There's Christians on this forum who think it isn't? It's pretty self-evident to me that witchcraft is a real thing. It's 2024 and it's extremely common now, especially among young women. More importantly, it's in the bible.
Did the witch of Endor really summon Samuel from the dead (1 Samuel 28:7-20)? |
Did the witch of Endor really summon Samuel from the dead (1 Samuel 28:7-20)? Why would God allow Samuel to be summoned by a witch?
Obviously most spirit mediums and such are con artists. But there's real ones out there. It's deeply evil stuff, and to seek these people's services, even out of curiosity, is a major mortal sin.
I took the meme posted to be part tongue in cheek, but on a serious note yes, there are spiritual forces beyond our human comprehension, both the divine (the miraculous) and demonic (the magical, or from mages, thinking on what you said). Another example that comes to mind is Aaron, his staff and serpent, and those of Pharaoh’s sorcerers. The sorcerers were able to turn their staffs to snakes as well, before they were gobbled up by Aaron’s.