailing "moral system", which is governed by the intersectional framework. Intersectionality has the shooter, a "trans" person ranking at the highest rung on this caste system. Alternatively, Christians don't even get a rung. They're not even on the chart. They're not even "people", in the Soviet sense. But here we have a case of Christians being gunned down in cold blood.

This is why the left was entirely silent about this event and didn't whimper a modicum of remorse. They even had a day of remembrance for the "trans" shooter, afterward. Talk about adding insult to injury. But they had to control the manifesto because it would have been all too obvious even for them to deny the evil that occurred. Thus, it would have forced them to condemn one of their own and embrace one of their key enemies as a fellow victim. As we can see, they can't bring themselves to do it.

Similar to Israel and Palestine, this situation, demonstrates the inherent flaw and total dysfunction of this moral/caste system. If the left were true to form with their "values" they would have looked at this situation without political bias and fervently condemned the killing. They proved they were incapable of that, even when confronted with mass murder. To them, they honestly believe the trans person was still a victim.

Amazingly, this is what their "ideology" stated as their excuse: this incident would have never happened if it wasn't for those "intolerant" and "bigoted" Christians, who refuse to accept a "trans" person's "authentic" self and "lived truth". So, it was the Christians, ahem dead Christians, that are the root cause here, because they didn't incessantly celebrate and comply with the ever-increasing demands of a group hostile to them. A group that hates them so much they don't even bother to offer he slightest sympathy even after children were killed.

You see, its always someone else's fault.

Additionally, the manifesto connects this murder to the killer's "trans" status and political ideology. The left is well aware of the criticism, and truth, of "trans" being not an "identity" but a mental disorder. What better proof of it being a mental disorder than mass murder? Furthermore, in this incident "trans" is the true cause of murder. Indeed, the entire corpus of leftist propaganda stands indicted as well, because, it's obvious, by way of her own writings, that she was entirely influenced by contemporary woke ideas. Not only Christians, but, she wrote about whiteness and all that. The manifesto isn't just bad publicity, its evidence that leftism, wokism and "trans" make people into murderers.

Alas, "trans" and woke have blood on their hands. Also, had this individual not been exposed to this kind of toxic thought, she would be alive and not a disgraced murderer.

This is what intersectionality produces. This is what woke and "trans" produces.
The release of the diary goes much further than this. It ignites a bright beacon over the self-hatred conditioning in schools and media. A lot of people who once thought it innocuous or merely uncomfortable will give it another look with a jaundiced eye.
Most "hate crimes" are black on white; the media narrative is the direct opposite. The jewish system we live in is anti-white and they control the media and all institutions, thus them suppressing reality is no surprise.
In many countries you are not even allowed to have a different opinion on certain historical events (shouldn't human rights watchers take a close look at germany and so on for locking people up because of their opinions? i am certain, in 2024 trump will force germany to legalize "holocaust denial"....).

Liberal democracy is as restrictive as north korean communism, with the only difference that north korea does not hate its people; north korea actually worships the korean race; south korea, which is ruled by judeo-america, on the other hand has a fertility rate of 0,84 and is getting slowly but surely flooded with non-koreans, mostly brown. Every nation, from greece to japan, that is under judeo-american rule since 1945, is getting demolished; the reason for that is the jewish doctrine of destruction; they just can't help themselves, that is just what they do; it is their very nature.

It's not merely their nature, but their spirituality that is corrupted. They've rejected God, and as a result cannot build anything, only take and destroy what others make. 2000 years and no country was made by them except Israel. Says it all.
Most "hate crimes" are black on white; the media narrative is the direct opposite. The jewish system we live in is anti-white and they control the media and all institutions, thus them suppressing reality is no surprise.
In many countries you are not even allowed to have a different opinion on certain historical events (shouldn't human rights watchers take a close look at germany and so on for locking people up because of their opinions? i am certain, in 2024 trump will force germany to legalize "holocaust denial"....).

Liberal democracy is as restrictive as north korean communism, with the only difference that north korea does not hate its people; north korea actually worships the korean race; south korea, which is ruled by judeo-america, on the other hand has a fertility rate of 0,84 and is getting slowly but surely flooded with non-koreans, mostly brown. Every nation, from greece to japan, that is under judeo-american rule since 1945, is getting demolished; the reason for that is the jewish doctrine of destruction; they just can't help themselves, that is just what they do; it is their very nature.
Every single white supremacist killer’s manifesto is out there. They don’t dare to suppress those. Of course any anti-white killer is gonna be given protection and be hidden by the anti white elites.
Alas, "trans" and woke have blood on their hands. Also, had this individual not been exposed to this kind of toxic thought, she would be alive and not a disgraced murderer..
This is why the bud light thing blew up so bad. Let’s be honest, who drinks bud light? Releasing a tranny marketing campaign right after this happens. Talk about tone deaf and making daily living feel like an occupation.
Every single white supremacist killer’s manifesto is out there. They don’t dare to suppress those. Of course any anti-white killer is gonna be given protection and be hidden by the anti white elites.
In general anti-white terrorism is labeled as mental illness and there won't be any investigation into the racial hatred; same with Waukesha. In the Nashville case, the FBI even fought parents in court who wanted to see the manifesto.
It's not merely their nature, but their spirituality that is corrupted. They've rejected God, and as a result cannot build anything, only take and destroy what others make. 2000 years and no country was made by them except Israel. Says it all.
They are spiritually wicked. But buddhists reject God too and don't act like jews. The nature of vietnamese and thai is just very different than that of jews. Jews have a genetical predispostion to subvert - doing what they do, from usury to porn; they don't even do it for some sadistic form of fun, they just do it as they breathe.
Also of interest, that islam is a semitic invention, arabs are semites.
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They are spiritually wicked. But buddhists reject God too and don't act like jews. The nature of vietnamese and thai is just very different than that of jews. Jews have a genetical predispostion to subvert - doing what they do, from usury to porn; they don't even do it for some sadistic form of fun, they just do it as they breathe.
Also of interest, that islam is an semitic invention, arabs are semites.

You don't understand, the spiritual corruption of Talmudic Jews is far deeper than Hindus or (insert generic pagan here). Talmudic Jews are descendent of Jews, who formed a covenant with God. A covenant is an agreement, a contract. You don't get to reneg on a contract, with God, and expect to come out okay. Don't work that way.

Whereas pagans are merely ignorant or skeptical of God and Christ, Talmudic Jews knew him intimately and murdered Him. God's wrath is upon them forever because of this, and it's not simply original sin that Talmuds have to deal with, as everyone has to deal with that, but the added sin of breaking their oath and word with God after having witnessed His Son resurrect from the dead.

Denial of God on this level is blasphemy, which is a sin against the Holy Spirit, and Jesus tells us that those who sin against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this life or in the next. They are cursed, and this makes them prime material for Satan to possess and use for his ends. There's a lot to this subject, I recommend Chrysostom's "Against the Jews" if you want to learn more.
You don't understand, the spiritual corruption of Talmudic Jews is far deeper than Hindus or (insert generic pagan here). Talmudic Jews are descendent of Jews, who formed a covenant with God. A covenant is an agreement, a contract. You don't get to reneg on a contract, with God, and expect to come out okay. Don't work that way.

Whereas pagans are merely ignorant or skeptical of God and Christ, Talmudic Jews knew him intimately and murdered Him. God's wrath is upon them forever because of this, and it's not simply original sin that Talmuds have to deal with, as everyone has to deal with that, but the added sin of breaking their oath and word with God after having witnessed His Son resurrect from the dead.

Denial of God on this level is blasphemy, which is a sin against the Holy Spirit, and Jesus tells us that those who sin against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven in this life or in the next. They are cursed, and this makes them prime material for Satan to possess and use for his ends. There's a lot to this subject, I recommend Chrysostom's "Against the Jews" if you want to learn more.
Anyone who denies Christ will burn in hell forever; in the end the jews get the same deal that buddhists get. But I'm willing to agree on the following: talmudists are worse than anyone else and this reprogrammed their genetics which is why they have not changed their ways over many generations.
So we should basically set up some kind of algorithm to predict where the feds will shoot next. They seem to pick a different state for each subsequent one. If we take each of the 48 mainland states (because no one cares about shooting up Hawaii and Alaska, thats why they have energy weapons and weather modification centers) and tally up the number of (((mass))) shootings in each state, by date, and go in sequence, we will likely arrive at a pattern to see where the next one will be. The guy in Maine was not as unexpected as I thought. "Hmm Maine, hey boys, why don't we set this one up there, those folks are too comfortable and not scared enough."

This one is just a taste of the deranged depths of depravity the feds will go to in order to bring about their synthesis of firearm confiscation and be able to execute dissidents and wrong-thinkers at will without any sense of court justice. Their ends justifies any means to get there, from the top down.
This makes me think about Stephen Paddock's mass shooting in Las Vegas, the worst in American history, and wonder if information is being suppressed for similar reasons.

The theories for that shooting are ridiculous. One said he wanted to go down in infamy, another said he was mad at the casinos and wanted them to suffer, but most said there was no reason at all and he just snapped. His victims were country music concert goers that were practically all white and a huge portion of them were also likely Trump voters.
This makes me think about Stephen Paddock's mass shooting in Las Vegas, the worst in American history, and wonder if information is being suppressed for similar reasons.

The theories for that shooting are ridiculous. One said he wanted to go down in infamy, another said he was mad at the casinos and wanted them to suffer, but most said there was no reason at all and he just snapped. His victims were country music concert goers that were practically all white and a huge portion of them were also likely Trump voters.
Didn't he have a ton of weapons and planned that thing pretty well? And we should believe that he was such a madman. I mean, he was mad, but he was not some guy just going insane and being out of his mind; he planned that thing very well. There is also no interest of the mainstream media to dig into these cases, which just goes to show that most "journalists" are nothing but puppets.
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