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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

This supposed youtube of a Chinese merc hired by the Russians has been floating around the web for the past few days, and has gone viral.

In it, the merc describes the horrors of war, but also states that the war is unwinnable for Russia and that Russian casulities are huge.

Honestly, I am not sure if this is propaganda or not, but I am leaning towards it being fake for three reasons:

1. He never tells where he is fighting.
2. No footage of the battlefield.
3. It's being hosted by a woman who is very anti-China, who are notorious for being Anti-China no matter what, thus they are against China supporting Putin by extension.

What do you guys think? Real or fake?

Considering how ruthless the Chinese government is in keeping track of what it's citizens say and write on social media, I find it hard to believe that this guy would show his face and say these things without explicit approval. Remember with "social credit scores" and a cashless society, China can shut a citizen down real quick if they don't like what you say or write. Could simply be a disinformation campaign sanctioned by China to make Russia appear weak, when in fact Russia is winning....all Sun Tzu's "art of art" to "appear weak when you are strong."

The other possibility is that he's an overseas dissident, or is actually from Taiwan, and is working for western propaganda.
Could be real in parts, but I suspect foreign mercs get to be used for the most difficult missions, so his perspective might not be representative of the average Russian soldier.

But according to the merc he saw dozens of Russians being slaughtered, while somehow he and his Black friend were safe and sound as the White Russians were fed into the meatgrinder. Doesn't that sound like propaganda to you?

This supposed youtube of a Chinese merc hired by the Russians has been floating around the web for the past few days, and has gone viral.

In it, the merc describes the horrors of war, but also states that the war is unwinnable for Russia and that Russian casulities are huge.

Honestly, I am not sure if this is propaganda or not, but I am leaning towards it being fake for three reasons:

1. He never tells where he is fighting.
2. No footage of the battlefield.
3. It's being hosted by a woman who is very anti-China, who are notorious for being Anti-China no matter what, thus they are against China supporting Putin by extension.

What do you guys think? Real or fake?

100% fake.

Alright men, what are we going to do? Let's say missiles launch on Romania and Poland (or possibly London, Paris, NYC, etc) and NATO declares war. What's the next step? Hop in the car with family and bugout bag and drive to Mexico and hope to get to Argentina? I'm in Eastern Europe right now, so I'd have to fly somewhere to get out. Most likely I'd have to head for Serbia, Bosnia, Austria, or Switzerland (the only officially neutral non-NATO countries in continental Europe) and try to fly to South America from there. I generally have an "I know what to do" grasp on most of life's problems, but in this case I'd be genuinely dumbfounded and not sure how to act...
I´ve justed rented a small vila we own to a polish couple work IT. Estoy en Iberia. Don´t know if related or not. Ukrainians are everyhwere. But not many polish.

I´ve been waiting for someone to create a thread about WWIII for a while. But I think we still have time. Not before 2026 supposedly. Don’t think it will be Russia against NATO. NATO might break up. At least partially.
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^ Pray that nukes are fake and that it's a big nothing burger.


Stuff like this has always gone on, but it is the actual constant public admission of escalation by the West that is troubling, particularly as things like Abrams, Leopards, F-16s and Storm Shadows were ruled out and then given.

In Syria, for example, both the Americans and Russians were obviously doing a lot more than they said to help the rebels and al-Assad, respectively.

Both Americans and Russians have been killed by each other there, even with foreknowledge about targets. There’s no question. But it was not used as a central propaganda piece using Manichaean terms by either side.

America is using Ukraine as a proxy war but is the one talking like it is an intractable Manichaean conflict. The mismatch is immense but the risk is that the actions will soon match the rhetoric much more smoothly.

Putin certainly says things but they are “if.. then..”

This supposed youtube of a Chinese merc hired by the Russians has been floating around the web for the past few days, and has gone viral.

In it, the merc describes the horrors of war, but also states that the war is unwinnable for Russia and that Russian casulities are huge.

Honestly, I am not sure if this is propaganda or not, but I am leaning towards it being fake for three reasons:

1. He never tells where he is fighting.
2. No footage of the battlefield.
3. It's being hosted by a woman who is very anti-China, who are notorious for being Anti-China no matter what, thus they are against China supporting Putin by extension.

What do you guys think? Real or fake?

No names of places, no names of military units, no dates - that alone is enough to disregard this video.
But then, there's the second part of the video where our Chinese soldier of fortune, along with his choco sidekick, are supposedly on the battlefield. Not only both of them are surprisingly clean for someone who just finished fighting, but none of them is wearing a Russian uniform. Now, I could understand that some ragtag mercenaries are wearing their own uniforms, but the Chinaman is literally sporting ukrainian camouflage.

So either stolen valor grifter, or downright psyop.
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Alright men, what are we going to do? Let's say missiles launch on Romania and Poland (or possibly London, Paris, NYC, etc) and NATO declares war. What's the next step? Hop in the car with family and bugout bag and drive to Mexico and hope to get to Argentina? I'm in Eastern Europe right now, so I'd have to fly somewhere to get out. Most likely I'd have to head for Serbia, Bosnia, Austria, or Switzerland (the only officially neutral non-NATO countries in continental Europe) and try to fly to South America from there. I generally have an "I know what to do" grasp on most of life's problems, but in this case I'd be genuinely dumbfounded and not sure how to act...
Since there's no force buildup, on either side, for a land war, a direct confrontation between NATO and Russia would be carried out with long range munitions. Cruise and ballistic missiles are too expensive to waste them on random townsfolk, and even cheap kamikaze drones are not infinite. So do Your area study: are there any potential targets near You: military facilities, airfields, logistic hubs, power plants, bridges, etc.? Same rule applies for nukes, no one will fling them randomly, they require high value targets, think: Ramstein Air Base, EUCOM HQ Stuttgart, Aviano Air Base, ports of Piraeus and Bremerhaven (main entry points for US military hardware), Aegis Ashore facilities in Redzikowo, Poland and Deveselu, Romania (those two will definitely be nuked in the opening hours). So unless You live next door to a high value military target, You don't have to worry about ending up on the wrong side of an air raid. But still, regardless of how far away from potential targets You live, You will have to deal with the consequences, so prepare accordingly: have food/water/medicine in storage to survive blackouts. Don't forget about fuel. Keep some cash tucked away - when things go down people will make a bank run. If You decide to bolt, avoid main roads and stay away from trains (railroad hubs are legit military targets) head to the nearest sane country and from there think about Your next steps.