Memes and GIFs that Will Instantly Trigger Normiecons

The swimming pool is Western Society, the sharks are violent, predatory immigrants/refugees, the Jews are the ones dumping them on us, and the normie on the left turns a blind eye/denies the reality of the problem.
Oh lol I thought it was a literal commentary on apex predators then I remembered which thread i'm in. People try to claim sharks aren't dangerous when scuba diving because most shark attacks on humans occur in shallow waters, well yeah...that's where the 99% people are. The whole "bear vs man" argument thing also seemed relevant it's just funny to me how people try to pretend predators aren't dangerous but don't factor in our proximity to them. But yea, I get it now lol.
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...What is this a commentary on? And how does this involve jews? Lmfao
The sharks are immigrants. The operator of the truck and pool are (((controlled))). The person in the pool who thinks sharks are safe to swim with is a typical person who accepts the (((media narrative))).

The point of the cartoon is to mock all the pro-immigration, pro-refuge NPCs who spout back the current narrative that diversity is our strength.