Moving Abroad Before the Collapse

You're going to blow off an entire country, because you read somewhere that women have a lot of tattoos? Is this a joke? I'm in Italy on a regular basis and I would say the women in the countries north of the Alps have far more tats than south of the Alps. But seriously...WHAT?
Your profile says you're a protestant. Why would you move to a decidedly non-protestant country like Italy? Especially the south of Italy. You're not going to find protestant churches there, at least not easily or within walking distance. Or is your faith less of a factor in deciding your ultimate destination, than tattoos are? If your faith is not a factor, than I'd recommend the south of Spain. Mid-sized Spanish towns and cities are very affordable. There are parts of Portugal that are still affordable as well. Your best bet is to buy a Eurail ticket and travel around different countries for 3 months and get a feel for various places. Also, you need to prioritise what factors are truly important and what are extraneous and superfluous.
I'm totally open to converting to another flavor of Christianity, be it Catholic, Orthodox, or whatever. One of the things that always bothered me about the Protestant churches are that most are just plain ugly. And they get these large donations from their congregations and do nothing with them to beautify the buildings.

The Catholic churches though are always so beautiful with stained-glass windows and ornate sculptures. At this point, a conversion would almost be welcoming.

P.S. - Spain is out since it's a hotbed for feminists. If I'm going to be in Femnazi central, I'd go to Sweden. At least the other women there are beautiful.
P.S. - Spain is out since it's a hotbed for feminists. If I'm going to be in Femnazi central, I'd go to Sweden. At least the other women there are beautiful.

Just after I read your post, I had a look at the divorce statistics.

84.21% of Spanish marriages end in divorce. Ay ay ay that's insane. The US' divorce rate is a paltry 45% in comparison.

The decimal odds of failure is 1.19. To put this into some qualitative context, the odds of the WTA's world No2 beating her opponent who is ranked 442 in the world is currently 1.21.

If you are a Spanish man and you genuinely want a lifelong marriage, you are effectively a rank outsider going up against the world No2. Overcoming these odds would be a huge upset.

It was always kind of degenerate, but things ramped up by a billion once Brazilian funk (DO NOT RESEARCH) started becoming popular.
I happen to have the misfortune of discovering this genre. It is probably the worst and most eardrum-shattering "music" known to man. If that represents mainstream Brazilian culture, I'd say it's a no-go.
Well, there's some truth to what you said. I'm in my 50s, have anxiety issues, and hardly ever travel out of my own neighborhood. So I'm totally freaked out about a move to another country. Just moving to another US state would be a big ordeal. But to another country where I have to deal with visas and all that...well, it just seems overwhelming to me. There's always the thought of..."I'm not ready yet. I need to get healthier before doing this." And yet I'm also freaked out about staying here in the US for another year. I worry about what could happen to our country.
I would just move to Idaho, if you can't afford, to Maine or New Hampshire. Outside the States is a lot more degenerate than in white US states. Lots of trashiness, adultery and crime, US whites, unless they are white trash druggies, are very conservative folk, comparatively, even the "liberal" ones. It's more solid only in hardcore Islamic countries. Italy got tons of migrants now, general trashy Southern stuff, tats on women is a warning
I'm totally open to converting to another flavor of Christianity, be it Catholic, Orthodox, or whatever. One of the things that always bothered me about the Protestant churches are that most are just plain ugly. And they get these large donations from their congregations and do nothing with them to beautify the buildings.

The Catholic churches though are always so beautiful with stained-glass windows and ornate sculptures. At this point, a conversion would almost be welcoming.
I'm not a Protestant but thought that the whole idea was to avoid idolatry, by having spartan style churches and not worshipping imagery and finery? Being closer to the real faith, believing that true spirituality does not need external beautifucation. I kind of like American Pentecostals and Seventh Day Adventists, they seem to be very real and not focusing on external stuff.
I'm not a Protestant but thought that the whole idea was to avoid idolatry, by having spartan style churches and not worshipping imagery and finery? Being closer to the real faith, believing that true spirituality does not need external beautifucation. I kind of like American Pentecostals and Seventh Day Adventists, they seem to be very real and not focusing on external stuff.
We should discuss this in another thread because otherwise, this will go off on a tangent.
If the whole point of moving out of the West is to avoid the modern globalist liberal culture, then going to Taiwan is basically jumping from the frying pan into the boiling pot. Of all the East Asian countries, it's the one that is the most influenced by the globalist liberalism. Good example of this is how it's the only Asian country so far that has gay marriage and one of the high level cabinet member in the government is a troon ( Outside of politics, lots of young people are adopting Western social norms such as getting tattoos, clubbing, and such.

A positive thing though is that despite all of this the crime rate is still pretty low and even if mass protests happen (Taiwan is the East Asian country that seems to have the highest percentage of these activist types we typically think of mostly as a Western liberal thing), they actually will be mostly peaceful.
I think people are just looking for better climates and cheaper rent when they say they want to avoid globalist cabal by moving. Most Asian countries are hardcore globalist New World Order. There is stuff like normalized child exploitation and prostitution in many, not a place to look for high morals. Latin America is crime and cartel ridden, mostly got neoliberal governments destroying their countries on orders from ZOG, one can just look at Ecuador. Argentina got tantric sex teacher for president now. The only countries where it's still real tradional and people behave in moral ways are some of the less secular Muslim countries, but that doesn't fit in terms of religion. One would find the least degenerate behavior in some rural religious counties in the US, but people want big cities that are homes of degeneracy by definition and want year round summer.
Everything is just absurdly ugly in America. Compare basically any American church to that Catholic mall in Italy. One is a rebranded McDonald's building, and the other has very clear design directions. Barroco (barroque or something, in English) is just a gorgeous design. America has almost none of that good architecture.

My church is more on the humble side, but there are some gorgeous Presbyterian (they fall on he image hate side the most) churches here.
Everything is just absurdly ugly in America. Compare basically any American church to that Catholic mall in Italy. One is a rebranded McDonald's building, and the other has very clear design directions. Barroco (barroque or something, in English) is just a gorgeous design. America has almost none of that good architecture.

My church is more on the humble side, but there are some gorgeous Presbyterian (they fall on he image hate side the most) churches here.
What's a point of those ornate churches?
Pure idolatry, from my standpont. I understand when it's historic, times used to be different, people were more used to architectural opulence, when churches looked somewhat like king's palaces. But America is young and never had kings.

A simple gathering of, say, Seventh Day Adventists in someone's rural home is more of a real church to me than ornate pompous ones.
The more ornate, the more corruption and further away from faith. Never felt comfortable in those big fancy churches, neither felt presence of God there. God is more present in people and other things he created, like majestic forests and mountains, than in man made objects. Man made objects are just what they are: man made objects. Architects of St Basil's cathedral in Moscow had been blinded by the king, so that they couldn't build anything like that elsewhere again. The fancy churches were exercise in kings' pride often.

One of the few real believers left in America are Amish, they do not even build churches.
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Simple requirements, the signs of real lack of degeneracy:
- low crime (crime is always a sign of degenerate society)
- walk anywhere day and night without worrying about being mugged or assaulted
- do not lock doors and windows, not worrying about theft
- leave stuff laying in your yard without worrying about theft
- lack of loose aggressive dogs
- friendly people who treat others with dignity in public places
- lack of trash on the ground
- camp anywhere without being attacked
Plenty of places like that in the States, Canada, Australia and NZ. Outside the states...may be most of it can be found in some rural places in Eastern and Northern Europe and in some Islamic countries. May be in Japan in some areas of China. Elsewhere - I doubt
Everything is just absurdly ugly in America. Compare basically any American church to that Catholic mall in Italy. One is a rebranded McDonald's building, and the other has very clear design directions. Barroco (barroque or something, in English) is just a gorgeous design. America has almost none of that good architecture.

My church is more on the humble side, but there are some gorgeous Presbyterian (they fall on he image hate side the most) churches here.
That's an odd thing to worry about?
As someone who grew up in Europe, I'd rather live in Dallas, El Paso or Denver than any European city.
Could not care less what the cathedrals look like.
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What's a point of those ornate churches?
Pure idolatry, from my standpont. I understand when it's historic, times used to be different, people were more used to architectural opulence, when churches looked somewhat like king's palaces. But America is young and never had kings.

A simple gathering of, say, Seventh Day Adventists in someone's rural home is more of a real church to me than ornate pompous ones.
The more ornate, the more corruption and further away from faith. Never felt comfortable in those big fancy churches, neither felt presence of God there. God is more present in people and other things he created, like majestic forests and mountains, than in man made objects. Man made objects are just what they are: man made objects. Architects of St Basil's cathedral in Moscow had been blinded by the king, so that they couldn't build anything like that elsewhere again. The fancy churches were exercise in kings' pride often.

One of the few real believers left in America are Amish, they do not even build churches.
I've started a new thread here to discuss this so we don't get off topic:
Without judging anyone , what I find strange that some user ehre who c aim to be American are contemplating to move to a Euroepan country? People have their own reasons to do things...but I assume most of these people have not been to Europe and perhaps romaticizing something they had little or no personal experience with. Yes, Europe has many countries and each of them may be different from one another.
But there are some things that are common that are true for every country in Europe.
Just some foor for thought. Needless to say, you should do your own research.

1. Europe is overcrowded
I remember one guy from the days of RVF who was complaining that he felt "Idaho was overcrowded" - not sure if he was troling...but someone who thinks Idaho is overcrowded would certainly go insave in less than 24 hours in a place like the UK, the Netherlands or Germany. Also, parts of Europe that are not overcrowded are empty for a they are uninhabitable for a reason or another.
Historically, Europe has always been more crowded than the US. Add, the migrant crisis sicne 2015 - Europe is at a breaking point.
2. There is barely any nature left in Europe
By nature we meanly mean forests (usually temperate forest)that are accessible the public free of charge - outside of some remote parts of Norway and Belarus there are no forests left...and if there are some, the public is usually restricted from acessing it.
Contrast it with the US .
Just a few examples: Pine Barrens, NJ, beautiful natural forests - just 2 hours drive from the alrgest urban are ain the US...NYC.
Not to mention the beautiful areas in other parts of the American Northeast - mostly in Vermont and Maine.
The Smoky Mountains (WV and Northern Georgia- albeit if you have seen the movie "Deliverance" you would probably avoid that area)
Northern Arizona has beautiful forests - thata re wonderful during spring and fall.
Central and Western Colorado. Beautiful forests in Oregon (a hour drive from Portland), and in Washington (not that far from Seattle).
I am sure I left out many areas...but you get the picture.
3. The people and their mentality
Most Europeans are stressed out and rude - Western, Eastern, Central, Northern, Southern - there aremore similarities than differences.
The firts things that strikes you positively in the US is the civility and politeness of the people...even in a fast-paced, relatively crowded city like New York City.
(Well, Boston, MA is an exception...but people from MA are known nationally as complete a-holes).
We know that cilvility and politeness won't cost a dime, but most Euroepans don't understand that.

4. The women
before you start shaking your head, let me explain.
Before you say "there are so many overweight and obese women in the States". I got news for you.
Obesity is now nearly as a big problem in most of Europe than in the US. Actually, even the official statistics confirm this.
I probably saw less overweight and obese women in NYC, Dallas and El Paso than I saw in London, Paris, Amsterdam and Prague.

Also, European women are truly awful in Europe - most have a deep hatred towards European men. Not talking about dating or relationsip (I don't date European women) bu simply interaction. European women tend to be the rudest, most obnoxious and most malicious ones.
On the other hand, I was surpsised how "normal" some White women appeared in least on the surface.
The problem is , "White" Europeann women destroy other women, they interact with too. Imagine falling in love with a former model from country in Southen Africa when she arrives to London to do a postgraduate course. Three months laster she want to marry you and talks about having kids with you. But sadly she is exposed from influence from European women. Six months later she states she does not want to date and marry, because that is "opression". A year later she is the main campaigner for the legalization of abortion in her home country...(9 eyars later she is still childless and alone)
Or when you spend time and money on a long-distance relationship with a beauty from Burundi who only comes to Brussels for a semester. Falls in love with you, want marriage and kids after graduation. Before the semester ends she changes her mind, "wanting to study gender studies" instead.
My good friend from my uni years , lets call him Sandeep (not his real name), British-Indian (his parent were from Punjab).
Marries a British-Indian girl her parents found for him. 6 eyars of marriage and two kids later he seems happy. Until I get a desperate call from Sandeep , saying his wife wants a divorce, wants him out of their marital home and she wants to live with her newly-found White English lesbian "girlfriend".
Crucially, male-female ratio in Europe in the 18-35 age group is terrible now - especially with the current migrant crisis - is absolutely terrible. Roughly same as that of the Communist China's (even though no country in Europe has ever had any "one child polocy" in place).
I could go on...but I think you get the picture.

4. Citizen v subject.
In the US (except perhaps for Massachusetts and Pennsylvania) you are a citizen with right - which inlcudes your rights to bear arms and home-school your kids
In Europe, you are subject, a only have right to keep your mouth shut, work and pay taxes. Your "masters" will tell you waht to do> If you disobey in any way or form, you will be severely punished and your life will be not worth living.
Have you noticed, that European leaders (unlike Americans) never use the words "citizen" unless it indicates some state's rights over that person (citizenship) such as "XY is a citizens of YW country"?
George Washington and the Funding Fathers got you rights that nobody in Europe has ever had (or will ever have).
Don't take these rights for granted. Make use of them

5.Cost of Living
Most of the US is incredibly cheap compared to Europe, for nearly all the essentials - housing, groceries, utilities, electris good, cars, insuranc etc.
Before you start with buh "muh free state healthcare" staff. let me stop you there.
There is no "free healthcare in Europe" . You pay for it with high taxes. But crucially, the quality of such ehalthcare is really bad, and often there ar elong-waiting list even to see a consultant. Currently in the in the "world-famous" NHS in the UK, there is average of 9 to 18 months (!) waiting list to see a Vascular Surgeon.
Private healthcare in Europe? You won't be able to afford it...that is priced for the the Arabic oil sheikhs, Russian oligarkhs and Chinese corporate billionaires...not for proles like you.
In Texas, a Walmar cashier with a Walmart salary can afford better healthcare than a university-educated teacher in the UK
Go figure.

6. Tribalism
Sadly most of Europe is very tribalistic - and that is a negative thing.
This doesn't always manifest in the way most people would expect.
Example: many Brits disliked people from the rest of the continent but particulalry from Eastern Europe.
Uneducated British yob are a category on their own - they may talk about the French with mockery but they have deep hatred towards eastern Euroepans. I hate soccer (football in Europe) but I clealry remember the 2018 Soccer World Cup - the "underdog" team of the relatively poor Croatia sent the almighty, arrogant "Three Lions" (nickname for the English team) packing in the semi-final. In the final, the Croats faced the French team. Seeing the dim-witted, beer-bellied, uneducated English yobs cheering for their arch-rivals , the French...was a surreral sight to behold.

The typical White Englishman has a daughter who has two kids from two different Jamaican baby-daddies. He might have son, who is a addict and gets his fix from a local Pakistani heroin-dealer (nothing against Pakistani folks in general, , just the drug-dealing ones).
Yet, which group of people this "brave" Englishman will complain about? You guessed it: 5 years after Brexit he will still blame his shortcoming on "dirty f-ing Eastern Europeans who should go back to their own f-ing country", despite the said groupd never crossing path with him or his "family"..

How much solidarity you should have (as a naturalzied British citizens who is originally from continental Europe) shoudl have such White English people? The same amount they had for you: that is zero.

"Whiteness", "White Unitiy" "white solidarity" (of which many users here talk about) are maningless concepts in Europe. It's up to you if you think it is good or bad: Just be prepared.

7. "But, but, but....muh tradional, virgin (insert name of country and Christian denomination) wife"
How many times do we need to go through this?
Christianity is dead and buried in Europe (there will be no resurrection in this case). Church attendance is lower, divorce rates are higher than in the US. Immorality and degeneracy is just as high in Europe than in the US (soemtiems even higher).
No, you won't find a unicorn.
In the US , sometimes you would be suprised how many decent Christian women are there (who take their religion seriously...and not just when it suits them), even where you would least expect them. Once I met a young woman from Alameda County (yep, the Bay Area - a stone throw away from both San Francisco and Oakland) who was more committed Christian than cca 95% of European women I met .

Please don't talk about Eastern Europe. Those women are the worst affected by moral degeneracy and materialism. In the 1950s when in the US a husband's salary was still enough to raize a fmaily, and women were encouraged to be stay-at-home EE, the state already forced women to work shift work in factories, leaving the kids in crappy nurseries while at works. Divorce was legalized and even encouraged even back then. Now, you have had multiple generations of extremely materialistic women. Yes, they would have no clue that Orthodox/Catholic saint you are talking about it is . But most of them would certainly know who Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are. Many of these girls see K. Kardashian as a "role model".
Let's leave it at that.

To sum it up: by all means, you can visit any country of Europe if you wish. But any American thinking of moving from the US to (anywhere) in Europe is either deluded or hasn't done his homework.
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Simple requirements, the signs of real lack of degeneracy:
- low crime (crime is always a sign of degenerate society)
- walk anywhere day and night without worrying about being mugged or assaulted
- do not lock doors and windows, not worrying about theft
- leave stuff laying in your yard without worrying about theft
- lack of loose aggressive dogs
- friendly people who treat others with dignity in public places
- lack of trash on the ground
- camp anywhere without being attacked
Plenty of places like that in the States, Canada, Australia and NZ. Outside the states...may be most of it can be found in some rural places in Eastern and Northern Europe and in some Islamic countries. May be in Japan in some areas of China. Elsewhere - I doubt
To add to the list:
- Quiet. Many countries have noisy cultures and no local noise regulations. Expats there suffer from constant noise, chatter, music, engines, honking, screaming groups of children, packs of dogs, people running noisy businesses out of their residences (aka the ghetto livin')

In rural places in America it's mostly very quiet, except many American small towns suffer from incessantly barking dogs. One can call the law on these dog owners, in most cases, though. If one lives out there on the big property it's mostly not that much of a problem.
Without judging anyone , what I find strange that some user ehre who c aim to be American are contemplating to move to a Euroepan country? People have their own reasons to do things...but I assume most of these people have not been to Europe and perhaps romaticizing something they had little or no personal experience with. Yes, Europe has many countries and each of them may be different from one another.
But there are some things that are common that are true for every country in Europe.
Just some foor for thought. Needless to say, you should do your own research.

1. Europe is overcrowded
I remember one guy from the days of RVF who was complaining that he felt "Idaho was overcrowded" - not sure if he was troling...but someone who thinks Idaho is overcrowded would certainly go insave in less than 24 hours in a place like the UK, the Netherlands or Germany. Also, parts of Europe that are not overcrowded are empty for a they are uninhabitable for a reason or another.
Historically, Europe has always been more crowded than the US. Add, the migrant crisis sicne 2015 - Europe is at a breaking point.
2. There is barely any nature left in Europe
By nature we meanly mean forests (usually temperate forest)that are accessible the public free of charge - outside of some remote parts of Norway and Belarus there are no forests left...and if there are some, the public is usually restricted from acessing it.
Contrast it with the US .
Just a few examples: Pine Barrens, NJ, beautiful natural forests - just 2 hours drive from the alrgest urban are ain the US...NYC.
Not to mention the beautiful areas in other parts of the American Northeast - mostly in Vermont and Maine.
The Smoky Mountains (WV and Northern Georgia- albeit if you have seen the movie "Deliverance" you would probably avoid that area)
Northern Arizona has beautiful forests - thata re wonderful during spring and fall.
Central and Western Colorado. Beautiful forests in Oregon (a hour drive from Portland), and in Washington (not that far from Seattle).
I am sure I left out many areas...but you get the picture.
3. The people and their mentality
Most Europeans are stressed out and rude - Western, Eastern, Central, Northern, Southern - there aremore similarities than differences.
The firts things that strikes you positively in the US is the civility and politeness of the people...even in a fast-paced, relatively crowded city like New York City.
(Well, Boston, MA is an exception...but people from MA are known nationally as complete a-holes).
We know that cilvility and politeness won't cost a dime, but most Euroepans don't understand that.

4. The women
before you start shaking your head, let me explain.
Before you say "there are so many overweight and obese women in the States". I got news for you.
Obesity is now nearly as a big problem in most of Europe than in the US. Actually, even the official statistics confirm this.
I probably saw less overweight and obese women in NYC, Dallas and El Paso than I saw in London, Paris, Amsterdam and Prague.

Also, European women are truly awful in Europe - most have a deep hatred towards European men. Not talking about dating or relationsip (I don't date European women) bu simply interaction. European women tend to be the rudest, most obnoxious and most malicious ones.
On the other hand, I was surpsised how "normal" some White women appeared in least on the surface.
The problem is , "White" Europeann women destroy other women, they interact with too. Imagine falling in love with a former model from country in Southen Africa when she arrives to London to do a postgraduate course. Three months laster she want to marry you and talks about having kids with you. But sadly she is exposed from influence from European women. Six months later she states she does not want to date and marry, because that is "opression". A year later she is the main campaigner for the legalization of abortion in her home country...(9 eyars later she is still childless and alone)
Or when you spend time and money on a long-distance relationship with a beauty from Burundi who only comes to Brussels for a semester. Falls in love with you, want marriage and kids after graduation. Before the semester ends she changes her mind, "wanting to study gender studies" instead.
My good friend from my uni years , lets call him Sandeep (not his real name), British-Indian (his parent were from Punjab).
Marries a British-Indian girl her parents found for him. 6 eyars of marriage and two kids later he seems happy. Until I get a desperate call from Sandeep , saying his wife wants a divorce, wants him out of their marital home and she wants to live with her newly-found White English lesbian "girlfriend".
Crucially, male-female ratio in Europe in the 18-35 age group is terrible now - especially with the current migrant crisis - is absolutely terrible. Roughly same as that of the Communist China's (even though no country in Europe has ever had any "one child polocy" in place).
I could go on...but I think you get the picture.

4. Citizen v subject.
In the US (except perhaps for Massachusetts and Pennsylvania) you are a citizen with right - which inlcudes your rights to bear arms and home-school your kids
In Europe, you are subject, a only have right to keep your mouth shut, work and pay taxes. Your "masters" will tell you waht to do> If you disobey in any way or form, you will be severely punished and your life will be not worth living.
Have you noticed, that European leaders (unlike Americans) never use the words "citizen" unless it indicates some state's rights over that person (citizenship) such as "XY is a citizens of YW country"?
George Washington and the Funding Fathers got you rights that nobody in Europe has ever had (or will ever have).
Don't take these rights for granted. Make use of them

5.Cost of Living
Most of the US is incredibly cheap compared to Europe, for nearly all the essentials - housing, groceries, utilities, electris good, cars, insuranc etc.
Before you start with buh "muh free state healthcare" staff. let me stop you there.
There is no "free healthcare in Europe" . You pay for it with high taxes. But crucially, the quality of such ehalthcare is really bad, and often there ar elong-waiting list even to see a consultant. Currently in the in the "world-famous" NHS in the UK, there is average of 9 to 18 months (!) waiting list to see a Vascular Surgeon.
Private healthcare in Europe? You won't be able to afford it...that is priced for the the Arabic oil sheikhs, Russian oligarkhs and Chinese corporate billionaires...not for proles like you.
In Texas, a Walmar cashier with a Walmart salary can afford better healthcare than a university-educated teacher in the UK
Go figure.

6. Tribalism
Sadly most of Europe is very tribalistic - and that is a negative thing.
This doesn't always manifest in the way most people would expect.
Example: many Brits disliked people from the rest of the continent but particulalry from Eastern Europe.
Uneducated British yob are a category on their own - they may talk about the French with mockery but they have deep hatred towards eastern Euroepans. I hate soccer (football in Europe) but I clealry remember the 2018 Soccer World Cup - the "underdog" team of the relatively poor Croatia sent the almighty, arrogant "Three Lions" (nickname for the English team) packing in the semi-final. In the final, the Croats faced the French team. Seeing the dim-witted, beer-bellied, uneducated English yobs cheering for their arch-rivals , the French...was a surreral sight to behold.

The typical White Englishman has a daughter who has two kids from two different Jamaican baby-daddies. He might have son, who is a addict and gets his fix from a local Pakistani heroin-dealer (nothing against Pakistani folks in general, , just the drug-dealing ones).
Yet, which group of people this "brave" Englishman will complain about? You guessed it: 5 years after Brexit he will still blame his shortcoming on "dirty f-ing Eastern Europeans who should go back to their own f-ing country", despite the said groupd never crossing path with him or his "family"..

How much solidarity you should have (as a naturalzied British citizens who is originally from continental Europe) shoudl have such White English people? The same amount they had for you: that is zero.

"Whiteness", "White Unitiy" "white solidarity" (of which many users here talk about) are maningless concepts in Europe. It's up to you if you think it is good or bad: Just be prepared.

7. "But, but, but....muh tradional, virgin (insert name of country and Christian denomination) wife"
How many times do we need to go through this?
Christianity is dead and buried in Europe (there will be no resurrection in this case). Church attendance is lower, divorce rates are higher than in the US. Immorality and degeneracy is just as high in Europe than in the US (soemtiems even higher).
No, you won't find a unicorn.
In the US , sometimes you would be suprised how many decent Christian women are there (who take their religion seriously...and not just when it suits them), even where you would least expect them. Once I met a young woman from Alameda County (yep, the Bay Area - a stone throw away from both San Francisco and Oakland) who was more committed Christian than cca 95% of European women I met .

Please don't talk about Eastern Europe. Those women are the worst affected by moral degeneracy and materialism. In the 1950s when in the US a husband's salary was still enough to raize a fmaily, and women were encouraged to be stay-at-home EE, the state already forced women to work shift work in factories, leaving the kids in crappy nurseries while at works. Divorce was legalized and even encouraged even back then. Now, you have had multiple generations of extremely materialistic women. Yes, they would have no clue that Orthodox/Catholic saint you are talking about it is . But most of them would certainly know who Kanye West and Kim Kardashian are. Many of these girls see K. Kardashian as a "role model".
Let's leave it at that.

To sum it up: by all means, you can visit any country of Europe if you wish. But any American thinking of moving from the US to (anywhere) in Europe is either deluded or hasn't done his homework.
What about other countries that are much worse (South Africa, Argentina, Chile)? What about absolute shitholes in the US, like Detroit and Chicago? As I said before, I believe the OP of the last thread was just a complainer hard focusing on the greener grass of conservative and religious Romania, and jumbling insane and incoherent complaints that make women seem stoic; But I kind of see the point when seeing stuff like Jew York, to a certain extent.

I feel like a lot of times, Europe can't get worse than a lot of places (Albania and Ukraine don't count). The question that lies in that is if moving from sewers to mud is worth doing.

I'm kind of starting to notice there should be a separate thread for moving abroad during/after the collapse.

Speaking of Brazil, I notice that although it has excellent coastal cities, it doesn't seem to have much history (architecture/squares). It looks so modern.
I saw this again while re-reading a few posts, and I just wanted to add that the older historical places tend to be ghettos. Some boroughs in big cities look like they have been last changed when the Portuguese discovered this place. This is extremely common, and some of these places aren't even bad, they're just empty and usually near favelas.
To add to the list:
- Quiet. Many countries have noisy cultures and no local noise regulations. Expats there suffer from constant noise, chatter, music, engines, honking, screaming groups of children, packs of dogs, people running noisy businesses out of their residences (aka the ghetto livin')

In rural places in America it's mostly very quiet, except many American small towns suffer from incessantly barking dogs. One can call the law on these dog owners, in most cases, though. If one lives out there on the big property it's mostly not that much of a problem.
Having an apartment in a busy street in South America is how to go insane 101. Even the quieter streets and apartments usually have mulattoes and women having loud conversations. Nearly every street has these loud motorcycle faggots that are either going to crash on the same day with an unregulated motorcycle (ID and plates are also usually a miracle), or make their engines as loud as possible to attract attention.

Music is not only terrible, but the boomboxes are everywhere and have no regulations. All it takes to ruin a beach, vacation, etc. is just one groid with bad taste and that is willing to spare the food and their son's education money to buy a boombox.
There are advertising or music cars EVERYWHERE, and it's even worse when it shits (why is shit in plural censored?) up the busy street and everyone starts honking at the guy, adding to the noise.

The worst part for me is the screaming groups of children and melanin enriched teenagers. That can break your peace completely. Try going to a house near a basketball field, and doing your daily chores, or anything for that matter.
I feel like a lot of times, Europe can't get worse than a lot of places (Albania and Ukraine don't count). The question that lies in that is if moving from sewers to mud is worth doing
It depends. People in parts of Eastern Europe are very nice, genuine and kind, helpful, and if one lives away from big city, in a small village it can be all good. Czezchs, Slovakians, ones from parts of ex Yugoslavia - whever I met them in America I wondered where such pleasant, polite people were from, in big contrast to local cold, unhelpful and distant population or work teams. One time Eastern Europeans hadasked me why Americans were so nasty/crazy when they witnessed extreme rudeness incident by the employee of Yosemite National Park, though I think Yosemite and parts of America being the Babylon of this world, being full of newcomers and multiculturalism is what makes people to be this way in those places
Well, there's some truth to what you said. I'm in my 50s, have anxiety issues, and hardly ever travel out of my own neighborhood. So I'm totally freaked out about a move to another country. Just moving to another US state would be a big ordeal. But to another country where I have to deal with visas and all that...well, it just seems overwhelming to me. There's always the thought of..."I'm not ready yet. I need to get healthier before doing this." And yet I'm also freaked out about staying here in the US for another year. I worry about what could happen to our country.
Then may be moving abroad isn't the right thing for you to do and you would be better off finding a better US state or just a local option. If you haven't traveled locally much: there are huge differences between life in different states. I'm a full time traveler of many years and all I want is to permanently move back to the country I grew up in, there is no place like home. If you are 50 and not used to relocations, international relocation can come as a huge stress and culture shock. May never adapt to the new place, just waste money. No matter how good it is in a foreign country it will always be incomprehensible, strange foreign country, with language PITA and expats will always be outsiders there, everything else is delusional thinking. May be Australia, Canada or NZ can feel like home to a white American, that's about it, language fluency is a big thing. Nothing new will happen to America in another year or 5, except more inflation.
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2. There is barely any nature left in Europe
By nature we meanly mean forests (usually temperate forest)that are accessible the public free of charge - outside of some remote parts of Norway and Belarus there are no forests left...and if there are some, the public is usually restricted from acessing it.
I don't know where you're getting your facts from. Germany, France, and Italy all have a similar or greater percentage of forest cover as the US. If you want to see somewhere with no nature, drive through Illinois or Iowa, it's mind numbingly boring.

The fact you've greatly exaggerated Europe's lack of nature makes me think you also did the same for everything in your post.
I don't know where you're getting your facts from. Germany, France, and Italy all have a similar or greater percentage of forest cover as the US. If you want to see somewhere with no nature, drive through Illinois or Iowa, it's mind numbingly boring.

The fact you've greatly exaggerated Europe's lack of nature makes me think you also did the same for everything in your post.
And where did I claim Illinois or Iowa had lots of forests?
And you brought no evidence to prove that what I claimed about Europe's lack of natural forests was untrue.
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