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I live in New Orleans -- The Robert E. Lee sculpture was in Lee Circle (public property). "Male Beast" by Russian artist Grisha Bruskin is in K&B Plaza (private property), and it has been there for decades. It and other sculptures were placed there by Sydney Bestoff, who was known as a very eccentric guy who probably found the sculpture interesting and somewhat subversive.

The Robert E. Lee statue was removed in May 2017, one of the first taken down at the start of the monument hysteria. It's current location has not been publicly disclosed -- official word is that it is in storage somewhere.

Lee Circle is now called Tivoli Circle, which was its original name before the Lee statue went up in 1880.

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I had a quick read up on Nostr. If you're motivated, tell us a bit about your experiences in one of the relevant threads, the discourse, how technically challenging to get it running etc..
