Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

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Will somebody please explain to me who this meme character on the ground with the glasses represents? I see him frequently and the best I can ascertain is he’s like the autistic character from the movie The Accountant? Why do I keep seeing this person and why is he this right winger meme?

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That specific picture is a 4chan meme poking fun at a recent police stabbing in Germany where a german cop was stabbed by a (I believe) turkish migrant. The cop had incapacitated an innocent bystander (guy on the ground) and the migrant took the opportunity to stab him while the majority of the other cops on scene just watched. The only one to at least have some reaction was a non german police officer (guy pointing his gun). The cop who got stabbed died from his injuries. You can search "german cop stabbed" and it'll give you the full details.

As for that specific meme character, again, its a forced meme that originated from 4chan from around 3 years ago. It originally started with lefties and discord trannies forcefully spamming the face of the character all over 4chan as a way to derail threads and insult the main userbase by putting a face to the then recent insult, "incel", which was picking up speed due the manchildren and slut userbase on reddit as a way to insult anyone criticizing their degenerate lifestyle. Eventually the face began to spread as a way to insult anyone with republican or right wing ideals. But, instead of letting the stupid meme die, it started seeing mixed use by people posting the meme as a sort of right wing figure. Others started to wise up and not take the lefty bait by retaliating but instead taking pride in being associated with the image and what it represents. Internet culture truly is a strange thing with zero value. And there are people who are consumed by it most of their daily lives.
Internet culture has value. Winning hearts and minds, with memes. The fact that the 4chan crowd can take a leftist meme and co-opt it, like pepe and then rainbow clown pepe, is a great humiliation to the regime and makes their messaging even more powerful. It plants seeds of doubt to the sheeple stuck in the matrix.
That's not internet culture but rather psychological warfare. Unfortunately, no matter how effective a few intelligent and persistent people on 4chan are, the resources and reach of the establishment/regime make their strategy much more effective. Add to that the ever declining critical-thinking ability and increasing stupidity of the general population. 4chan and other online places can help spread the truth and introduce a proper counter to the grim mentality and reality that's being forced upon us. But, it's either not being enough to force people to action or the establishment knows just how to short-circuit any intentions of "rebellion". People can have all the knowledge in the world but without applying the use of that knowledge nothing changes.
That's not internet culture but rather psychological warfare. Unfortunately, no matter how effective a few intelligent and persistent people on 4chan are, the resources and reach of the establishment/regime make their strategy much more effective. Add to that the ever declining critical-thinking ability and increasing stupidity of the general population. 4chan and other online places can help spread the truth and introduce a proper counter to the grim mentality and reality that's being forced upon us. But, it's either not being enough to force people to action or the establishment knows just how to short-circuit any intentions of "rebellion". People can have all the knowledge in the world but without applying the use of that knowledge nothing changes.

Yeah, the 80% midwits are going to be dragged along to whichever way this goes, that is no different than it was at any other time in history.

The battle is on the edge, and we are winning, and will continue to win. The boomers will die, and with them anyone left watching/believing state media. There doesn’t need to be a violent rebellion. Agorism is the future and it’s coming fast.

No, I don’t agree with Elon or anyone of the PayPal mafia about everything, but don’t let perfect be the enemy of the good. The “little tech” billionaires are scared enough to pay billions for a worthless social media platform (twitter), and support Trump! If that isn’t enough for you, I don’t know what is. They aren’t going to save us, but they have been a wrecking ball on the existing regime. All they need to do is weaken the walls a little more. People will start doing what they want (not the majority, but a large enough minority). States will ignore the federal government or secede. It’s coming, brother, it’s in the air.

Especially if we get a big event, like a successful assasination.