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And -- this will probably be an unpopular opinion -- but the Special Olympics are literally retarded, I am in favor of those not being held at all. Again, let them play for fun off camera, but unless they can compete with "regular" people then it's just a goofy farce.

The Special Olympics serves a noble purpose that has nothing to do with competition between participants or audience approval. It is entirely for the support of the retarded and otherwise disabled and their families. It gives the participants a sense of purpose and year-round community support and also provides financial support and caretaking for their families, as the resources and hardships of taking care of a child with profound disabilities (and they always remain children) can be extreme. The fact that they advertise or televise any of these events is merely to raise funds for the above purpose.
Should kids have their own age restricted sports programs, or should anybody be able to join Little League and kick their scrawny asses?

What about the Special Olympics? Should non-special people be able to compete and win there?

I would argue that class restricted sports groups make sense, whether it is Class A, AA, and AAA high school sports, or kids sports, or minor league and major league pro sports, or men's and women's sports, or the Special Olympics.

I dislike dykish pro women athletes as much as anybody. However, all in all I would rather allow the masculine athletic women have their sports competitions than have trannies participating in women's sports. I'm much more against male trannies, and far less upset about overly athletic women.
I thought about your proposal for eliminating male/female athletics and just creating multiple skill level tiers. It seems to make sense on the surface, as long as the lowest level skill league has no tryouts to make the roster and it’s literally just a “fun” league, then it can be done. If all levels require tryouts, they I’m sure corruption during the selection process will creep in where the lowest level will be all girls even if there are a few boys who try out that are better than a few marginal girls. Basically the lowest league will be rigged and biased to be an all girls league.