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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

I doubt this war goes on beyond next year. Sure, the globalists would just love to bleed the Slavs and Euro useful idiots by the million for another decade, but they're not going to get that chance, because Russia is not complying.

You have to account for the fact that most of the globalist leaders and deciders are ideologically-driven and somewhat incompetent at running wars due to hubris and lack of understanding of basic war tactics and needs. The Russians however don't suffer from that kind of shortfall...

If I was Nuland or Blinken or Pelosi, I would have contracted at least 100,000 dorito-style drones to a number of countries including S Korea, Vietnam, Mexico, and set up big money-losing production facilities of shells and canons in a dozen allied/vassal low-cost countries TWO YEARS AGO. They are only starting to understand that they blew it, and now it's too late.

They have been pumping billions into domestic drone production.

This war has been planned perhaps over a decade ago. I would be shocked if it ends next year.
They have been pumping billions into domestic drone production.

This war has been planned perhaps over a decade ago. I would be shocked if it ends next year.

The link says:
The Pentagon announced a “Replicator” program last year aimed at building thousands of low-cost drones in the United States within a year and a half.

So maybe they will have them ready in 2 or 3 years. They will cost 10x as much as Chinese drones, and will be produced in small quantities, but worse of all, by that time the war will be over...
This is one of the dumbest moves yet by the west.

the US executive branch to seize and transfer frozen Russian assets held in the country to Ukraine, was passed by the US House of Representatives with a bipartisan vote of 360-58

The bill is now headed for the Senate, so the US still has a chance to avoid escalating conflicts in the field of finance. As reported, a bill must be passed by both the House and Senate in identical form and then signed by US president to become law.

more than $288 billion of Russian assets remain in the G7 countries, the EU and Australia, of which 200 billion euros ($217 billion) is in the EU, mainly in Belgium.
US is planning to force the EU, which has some authority over frozen Russian assets, to steal them and give them to Ukraine.
It is believed that political elites in Washington are fully aware that the potential confiscation of Russian assets would undermine international finance, but many of them still support radical measures

Speaking at the Council for Foreign Relations on Wednesday, European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde stressed that seizing some $260 billion in Russian assets currently frozen in Europe would undermine the international rule of law, with unforeseeable consequences, media outlet Politico reported.

The US, as a principal beneficiary of the current international order, is undermining international rule of law and order. This behavior will have a negative impact on the global financial system, resulting in financial conflicts or even financial wars. The US economy is likely to suffer losses, with significant spillover effect in global financial systems.
This is the actual Deep State itself, warning America not to self destruct America by ruining the last vestiges of the Petrodollar.
If the US openly violates its international agreements, why would, for example, China, ever buy a US government bond again? A bond is a promise to repay with interest in the future. If monies can be frozen and stolen outside of laws being broken or wars being declared, then what assurance does China have that said interest would ever be repaid?

Of course, the US will suffer severely if and when this international debt system breaks down:



[Note that this chart is 14 years old!]

The other obvious point should be, if Russian assets are stolen and given to Russia, then Russia suddenly has a $288 Billion reason to destroy the entirety of Ukraine, instead of just stopping at the liberated territories it holds now. Complete fail on all sides by the west! Lose-Lose-Lose
Seymour Hersh documents some of the grift. Ukraine gets another $61 BILLION while the US CIA director warns Zelensky to stop stealing so much western money.

The Ukraine government, headed by Volodymyr Zelensky, has been using American taxpayers’ funds to pay dearly for the vitally needed diesel fuel that is keeping the Ukrainian army on the move in its war with Russia. It is unknown how much the Zelensky government is paying per gallon for the fuel, but the Pentagon was paying as much as $400 per gallon to transport gasoline from a port in Pakistan, via truck or parachute, into Afghanistan during the decades-long American war there.

What also is unknown is that Zelensky has been buying the fuel from Russia
“And who’s paying for the gas and oil? We are. Putin and his oligarchs are making millions” on it.

The issue of corruption was directly raised with Zelensky in a meeting last January in Kiev with CIA Director William Burns. His message to the Ukrainian president, I was told by an intelligence official with direct knowledge of the meeting, was out of a 1950s mob movie. The senior generals and government officials in Kiev were angry at what they saw as Zelensky’s greed, so Burns told the Ukrainian president, because “he was taking a larger share of the skim money than was going to the generals.”

Burns also presented Zelensky with a list of thirty-five generals and senior officials whose corruption was known to the CIA and others in the American government.

Central Intelligence Agency put the embezzled funds at $400 million last year, at least; another expert compared the level of corruption in Kiev as approaching that of the Afghan war, “although there will be no professional audit reports emerging from the Ukraine.”

Top Comment:
Can’t audit Ukraine, but 85,000 new IRS agents to audit American citizens, no problem!
This is one of the dumbest moves yet by the west.

US is planning to force the EU, which has some authority over frozen Russian assets, to steal them and give them to Ukraine.

This is the actual Deep State itself, warning America not to self destruct America by ruining the last vestiges of the Petrodollar.
If the US openly violates its international agreements, why would, for example, China, ever buy a US government bond again? A bond is a promise to repay with interest in the future. If monies can be frozen and stolen outside of laws being broken or wars being declared, then what assurance does China have that said interest would ever be repaid?

Of course, the US will suffer severely if and when this international debt system breaks down:



[Note that this chart is 14 years old!]

The other obvious point should be, if Russian assets are stolen and given to Russia, then Russia suddenly has a $288 Billion reason to destroy the entirety of Ukraine, instead of just stopping at the liberated territories it holds now. Complete fail on all sides by the west! Lose-Lose-Lose
There's some talk about sanctioning Chinese banks and businesses that are doing business with Russia. We are going to weaponize the dollar, declare fiscal war on everybody we don't like, then act surprised when BRICS gains momentum.

People don't like to be forced to make choices. They usually chose against the one doing the forcing - once they have the power to resist.
Following the new US aid package, and the new mobilization law in ukraine - ukrainian embassies, and consulates, will no longer offer any services to male ukrainians abroad.

By denying documents at consulates, every Ukrainian is trapped in whatever EU country they are in. This will prevent them from fleeing to South America or somewhere else there is no extradition treaty with the USA/Ukraine (((allies))). This will make it easy for NATO countries to round up male Ukrainians and ship them to the frontlines.

This is laying the beginning framework of NATO as a conscription service. First they will come for the Ukrainians. The rest of Europe will be next.
By denying documents at consulates, every Ukrainian is trapped in whatever EU country they are in. This will prevent them from fleeing to South America or somewhere else there is no extradition treaty with the USA/Ukraine (((allies))). This will make it easy for NATO countries to round up male Ukrainians and ship them to the frontlines.

This is laying the beginning framework of NATO as a conscription service. First they will come for the Ukrainians. The rest of Europe will be next.
I think there's still a long way before that happens. I see it as a gradual process: at first some western detachments will be introduced in ukraine to take over the rear services (logistics, maintenance, comms, MPs, border patrol, etc) and allow ukrainians to transfer their own "tail" units to the frontline. But as the time goes and the frontline crumbles more and more western troops will have to come and take over even more and more responsibilities, and eventually it will be the western troops who will have to man the line - perhaps on the Dnieper River.
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Following the new US aid package, and the new mobilization law in ukraine - ukrainian embassies, and consulates, will no longer offer any services to male ukrainians abroad.

To be honest I am surprised the Ukrainian consulates and embassies DID provide services to military aged men for 2 WHOLE years until now.
Any Ukrainian abroad who in past 2 years failed to get a new 10 year passport has only himself to blame.
Being prepared in advance is as basic as the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf.
To be honest I am surprised the Ukrainian consulates and embassies DID provide services to military aged men for 2 WHOLE years until now.
Any Ukrainian abroad who in past 2 years failed to get a new 10 year passport has only himself to blame.
Being prepared in advance is as basic as the 3 little pigs and the big bad wolf.

I'm not surprised. Most guys on this forum, which is super red-pilled, did not believe this war would escalate to the degree it has. What chance your normie Ukrianium saw this coming?
Following the new US aid package, and the new mobilization law in ukraine - ukrainian embassies, and consulates, will no longer offer any services to male ukrainians abroad.
Lindsay Graham and the like have been over there pushing for more fresh troops in suits lately. You can see the arm-twisting: OK, we'll spot you another 60B, but you have to get those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers. Call them all back from abroad.
They might be able to travel to Slovakia/Hungary or Germany without an up to date passport, technically they don't check your passport within the EU. Otherwise they should lay low for a year or two until the storm subsides. Poland is the most fanatical anti-Russian country, I can see them cracking down on their Ukrainians and collaborating to have them deported to the meat grinder in Ukraine.

Perhaps Belarus could step up and let them in, and issue temporary passports, that would be a masterful move, provided Poland would let them through.
They might be able to travel to Slovakia/Hungary or Germany without an up to date passport, technically they don't check your passport within the EU. Otherwise they should lay low for a year or two until the storm subsides.
But it's not about passports alone, they need consulary services to get access to their diplomas/certificates so they can find meaningful employment, and birth certificates so they can get married, or to register their children born abroad as ukrainians.

Poland is the most fanatical anti-Russian country, I can see them cracking down on their Ukrainians and collaborating to have them deported to the meat grinder in Ukraine.
It's not a decision of Polish authorities, this is a ukrainian decision, and I think all ukrainian embassies were ordered to do so.

Perhaps Belarus could step up and let them in, and issue temporary passports, that would be a masterful move, provided Poland would let them through.
I'm not sure if those ukrainians in particular would want to go to Belarus - if they wanted, they would go there, or to Russia, in the first place.
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But it's not about passports alone, they need consulary services to get access to their diplomas/certificates so they can find meaningful employment, and birth certificates so they can get married, or to register their children born abroad as ukrainians.

I'm not sure if those ukrainians in particular would want to go to Belarus - if they wanted, they would go there, or to Russia, in the first place.

Poland is closer and has higher wages and social services.

It's not a decision of Polish authorities, this is a ukrainian decision, and I think all ukrainian embassies were ordered to do so.

Poles could just accept expired passports, diploma originals etc, if there was a will... Heck they could also issue travel documents for them.

the ultimate irony here is that Ukrainian males are the most genuine war refugees, fleeing from near certain death or injury, yet most EU countries would shun them and send them right back to the meat grinder...
Ukrainians' belief that they had a chance lies in their complex of inferiority towards the West. I mean surely, German and American technology is superior to Soviet Russian equipment? Mercedes beats Lada, right?
This time last year, a lot of Russians believed in the superiority of western arms and tactics. The great ukrainian counteroffensive have changed it.
And now, Russia is preparing to put on a show with captured western equipment.

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