Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

Your average Indian can't properly manage anything without support from nepotism, rule breaking, bribes and piggybacking off of employees who do things properly. Are there exceptions? Yes, but they are far from the norm.

On another note, every time I see her there's just something about Kamala's face that is extremely unsettling. Mostly it's her eyes and smile but there's just something sinister, almost inhuman, about them, and her as a whole.
Your average Indian can't properly manage anything without support from nepotism, rule breaking, bribes and piggybacking off of employees who do things properly. Are there exceptions? Yes, but they are far from the norm.

On another note, every time I see her there's just something about Kamala's face that is extremely unsettling. Mostly it's her eyes and smile but there's just something sinister, almost inhuman, about them, and her as a whole.

Sounds like you're from the corporate world and speaking in regards to that which I'm sure is true as I know full well Indians in business can be incredibly conniving but that isn't the case for labor dependent small businesses. An Indian guy will work 100 hours a week in a small business for the rest of his life like it's just normal life. Around here they are swallowing up all the low barrier to entry small businesses that other investors won't touch because labor costs make it not worth their time unless they go run it themselves which would just equal buying yourself a job that you're stuck at. Smoke shops, pizza joints, sub shops, donut shops, dumpy low revenue liquor stores and gas stations that nobody wants.....all Indian guys now.

My dad has a shopping center and an Indian guy in there was running a smoke shop and shut down, he asked me if I wanted to open it back up as it would have cost next to nothing. I told him "dad if an Indian guy couldn't make money in there what am I going to make".....I got a very rare quiet agreement from my father haha.
Your average Indian can't properly manage anything without support from nepotism, rule breaking, bribes and piggybacking off of employees who do things properly. Are there exceptions? Yes, but they are far from the norm.

On another note, every time I see her there's just something about Kamala's face that is extremely unsettling. Mostly it's her eyes and smile but there's just something sinister, almost inhuman, about them, and her as a whole.

The same dead soulless eyes as occasio-CortezIMG_2109.jpeg
The Concorde was awesome. Wish it had been in my time.

For all the animosity (whether genuine or not) between the English and French they come up with some of the most incredible engineering wonders imaginable. Makes me kind of sad to know that the (((infiltrating))) powers have divided us Europeans to a point that we will never see a Concorde again.