Military Equipment & Technology Used In The Russian-Ukrainian War

I'd like to know why keeping a drone a few inches from the tank surface makes a difference.
Slat armor isn't designed to stop the incoming attack, but to damage the projectile, force its premature and uncontrolled explosion.
The most commonly used (by both sides) FPV munition is the PG-7VL grenade.
In principle, its explosive material is used to propel a cone-shaped metal liner into an armor melting jet.
Now, if the casing is damaged by the "grill", the explosion won't take the desired shape, necessary to penetrate the armor.

This won't work on other, more serious munitions, but it can mitigate the consequences of the most common FPV drone attack.
Would it be better if the cage was mounted higher ?
Yes, because even a "shapeless" explosion can damage the external systems such as optics. And no, because it would make the tank's silhouette much higher, making it more visible from afar.
This abrams has the cage mounted higher

so it looks like they're experimenting, trying to find the best solution.
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"Precision beats mass" and "one shot, one kill" are the foundations of Western combat doctrine. It supposes that our weapons, which are highly accurate, can through deliberate target selection and mission execution overcome large disadvantages in manpower.

But prior to the Ukraine War, that theory had not been tested against a "peer opponent". Previous conflicts were against inferior forces, poorly equipped.

Russia and China, on the other hand, have world-class militaries, and Russia has shown a shocking degree of adaptability against our precision weapons platforms. Their Electronic Warfare efforts include jamming of our radar systems and GPS satellite feeds, and it is proving so successful that our artillery and missile systems are obsolete within mere weeks of their deliveries to Ukrainian warfighters.

Senior military officers and defense experts are finally raising alarm, and admit that our assumptions about our capabilities have been greatly exaggerated.

Resources and links:
Russian surveillance drone AI breakthrough leads to serial destruction of NATO HIMARS systems:

"They came to the conclusion that the video signal from reconnaissance drones is processed by AI, finding the necessary objects. This is called a breakthrough in the field of combat use of AI, which will clearly complicate the use of the Armed Forces of Ukraine."

The Russians were slow to develop these systems, but seem to have caught up on all facets today.
First batch of F-16 has arrived, apparently with advanced equipment:

It's a basic air to air package. The primary task of the F-16s will be missile/drone interception over western ukraine. Maybe an occasional JASSM strike on Crimea, but nothing more than that - the lack of infrastructure, support systems, and the low quality of ukrainian pilots will keep them away from the line of contact.
They don't really offer any new capabilities: ukraine already was able to launch western cruise missiles from soviet-made planes, and western air to air missiles have been already used from ground launchers NASAMS / IRIS-T.
Feels like another wunderwaffe PR campaign, that will get memory holed as soon as the first F-16 gets shot down.
It's a basic air to air package. The primary task of the F-16s will be missile/drone interception over western ukraine. Maybe an occasional JASSM strike on Crimea, but nothing more than that - the lack of infrastructure, support systems, and the low quality of ukrainian pilots will keep them away from the line of contact.
They don't really offer any new capabilities: ukraine already was able to launch western cruise missiles from soviet-made planes, and western air to air missiles have been already used from ground launchers NASAMS / IRIS-T.
Feels like another wunderwaffe PR campaign, that will get memory holed as soon as the first F-16 gets shot down.

Should've went with the Gripen.
It's a basic air to air package. The primary task of the F-16s will be missile/drone interception over western ukraine. Maybe an occasional JASSM strike on Crimea, but nothing more than that - the lack of infrastructure, support systems, and the low quality of ukrainian pilots will keep them away from the line of contact.
They don't really offer any new capabilities: ukraine already was able to launch western cruise missiles from soviet-made planes, and western air to air missiles have been already used from ground launchers NASAMS / IRIS-T.
Feels like another wunderwaffe PR campaign, that will get memory holed as soon as the first F-16 gets shot down.
The last time an F-16 was shot down was 1999 in Bosnia. I suspect that record will end soon.

Edit: I was just thinking: that was 25 years ago! Any plane that could be shot down 25 years ago has to be vulnerable now.
Is there any superweapon left to pump up copium for Ukraine?
They have been pushing the F-16 line for a year or so.
Even if they had a bunch of planes with qualified pilots, it would have a minimal outcome to the war.
I think they have run out of PR.

What's left now besides posting footage of former Ukrainian civilians that they kill in the Crimea in drone strikes?
Is there any superweapon left to pump up copium for Ukraine?
They have been pushing the F-16 line for a year or so.
Even if they had a bunch of planes with qualified pilots, it would have a minimal outcome to the war.
I think they have run out of PR.

What's left now besides posting footage of former Ukrainian civilians that they kill in the Crimea in drone strikes?
It’s pretty good PR because it’s going to take Russia a year to find one and most likely it’s going to be parked in the middle of Kiev international airport. Seems like all the intelligence gathering for Russia is done by front-line troops, the intelligence that is actually acted on.

On the other hand it’s quite amazing that they keep finding new targets for missile strikes, the day after the naughty Ukrainians do something, especially those gigantic industrial plants that get hit every once in a while. Well not the actual plants, the sanitation wing or nearby utility pole.

I’ve never seen so much pussyfooting in my life.

It got so ridiculous that even a Jew lost his mind from being jewed into letting his merc army storm Bakhmut using only the resources on hand, primarily infantry.
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The downside here for Russia is that Ukraine/NATO is going to copy that drone design and be able to have more success with their drones, the majority of which are being jammed today by Russian electronic warfare.