Memes and GIFs That Will Instantly Trigger Leftists & Normies

The 'transgender female athlete' aka the man who decides to call themselves a woman, and compete in women's sport, is possibly the most cowardly and spiritually decrepit archetype in today's clown world (apart from pedos).

You want to be a homosexual or dress up like a girl- fine. But to then be shameless enough to compete against women, bash them up and pretend to be proud of it, all the while maintaining the delusion that you are 'a woman like any other woman'. Just pure filth with 0 conscience.

They have pure hate in their heart- bitterness that women have it easier, and that they weren't born with that opportunity.

The opposite of picking up one's cross.
I agree with your point, but at the same time, women’s sports are disgusting and need to go. It’s fine for girls to compete in various athletic competitions up through, say, high school to maintain shape and a sense of community and sportsmanship that will help you through life, but after that it really starts to get gross.

I recall my high school girls’ soccer team. Many if not most were very attractive and all thin with shapely bodies and buttery legs. None of them that I am aware of went on to play in college or wherever they go after that, it was just an activity they did then. The selection process for higher athletics produces increasingly ugly and manly characteristics in the women that make the cut. Female college athletes are pretty gross, but not all so, still with a bunch of lesbians, and it gets even worse as it goes into professional sports. Some sports are obviously worse than others (like maybe doing long jump or beach volleyball isn’t that bad).

By the time you get to the professional sports or Olympics, the women are basically all disgusting. Muscular, sweaty, loud, smelly women who act like men and all look like trannies. None of them look like they’d be fit to bear children. They instead look like freaks of nature or the cruel experiments of their coaches and parents.

I’m not opposed to trannies in women’s sports because I don’t think women’s sports should exist, at least at that level. These sports exist because of feminism. The same women who force female cops and firemen and soldiers on the public now want to exclude men from competing with them in sports because of the obvious physiological advantages. These are the same women who invaded and ruined all male spaces, from the Boy Scouts to the military.

There was a guy outside of my local grocery store promoting a petition to ban men from playing in women’s sports. I wouldn’t sign it, because I don’t want women’s sports to exist, and this is just the thing to do it. I want women to be feminine, respectable, petite caretakers, not revolting, humongous and incompetent pseudo men.

I think men competing as women in women’s events is really funny, and I won’t protect women from the consequences of their own behavior. They deserve it, and with all the women who will be deterred from getting into sports to avoid the egregious unfairness of forcing them to compete with men, we deserve it too.
^ completely agree

Pro sports should not segregate by sex. If a chick can hack it, she can play with the men. Otherwise, I want to see the gatekeeper males absolutely maul the females and send them away.

A so-called "conservative" getting mad about his princess daughter having to compete with trannies is the same as the idiots who were mad that Covid stopped their kids from going to public school. Oh, you can't access the service that hates you and wants to destroy your child or turn them against you? Just get your little win and then participate anyway, what a genius move.
I agree with your point, but at the same time, women’s sports are disgusting and need to go. It’s fine for girls to compete in various athletic competitions up through, say, high school to maintain shape and a sense of community and sportsmanship that will help you through life, but after that it really starts to get gross.

I recall my high school girls’ soccer team. Many if not most were very attractive and all thin with shapely bodies and buttery legs. None of them that I am aware of went on to play in college or wherever they go after that, it was just an activity they did then. The selection process for higher athletics produces increasingly ugly and manly characteristics in the women that make the cut. Female college athletes are pretty gross, but not all so, still with a bunch of lesbians, and it gets even worse as it goes into professional sports. Some sports are obviously worse than others (like maybe doing long jump or beach volleyball isn’t that bad).

By the time you get to the professional sports or Olympics, the women are basically all disgusting. Muscular, sweaty, loud, smelly women who act like men and all look like trannies. None of them look like they’d be fit to bear children. They instead look like freaks of nature or the cruel experiments of their coaches and parents.

I’m not opposed to trannies in women’s sports because I don’t think women’s sports should exist, at least at that level. These sports exist because of feminism. The same women who force female cops and firemen and soldiers on the public now want to exclude men from competing with them in sports because of the obvious physiological advantages. These are the same women who invaded and ruined all male spaces, from the Boy Scouts to the military.

There was a guy outside of my local grocery store promoting a petition to ban men from playing in women’s sports. I wouldn’t sign it, because I don’t want women’s sports to exist, and this is just the thing to do it. I want women to be feminine, respectable, petite caretakers, not revolting, humongous and incompetent pseudo men.

I think men competing as women in women’s events is really funny, and I won’t protect women from the consequences of their own behavior. They deserve it, and with all the women who will be deterred from getting into sports to avoid the egregious unfairness of forcing them to compete with men, we deserve it too.

I'll give women a pass for ice skating/figure skating though.
Men ice skating alone is pretty gay.
I agree with your point, but at the same time, women’s sports are disgusting and need to go. It’s fine for girls to compete in various athletic competitions up through, say, high school to maintain shape and a sense of community and sportsmanship that will help you through life, but after that it really starts to get gross.

I recall my high school girls’ soccer team. Many if not most were very attractive and all thin with shapely bodies and buttery legs. None of them that I am aware of went on to play in college or wherever they go after that, it was just an activity they did then. The selection process for higher athletics produces increasingly ugly and manly characteristics in the women that make the cut. Female college athletes are pretty gross, but not all so, still with a bunch of lesbians, and it gets even worse as it goes into professional sports. Some sports are obviously worse than others (like maybe doing long jump or beach volleyball isn’t that bad).

By the time you get to the professional sports or Olympics, the women are basically all disgusting. Muscular, sweaty, loud, smelly women who act like men and all look like trannies. None of them look like they’d be fit to bear children. They instead look like freaks of nature or the cruel experiments of their coaches and parents.

I’m not opposed to trannies in women’s sports because I don’t think women’s sports should exist, at least at that level. These sports exist because of feminism. The same women who force female cops and firemen and soldiers on the public now want to exclude men from competing with them in sports because of the obvious physiological advantages. These are the same women who invaded and ruined all male spaces, from the Boy Scouts to the military.

There was a guy outside of my local grocery store promoting a petition to ban men from playing in women’s sports. I wouldn’t sign it, because I don’t want women’s sports to exist, and this is just the thing to do it. I want women to be feminine, respectable, petite caretakers, not revolting, humongous and incompetent pseudo men.

I think men competing as women in women’s events is really funny, and I won’t protect women from the consequences of their own behavior. They deserve it, and with all the women who will be deterred from getting into sports to avoid the egregious unfairness of forcing them to compete with men, we deserve it too.
I"ve had the same thought and was going to post something like this. Bravo.

Wish I could like this twice.

Women cheered on invading men spaces and sports, while wanting equal rights. Now those equal right arer being applied right back to them. And equals lefts too.
^ completely agree

Pro sports should not segregate by sex. If a chick can hack it, she can play with the men. Otherwise, I want to see the gatekeeper males absolutely maul the females and send them away.

A so-called "conservative" getting mad about his princess daughter having to compete with trannies is the same as the idiots who were mad that Covid stopped their kids from going to public school. Oh, you can't access the service that hates you and wants to destroy your child or turn them against you? Just get your little win and then participate anyway, what a genius move.
Should kids have their own age restricted sports programs, or should anybody be able to join Little League and kick their scrawny asses?

What about the Special Olympics? Should non-special people be able to compete and win there?

I would argue that class restricted sports groups make sense, whether it is Class A, AA, and AAA high school sports, or kids sports, or minor league and major league pro sports, or men's and women's sports, or the Special Olympics.

I dislike dykish pro women athletes as much as anybody. However, all in all I would rather allow the masculine athletic women have their sports competitions than have trannies participating in women's sports. I'm much more against male trannies, and far less upset about overly athletic women.
Should kids have their own age restricted sports programs, or should anybody be able to join Little League and kick their scrawny asses?

What about the Special Olympics? Should non-special people be able to compete and win there?

I would argue that class restricted sports groups make sense, whether it is Class A, AA, and AAA high school sports, or kids sports, or minor league and major league pro sports, or men's and women's sports, or the Special Olympics.

I dislike dykish pro women athletes as much as anybody. However, all in all I would rather allow the masculine athletic women have their sports competitions than have trannies participating in women's sports. I'm much more against male trannies, and far less upset about overly athletic women.
Non-sex segregated sports can exist at all levels, retaining loose categories for expertise, weight classes, and so on.

I am against all women playing organized sports unless they can hack it with the boys/men. In school you'd see pretty equal competition until a certain point then it would drop off to near 0% ability to compete on the girls' side. The natural process at work.

And -- this will probably be an unpopular opinion -- but the Special Olympics are literally retarded, I am in favor of those not being held at all. Again, let them play for fun off camera, but unless they can compete with "regular" people then it's just a goofy farce.