Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

They should get out of Poland while they still can, the writing is on the wall. Germany, Slovakia, Belarus, or even Russia/Kaliningrad...

Any country with an extradition treaty will eventually be unsafe for Ukrainian males. This means the entire "West". Can't you see what's going on?

Pretty obvious these orders are coming from the top, the individual countries have no say whatsoever anymore.

Ukrainians need to run to South America, Africa, or Southeast Asia. Pretty much the only places left. Eventually, they will be joined by millions of European men running from the draft, followed by Americans. Ukrainians should setup shop in these places and get ready to cash in, it's actually a huge business opportunity for the next several decades - helping draft dodgers migrate to non-Western controlled countries.
That's because they're white Christian men. If they were brown muzzies it would be "C'mon in!"
It's truly repulsive to see how people who qualify as genuine refugees - escaping from conscription, and almost certian death - will be rounded up and deported. While a 3rd world PoS like this one; a convicted child rapist will get to stay in Europe because he might get PTSD and harm himself if he's deported.
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They should get out of Poland while they still can, the writing is on the wall. Germany, Slovakia, Belarus, or even Russia/Kaliningrad...

Any country with an extradition treaty will eventually be unsafe for Ukrainian males. This means the entire "West". Can't you see what's going on?

Pretty obvious these orders are coming from the top, the individual countries have no say whatsoever anymore.

Ukrainians need to run to South America, Africa, or Southeast Asia. Pretty much the only places left. Eventually, they will be joined by millions of European men running from the draft, followed by Americans. Ukrainians should setup shop in these places and get ready to cash in, it's actually a huge business opportunity for the next several decades - helping draft dodgers migrate to non-Western controlled countries.

Lithuania is willing to follow Poland on this.

On April 25, his Lithuanian counterpart Laurynas Kasciunas said the authorities in Vilnius could follow Poland’s moves.
“I think this is the right way,” Mr Kasciunas told reporters, referring to the Polish minister’s remarks.
“Ukraine is very short of mobilisation reserve... This is not fair to those citizens who are fighting for their country,” Mr Kasciunas said.
Any country with an extradition treaty will eventually be unsafe for Ukrainian males. This means the entire "West". Can't you see what's going on?

Pretty obvious these orders are coming from the top, the individual countries have no say whatsoever anymore.

Ukrainians need to run to South America, Africa, or Southeast Asia. Pretty much the only places left. Eventually, they will be joined by millions of European men running from the draft, followed by Americans. Ukrainians should setup shop in these places and get ready to cash in, it's actually a huge business opportunity for the next several decades - helping draft dodgers migrate to non-Western controlled countries.
South America might not be safe for us. It looks like almost all SA countries have an extradition treaty with the US:
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Running solves nothing. In the end evil will catch up to each of us. We in the West been blessed with the opportunity to prepare for what’s coming in each of our countries. Be the rock upon which Clown World breaks in each of our homes and cities.
Running solves nothing. In the end evil will catch up to each of us. We in the West been blessed with the opportunity to prepare for what’s coming in each of our countries. Be the rock upon which Clown World breaks in each of our homes and cities.

I hope and pray that I can be that rock, with God's help, if I find myself in unpredictable and unfortunate situation. That being said, saying this is much easier than actually living it out. Say you're on your farm with your 5 kids and wife, trying to live holy lives, and then all of a sudden five heavily armed government goons come to your door to kidnap you and force you to the front line. How are you going to break clown world then? You're not. You're going to go die a miserable painful death in the service of ZOG, your family will be left destitute without a provider, and your children will grow up fatherless (meaning they will not be likely to carry on the values of their parents) in a single parent home raised by the state (public schools, media, social media, minimum wage daycare worker immigrants from a different culture, etc).
I hope and pray that I can be that rock, with God's help, if I find myself in unpredictable and unfortunate situation. That being said, saying this is much easier than actually living it out. Say you're on your farm with your 5 kids and wife, trying to live holy lives, and then all of a sudden five heavily armed government goons come to your door to kidnap you and force you to the front line. How are you going to break clown world then? You're not. You're going to go die a miserable painful death in the service of ZOG, your family will be left destitute without a provider, and your children will grow up fatherless (meaning they will not be likely to carry on the values of their parents) in a single parent home raised by the state (public schools, media, social media, minimum wage daycare worker immigrants from a different culture, etc).
Run because of long odds? No. Part of being that rock is developing and becoming part of your community so it’s not a single family vs the state. It may mean moving inside your state/country. I understand what you’re saying and disagree because it’s automatically going to the worst case. At the end of the day the temporal power of the GloHos is unmatched. And that’s no excuse to pack up and run abroad to escape their grasp. The consequences of standing firm will be brutal. I almost lost my good job due to being unvaxxed and I was willing to move home and run a garbage truck again if needed. Stand firm. I say this as a single man in my 20s, courting a woman, and looking towards building a family and future. God willing.
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Run because of long odds? No. Part of being that rock is developing and becoming part of your community so it’s not a single family vs the state. It may mean moving inside your state/country. I understand what you’re saying and disagree because it’s automatically going to the worst case. At the end of the day the temporal power of the GloHos is unmatched. And that’s no excuse to pack up and run abroad to escape their grasp. The consequences of standing firm will be brutal. I almost lost my good job due to being unvaxxed and I was willing to move home and run a garbage truck again if needed. Stand firm. I say this as a single man in my 20s, courting a woman, and looking towards building a family and future. God willing.

I hope you will be right, and I commend you for your courage.

I've directly experienced what I described above, however. I visited Ukraine before the war and know many Ukrainian men who've fled. This is not a "worst case", this is an absolute real case for almost every single Ukrainian man (who's not some ultra rich well connected zogger) who stayed in the country after March 2022. I also know some of the damaged liberal women who are the fatherless daughters of very conservative patriotic Orthodox Georgian men who died fighting in the Abkhazia war (1992-1993). I've seen first-hand what growing up fatherless can do to especially women, even in the most conservative communities. It's not good.
Run because of long odds? No. Part of being that rock is developing and becoming part of your community so it’s not a single family vs the state. It may mean moving inside your state/country. I understand what you’re saying and disagree because it’s automatically going to the worst case. At the end of the day the temporal power of the GloHos is unmatched. And that’s no excuse to pack up and run abroad to escape their grasp. The consequences of standing firm will be brutal. I almost lost my good job due to being unvaxxed and I was willing to move home and run a garbage truck again if needed. Stand firm. I say this as a single man in my 20s, courting a woman, and looking towards building a family and future. God willing.

In the end, running or fighting are both valid depending on circumstances. What is not valid, is serving globohomo. Each of us will have to decide what route is best, through intense prayer and contemplation.
Any country with an extradition treaty will eventually be unsafe for Ukrainian males. This means the entire "West". Can't you see what's going on?

Pretty obvious these orders are coming from the top, the individual countries have no say whatsoever anymore.

Ukrainians need to run to South America, Africa, or Southeast Asia. Pretty much the only places left. Eventually, they will be joined by millions of European men running from the draft, followed by Americans. Ukrainians should setup shop in these places and get ready to cash in, it's actually a huge business opportunity for the next several decades - helping draft dodgers migrate to non-Western controlled countries.

It's up to the country, ultimately. Hungary for example doesn't have open border mass immigration, despite EU directives. They don't have to extradite Ukrainian men fleeing conscription.
The Russians are advancing on several fronts, Ukraine is having trouble holding their lines. This is the beginning of a successful and momentous Russian Summer offensive.

I said before that the war will end once one of these 3 items happens:
-Ukraine runs out of troops
-Ukraine runs out of weapons and trained personnel to use them
-Ukraine morale crashes

The first and second items are already starting to manifest after 2 years of massive attrition damage inflicted on Ukraine, hence the advances now being observed at the border, and the decrease in morale with Azov and Right Sector brigades pulling out in several areas.

This is a very good perspective on what we might be seeing this Summer from the Russians by Mark Sleboda, he goes over it in about 10min from the time period stamped below:
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Russia only has a small window of opportunity, maybe 3-5 months, to take as much territory as possible before the next NATO army arrives. They are drafting men out of Poland and soon rest of EU, so there will be a lag time before the front line is reinforced.

Ideally Russia needs to take enough land to prevent more strikes on their own territory in this timeframe.
Russia only has a small window of opportunity, maybe 3-5 months, to take as much territory as possible before the next NATO army arrives. They are drafting men out of Poland

Gonna need to see a reliable source for that claim.
As far as I know the only people being "drafted" in Poland are paid mercenaries, which isn't a draft at all....
Gonna need to see a reliable source for that claim.
As far as I know the only people being "drafted" in Poland are paid mercenaries, which isn't a draft at all....
No one is rounding up ukrainian men and loading them on railcars. Not yet.
But some European countries, Poland taking the lead, have voiced their willingness to help ukraine get their men back.
As mentioned before:

Sure, Poland will help...
return military aged ukrainians back to the grinder.

When will it happen, and what methods will be used is still unclear - it can be as little as only deporting ukrainians without valid passports (since they no longer have access to consulary services), or striping away their welfare benefits, or as much as allowing ukrainian MPs to make arrests on European soil.
The Russians are advancing on several fronts, Ukraine is having trouble holding their lines. This is the beginning of a successful and momentous Russian Summer offensive.

I said before that the war will end once one of these 3 items happens:
-Ukraine runs out of troops
-Ukraine runs out of weapons and trained personnel to use them
-Ukraine morale crashes

The first and second items are already starting to manifest after 2 years of massive attrition damage inflicted on Ukraine, hence the advances now being observed at the border, and the decrease in morale with Azov and Right Sector brigades pulling out in several areas.

This is a very good perspective on what we might be seeing this Summer from the Russians by Mark Sleboda, he goes over it in about 10min from the time period stamped below:

I just skimmed through the video, but generally speaking, I agree with those predictions. I don't think Russia will launch a one massive, deep offensive operation - the concentration of forces and resources neccessary for a big arrow move will be immediately discovered and targeted by long range fires. So I think they'll go wide: increase offensive operations along the whole front, maybe even open a new sector along the Kharkov and Sumy borders, to stretch the ukrainians as much as possible. Force them to prioritize, where to concentrate their scarce equipment, and where to deploy only infantry, and then exploit those weakened sectors by driving armored fists through them.
But there's still a lot of ground between the current line of contact and the Dnieper, for the ukrainians to fall back, dig in, and stall for time - because the main goal of ukraine this year is to buy as much time as possible: use it to rebuild their combat potential and wait for the west to increase their military-industrial output.
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Russia only has a small window of opportunity, maybe 3-5 months, to take as much territory as possible before the next NATO army arrives. They are drafting men out of Poland and soon rest of EU, so there will be a lag time before the front line is reinforced.

Ideally Russia needs to take enough land to prevent more strikes on their own territory in this timeframe.
Ukraine can draft as many men as they want, and it won't change anything on its own. Sure, they can plug the holes in the front with meat, but to regain combat capabilities they'll need much more than just the meat: training, equipment, and most importantly a surplus of munitions - and at the moment there's no spare military-industrial capability in the west. The latest military aid package provides some ammo from hand to mouth but not enough for the ukrainians to save and accumulate it for any offensive operations. Most of that money will go for new contracts which won't be fulfilled anytime soon. So You'll need to push this 3-5 months timeframe further.
There's already been tens of thousands of non-Ukrainian casualties in this war, great majority of which are Poles.

Other than Poland and the Balts, there is little enthusiasm elsewhere in NATO to join this lost cause. Don't forget that at the beginning of the war in 2022, Ukraine's army had more soldiers than the German, French, British and Italian armies combined. You don't replace the million plus Ukrainian casualties that easily.