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Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

Not exactly a meme...Five Times August released a wonderful new song, "Ain't No Rock and Roll". It is worth listening and watching the entire video. He's a Christian and the lyrics is clean.

That was great. I"ve been thinking along similar lines already, but I like how the song condemns the hypocracy of the past 60 years of rock music culture.
I am skeptical. Even if the numbers are lower, I can't believe no Amish children get cancer. Likewise, I think Type I diabetes can happen regardless of diet or other environmental factors. I do believe autism might be almost completely unseen. I think this is due to over stimulation from the modern world as much as from vaccines or other environmental factors. I bet some Amish guys can still be spergy, but are less likely to be all out autistic.