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Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

Gee, I wonder if this will backfire on them at all:


Funny because I have an og confederate battle flag from my house (grew up on a plantation home in Rural East Texas) that is an antique from the era and an original.

I'm sure the right collector would pay me millions for it... But I wouldn't sell it for all the money in the world... And proudly display it above my seat at the dinner table.

Robert E Lee was a true hero. An honest man, and a military genius. He lived by his own convictions and believe Honor was, above all, the most important virtue a man might endeavor to possess.
Funny because I have an og confederate battle flag from my house (grew up on a plantation home in Rural East Texas) that is an antique from the era and an original.

I'm sure the right collector would pay me millions for it... But I wouldn't sell it for all the money in the world... And proudly display it above my seat at the dinner table.

Robert E Lee was a true hero. An honest man, and a military genius. He lived by his own convictions and believe Honor was, above all, the most important virtue a man might endeavor to possess.
sopranos - general Lee.jpg