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Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

AOC vs cow.JPG
I've started seeing memes with this guy, but I don't know the original story behind the picture. What is this from?
It's recent news. Eco-protesters were blocking the road in Panama so he shot two of them.





It's recent news. Eco-protesters were blocking the road in Panama so he shot two of them.





I guess I wouldn't want to be known for advocating any action like this, but I will observe that if there are a lot of copy cats doing this, activists blocking roads will probably become much less of a problem. This would be a good solution for those people who try to destroy priceless works of art in museums as well.

Really, there are a lot of people who would be good candidates for being shot like this.

Not that I'm advocating it, though.
I guess I wouldn't want to be known for advocating any action like this, but I will observe that if there are a lot of copy cats doing this, activists blocking roads will probably become much less of a problem. This would be a good solution for those people who try to destroy priceless works of art in museums as well.

Really, there are a lot of people who would be good candidates for being shot like this.

Not that I'm advocating it, though.
Normies are reaching their breaking point because they are getting really fed up with activists, Leftists, Marxists, etc. that are being protected instead of being arrested or in jail.
Normies are reaching their breaking point because they are getting really fed up with activists, Leftists, Marxists, etc. that are being protected instead of being arrested or in jail.

Yeah, I'm frankly all for the right to protest, along side most of the rights supposedly enshrined in most Western constitutions.

The problem is that they've been so unequally applied, and so weaponized that they've lost all meaning. Freedom speech vs hate speech laws vs the whole twitter saga. Freedom of assembly/protest. Suspending during covid unless you were protesting BLM in groups of 10,000 ppl. But a funeral or church service could literally get you arrested. Protest the native graves in Canada, which dozens of churches were burned, despite no bodies being found, and all we get is a meek statement from PM blackface that their actions were understandable. Peaceful protest for bodily autonomy with bouncy castles? Bring in the horses to trample them, arrest the leaders and try to get them sentenced to terms generally reserved for rapists and murderers. Forget the 2nd amendment, there are literal cases in Canada where people defended themselves against armed intruders, who are later charged with assault/murder. As in Kyle Rettenhouse's case, it's great he got off, but a slight change of circumstances (ie no video) meant he may not have. Further still, the process is meant to be the punishment to deter other would-be exercisers-of-rights.
I am skeptical. Even if the numbers are lower, I can't believe no Amish children get cancer. Likewise, I think Type I diabetes can happen regardless of diet or other environmental factors. I do believe autism might be almost completely unseen. I think this is due to over stimulation from the modern world as much as from vaccines or other environmental factors. I bet some Amish guys can still be spergy, but are less likely to be all out autistic.

While it like all dietary info, it should be taken with a grain of salt since there's often an agenda, but in Gary Taubes book "Good Calories Bad Calories" he talks about so called "Diseases of civilization" where it wasn't so much # of calories eaten, but the types of calories, and overall life style, intermittent fasting common in societies where you had insecure food, where processed sugar was almost non-existent, and more physical activity was common.

Diseases of civilization were things like cancer, diabetes, heart disease etc.

Curiously, groups like the masaii of Africa, or Inuit in the far north who eat way more than their share of animal products and saturated fats, had far lower rates of those diseases. Additionally, during WW2 in England, when food and gas rationing were in place, they too enjoyed temporary reprieve from those issues, since they were eating less and moving more.

A life full of manual labour, natural foods, and plenty of fresh air almost seems impossible not to have many benefits.