You still keep bringing up flat earth even though I said I don't believe in the Gleason model. You mistake someone doing intense research on a subject for believing in that subject 100%. I remain impartial to the facts, and open to debate what is debatable. Go read that thread again, or go read it apparently for the first time. I debunked it there because of the Celestial poles, but at the same time I was showing the mathematical errors and inconsistencies with what we're given for the Copernican model and the abnormalities of our understanding of "curvature". No I don't believe in your globular prison with exact dimensions spoon-fed to us all from birth, because of many points that have nothing to do with NASA but rather the study of non-newtonian mechanical physics, ancient astronomy, and claims from Biblical Scripture, which I have posted many times, something you don't seem to consider.
Interesting how accuse me of copy-pasting prose when many of your posts were copy-pasted directly from 911's old posts from RVF. The guy was known for red pilling people in fringe corners of the internet, and then one day, he just up and vanished. You display exorbitant gatekeeper behavior. I suspect you have the entire old RVF board archived while you had the opportunity to do so, but you could always be using twitter/X as a springboard. You can jump on the smear bandwagon here for my one mis-citation in this thread but at least I've never plagiarized another member's posts. It's petty to use dirt against someone, but you're inability to properly engage in a debate has exposed your own follies as much as my long-winded incessant tirades are immunizing those with short attention spans from learning something.
I write a lot because there is much to say, and too many people are too silent for their own good.
Reductionism doesn't work when the truth has to fight against overwhelming lies, but since you insist I will endeavor to do so to reach a point of understanding from your background. However because your comments are riddled with speculation and in some parts superstition, which is unfitting of a White mind, I must ask you, are you descended from Europeans? Do you have a family history that was living in mainland Europe and can provide testimony to life under the Third Reich or any other Fascist country that affects your bias? My grandparents were young adults living in different European countries at the time, so I have two different stories from that time, plus I have done my own amateur-style historical quest of visiting sites and tracking people down who experienced these times to discuss my inquiries. There is an understanding which comes with this that is both inherent in my kind, and both far removed if one such European has been brainwashed or does not desire full truth. If you are an American and brainwashed then you are much further removed from understanding these truths, no matter how many books you read or documentaries you watch. You don't internalize racial consciousness, and even if you did, you would have to learn how to keep that alive in conjunction with a spiritual consciousness centered around Christ.
As for the Luftwaffe question, the Me-262 would not have changed the outcome of the war overall, it would not have secured the Axis foreign oil fields, it's only use would have been as a deterrent for bombers. It is highly debatable whether that changing variable alone would have swung the outcome of the combined hatred and might of the world's three largest empires at the time coming down on one small country.
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It proves nothing about Hitler or his alleged decisions around it. Your argument is highly speculative and based on the off-handed comments of Galland. The testimony of one man on one singular condition is not sufficient enough to have determined the probably outcome of a war that had never been seen before with rapidly changing alliances, politics, and other consequences. I have provided you with logistics and numbers and priority of logistics and numbers which you do not factor into your argument.
People like you have an a priori bias against Hitler for personal reasons or investments, or you could be shilling for the establishment to keep the anti-"nazi" rhetoric alive. In this day and age, any time Whites gather for their interests or self-survival this farcical term is thrown at them by haters. You can't even have a nuanced discussion on Hitler without inserting emotional bias or false superstition into it.
One doesn't combine great charisma and oratory skills with any kind of mental retardation. If you can prove Hitler was behind every military blunder then cite them. Your false claim that he didn't lead a country through are easily debunked by looking at the multitude of successes in the six and a half years of peace before the enemies of Germany were able to inaugurate their little war. National Socialism worked, no matter how much you condemn it.
"The Great Accomplishments of National Socialism"
These people were living in an advanced civilization, even if for such a brief time, and Christ was central to the formation of this civilization. Without the Christian morality, and the faith in the Living God, they would not have succeeded in building something so great so quickly. You don't pull almost seven million people out of unemployment, build hundreds of thousands of homes, eradicate political parties and classes causing division in a people without a clear-cut intellect and iron will. It was a product of its time, and the world will likely never see anything as wondrous or miraculous as the recovery from Weimar ever again.
If you read the book, Living Water about Dr. Viktor Schauberger's experiments, He made an appeal for Hitler's 4-year plan in 1933. Hitler was the only leader to ever invest heavily into pursuing alternative free-energy solutions that we know of (Gaddafi potentially was), solutions which did work, but the larger implications of not only dethroning the central banking cartels but also the industrialists in bed with them was too great to ignore. They knew Germany was searching for alternative power to become truly independent of even the means of the judeo-masonic controlled industries.
Your jew-lover Putin is actively destroying Europe, he's another criminal-in-arms like any politician from China, the USA, England, and France and any other commie-friendly "Allied party" who reaped what they sowed. Any situation in Europe and Eurasia with NATO is moot because the entire world order set up after 1945 was completely dominated by the Rothschilds. They put certain systems in place to insure that they would never have to suffer another Hitlerian figure uprising to destroy them ever again. Case in point, Putin is using African mercenaries to torture White Ukrainians, but he gets a free pass because he outlawed sodomy just like the Arabs do. KGB Commie Putin would send every single one of us to jail for questioning the holohoax which undermines the entire framework he's propped up for modern-Russia.
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Your jew-lover Putin compared Christianity to communism in speeches, and his foreign policy is to rid the world of "Nazism," aka a smear word for anything White. It seems fitting since the Bolsheviks concocted the Holohoax that their successors would throw anyone denying it in prison, and ban all White Russian organizations. Exposing the Holohoax is punishable with prison sentences there, worse than cucked-western Europe. They killed the White Russian Crusader Tesak in a detention cell before a tribunal because he was hunting down pedophiles with connections to Putin. I don't know if you've seen Russia recently, a satanic force is swelling inside of it under the very nose of the Orthodox Church. White Russian girls as young as 14 are often in relationships and impregnated by mixed-race Asiatics, or African migrants. Putin is going full Kwanza and obsessed with mixing all the races. There are so many blacks in Russia it isn't even funny, it's reverting to it's Bolshevik past by their inability to denounce Stalinism or any of its heinous crimes and making their entire outlook on their country based on "V-day" instead of any other vastly more important holidays in Russia's Christian history like the uniting of the Rus tribes to repel the Mongol invasion. Instead, they celebrate their "victory" over the last resistance to the satanic jewish NWO. Your Putin institutes draconian military laws that has peasant White Russians dying and often committing suicide by grenade in their vests on the frontlines while muds defile their women back home. Nothing new under the sun from a jewish servant.
If you're not White, or if you are White but you are deracinated, then you won't understand these plights, and quite frankly, you never will be able to, and you can keep hissing "pagan aryanism" until the end of time but it's not going to stop Whites from collectivizing for their mutual survival, whether one calls them "nazi" or not. The term is losing it's efficacy on the more stronger-minded people now. Soon, no one who can make a difference will care what fecal smearing the hacks and the operatives fling at them.
Your logic is contrived, and ignorant of clear spiritual stances. Satan does not stand against satan. Occult does not stand against occult. Evil does not stand against evil, especially not in proportions of the scale of a World War. They burned a lot more than jewish porn in those book piles.
You don't ban pornography, usury, transgender research, homosexuality and all deviancy (which carried with it the death penalty, especially in the SS), you don't ban Pagan religions, Pagan texts, you don't ban all occult societies including Ariosophy, Theosophy, and Freemasonry, and still end up being part of them. You don't call out the satanic jews and their satanic forces and somehow end up in league with the devil. That's not how it works buddy. You're too short-sighted in the spiritual realm to understand these implications. If Pepe the frog makes you nervous then you are not the kind of firmly-rooted mind to be withstanding these kind of revelations of truth. You need to go out more, experience more vibrancy from your local invaders, more usury from your local bankers, and more degeneracy from your own corrupted people to understand the harsh reality of this fight, genetically and spiritually.
Franco held a requiem mass for Hitler when he died, as a fellow Catholic. Other Bishops did the same. I doubt any of them would have held it for a Pagan. So again, don't be lazy. Go read this paper, which is far more credible than jewish wikipedia:
(To everyone else reading this thread: this is the 3rd time I've posted this short book and he refuses to look at it)
You're conflating the symbol of the Swastika with that of reverence unto God, which is a fallacy. That jewpedia article on Ariosophy contains all the hallmarks of post-war propaganda which are blatant lies.
If the Swastika is a pagan symbol as you claim it to be, then why did Christians use it in the 1st century of persecution? Why is it all over the Catacombs of Rome dating from that time period? Why is it in hundreds of frescoes, carvings, and patterns all over Cathedrals and Churches? Why did Popes have it on their Mitres? Why do Bishops have it on their Sepulchers? Why is it all over the inside of the Hagia Sophia? Why did Tsarist Russia and Romania use it? You can't even answer these simple questions. You are ignorant of the wide-variety of Christian symbolism of the past two millennia. This ignorance makes you uncomfortable, so you resort to the pre-scripted post-war victor propaganda programming that you carry out every time you thrust the accusation of "aryan paganism". You're basically speaking lines that were written for you in 1945 meant to last until every White person has been destroyed. I've posted enough pictures of Christian usage of the Swastika, Hakenkreuz, Fylfot, Tetragammadion for you to look at, but you don't. Or you ignore them on purpose because these truths diverge from your reality.
Here is a Cross Slab from Barhobble dating to the 10th century, a site of Christian Worship:
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Celtic iconography had influences and symbolic tradition from the South. Both Saint Ninian and Saint Patrick were known to have strong connections with the continent and and by association the strong symbolic traditions arising from those early years of Christianity in Rome.
The Swastika was used in the American boy scouts for decades, as well as the 45th infantry division as late as 1941. This symbol was everywhere, it wasn't just German Nationalists using it for their government. It had been in use in Germany in that same style since 1870.
-It was used by the Latvian Air Force between 1918 and 1934.
-The Polish used it on their 21st and 22nd infantry divisions, and their anti-gas league.
-The British National War Savings Committee used is as their logo in WWI.
-It was used in Finland since 1918 as the Cross of Freedom. The jews don't want the White Europeans to have any freedom, they want them to be driven down into slavery and to be trampled upon by every gaggle of Heinz 57 blend of mystery meat golem.
For your information, the Swastika is not the same as the Sonnenrad. Artistic renditions can blend the two symbols together but they are not the same. The historical significance of the Sonnenrad is not a Norse pantheonic worship, it is another mystical or prophetic symbol which happens to carry the divine numbers surrounding Christ. Twelve arms around the one center, twelve apostles around the one Messiah. Much of early European symbols evolved from their true heritage and remembrance of God before they forgot Him and practiced pagan beliefs. There were many tales and symbols foretelling of the coming Savior in ancient times. Your interpretation of symbology is reversed, many symbols were taken from Israelite heritage and repurposed for pagan means. The prevalence and frequency of hooked crosses in Christian imagery, art, and architecture both Catholic and Orthodox, not some half-baked mushroom cult, is far too great to be a mere odd-inclusion.
The fact that you don't have an over-encompassing view of history to understand the symbology and resort to your Allied-victor and Strasserist brainwashing smears of "aryan paganism" shows you don't do your research, you just assume things based on superstition. This fear-based mentality is not of God, but something one would find in troglodytes, cave-dwellers, or Kashmiri atavists. It has no place in a world to the defense of the civilized Christian soul, which is being attacked on all sides by esoteric forces and vast legions of empty vessels of impulse, lest you be of service to them in destroying your own brethren, whether by your own accord or not.
You also don't understand the connotations behind the concept of Aryan, another word which has been heavily played with the last 79 years of captivity. The history of Christendom and the destiny of the Aryan peoples go hand in hand, they are not juxtaposed nor are they at odds with one another.
The symbol was racial, not pagan or anything related to a pantheon or deist system of belief. It heavily linked early German, Greek, and Indo-Iranian cultures, these cultures came from the same wellspring, the same progenitor lineages out of Dor, the tribe of Dan, and earlier Shemites post-flood pre-exodus. Therefore it's more absolute to say the symbol was something genetic in it's initial usage, as Chinese, Africans, Mesos, and sub-continental Indians would never have used it, and they are the ones who were essentially "appropriating" it for their own pagan beliefs. , much like they do everything else that was spawned by White minds.
There is no proof that the Swastika was ever placed higher than God or even on the same level of God by anyone in the National Socialist hierarchy. You just feverishly interpret these events according to a position of animosity and judaized repulsion. These millions of German men would go out and do their military processions, but they were all Christians, Church attendance was extremely high in National Socialist Germany. If they weren't out there marching in force, the Marxists would do their strut. The martial aspect of their military rituals were necessary to keep strength and unity in accord. There were spiritually-questionable people like Bormann and Rosenberg, but the first was killed before any information could be impartially extracted after the war (his "diary" is very suspect) and the latter was nowhere near as high up in the party as he was made out to be.
It's time you wake up. If you're not White then you need to reconnect with whatever race you are. Shed the village fear, or at least try to. While you are in this mortal coil your skin is your uniform, no matter if you bear a cross or not. Since you do bear the Cross, or claim to, you have no right to be ignorant of the racial realities which separate men for reasons ordained by no earthly authority.
You never mention Yagoda or Ehrenberg who were directly responsible for the deaths of millions of White Russian Christians, Ukrainians, Polish, Germans, and other Eastern Europeans, not Hitler. Your blaming Hitler is pathetic and infantile, and treacherous that you would ignore the murderers and blame the man who died defending those who were murdered. This claim is demonic and insulting to everyone who was raped to death or dismembered and gutted alive by Bolshevik hordes, and bombed into charred bits of flesh by criminal western bombers. The true criminals and their accursed offspring are still out there committing racial genocide to this very day, and on more than just the White race.
"Hitler's War - The Last Christian Crusade"
Here's what you or anyone else who posits this lame argument of "Hitler was responsible for destroying Germany" don't get:
"If Hitler had not come to power in 1933, there is more to consider than external Communist threats. There were 270,000 suicides the year prior. Germany was, in Berlin, the sin capital of the world, solely due to jewish entrepreneurs who ran the smut business, films, cabarets, and so on. It was also the dope capital for Europe. German Industry was virtually dead. The German welfare payments in the state of Thuringia were so incredibly high that they comprised 90% of that states budget.
Without Adolf Hitler, Germany would have died with a whimper in 1934 or 1935 and the world wouldn't have given a shit. Adolf Hitler saved Germany, and I am a child of Adolf Hitler's works. I would have never been born if my father had never gotten a job thanks to the genius of Adolf Hitler. Millions of other Germans would never have been born, who today, dump on Adolf Hitler. They deserve their miserable lives to this man who saved Germany and gave them work, bread, and honor, for at least twelve years. Germany did at least not live on its knees or crawl on its belly for twelve years, like it has done since Adolf Hitler's demise. At least he gave the Germans twelve years of liberation and freedom. To the question of the ten million or so Germans who died in the war, to defend the freedom of one hundred million people is sometimes expensive." - Ernst Zundel.
For as long as you blame Hitler and not the real criminals, you will never learn anything. As far as I'm concerned, it's tantamount to doing the jew's work, and thus the works of the devil, by inciting accusatory falsehoods or gatekeeping at such a controversial topic that if explored would unite more people than it currently divides.
This is really bad, on so many levels. The more you write (incredibly long post for a midday weekday post), the further you are sinking, terrible doubling down argumentation like how the swastika really is Christian because of some artifact somewhere over 1000 years ago, or about how Adolf Galland was a nobody.
Some of your takes though are above and beyond, like this here:
Your jew-lover Putin is actively destroying Europe, he's another criminal-in-arms like any politician .... Case in point, Putin is using African mercenaries to torture White Ukrainians
What kind of a fantasy is this?? Are you really that detached from reality?
I guess you have a certain sympathy for the Azov types, which is not surprising given the parallels with nazi Germany, who sacrificed their last teenager in a lost cause, just like the Banderists want to fight for Ursula and Blackrock to the last Ukrainian...
The stuff you advocate here is a bit out there:
Yeah Russia is relying on Africans and Indians to defeat and "torture" poor white Ukies! BTW this is not only BS, but also 100% glowie. Do you think the banksters are rooting for Russia?? People like Nuland are completely obsessed with Russia, and completely freaking out about its renaissance as a Christian country. That is what this is all about.
If you want to root for the Nulands, Kagans, Blinkens, Litwaks, Kristol et al, you are very deeply misguided.