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Lounge of The Russian-Ukrainian War

Exactly. The strongest men will be given huge paychecks, and they will hunt down the soyboys like they are stray dogs, put them in vans, and no one ever sees them again.
Soyboys would leave the country en masse, as in Ukraine, which has over 2 million military aged men abroad. It's the farmers, workers etc that are left behind.

Where would they go? The EU would be enforcing it continent wide. America won't take them. Will they flee to Russia or Africa?
Soyboys would leave the country en masse, as in Ukraine, which has over 2 million military aged men abroad. It's the farmers, workers etc that are left behind.
There will probably be some sort of false flag event so that "public opinion" will be pro-war. Use the classic 'women will think you are a wuss if you don't go die for the elites' approach.
The Ukraine is a lot different situation than the US, people have been leaving there in search of a better life for decades. The war was just a good excuse and accelerated what was already happening.
Few folks are leaving the US in search of a better life, so this scenario is doubtful IMO.
Like @Samseau said, where will they go?
We're now a quarter century into the age of blatant, large-scale false flags like 9/11. there is a significant segment of the population that isn't going to buy the narrative any more. And that segment happens to be more conservative, more rural, and more connected with the military.

Where would they go? The EU would be enforcing it continent wide. America won't take them. Will they flee to Russia or Africa?
There will always be a few states that will not be on the same page. Today that will be Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Greece, Belarus, Russia and so forth. And that's just in Europe, they could go to any number of countries in Latin America or Asia.
The 20-something young men I know are much, much more savvy to certain (((ways of the world))) than I ever was at their age - and they are becoming cynical. These guys are getting weekly bans on Call of Duty (or such) games for mocking each other as Staff Sergeant Zogbot, or similar 20-something male language. This includes a young hispanic man I know that would make some CIK forum members blush, with his race realism.

Sure, there's a swath of soy, but some of these guys are red-pilled and now very cynical, after the CV psyop and studying up on the Ukraine and now Palestine wars. I'm more worried about their Gen X and boomer forefathers exerting pressure on them to "take one for God and country."

That's one benefit of forum's such as this. Ideas that were bandied about years ago (a decade ago even) on RVF/ROK have now entered all types of other venues. There's a trickle-down effect, with former (and maybe current) members/lurkers receiving certain prominence in twitter, gab, etc. and dropping red pills. The truth has a way of sneaking out between the stranglehold fingers. And once you see, you can't unsee it.
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We're now a quarter century into the age of blatant, large-scale false flags like 9/11. there is a significant segment of the population that isn't going to buy the narrative any more. And that segment happens to be more conservative, more rural, and more connected with the military.

There will always be a few states that will not be on the same page. Today that will be Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Greece, Belarus, Russia and so forth. And that's just in Europe, they could go to any number of countries in Latin America or Asia.
Yes that is true about a large portion of people not buying the ff events. However, if that fails they will just recruit in the Ukraine style. As we saw with the coof/wuflu, a few will speak out and resist but unless it directly affects them, it seems like most people these days will look the other way.
The problem with the mil is that there is a standing army with a different set of rules. As far as 'We The People' are concerned, a far better system than drafts and conscript armies would be local militias, but that system is less useful to the ruling class.
There will always be a few states that will not be on the same page. Today that will be Hungary, Slovakia, Serbia, Switzerland, Turkey, Greece,

Not a single one of these states will help draft dodgers, are you kidding me? What's in it for them? They would risk losing on out billions of sweet EU funds, to help out some random White guys?

Belarus, Russia and so forth. And that's just in Europe, they could go to any number of countries in Latin America or Asia.

And travel outside of Europe will be banned by the EU, just like it was prohibited by Ukraine after the war started.

Combine that with the fact that only a small percentage of the population will be drafted a time, most soyboys will be happy playing their vidya games and ignoring reality until it hits them.

The fact there was no mass resistance to mandatory drug injections already tells us everything we need to know.
Not a single one of these states will help draft dodgers, are you kidding me? What's in it for them? They would risk losing on out billions of sweet EU funds, to help out some random White guys?

And travel outside of Europe will be banned by the EU, just like it was prohibited by Ukraine after the war started.

Combine that with the fact that only a small percentage of the population will be drafted a time, most soyboys will be happy playing their vidya games and ignoring reality until it hits them.

The fact there was no mass resistance to mandatory drug injections already tells us everything we need to know.
There are plenty of Ukrainian draft dodgers here in Switzerland. As I understand it, the state pays them to be here and do nothing.

I used to be against it but I've changed my position on this. Frankly, I'd rather be a draft dodger hiding here in Switzerland with my family than dying in the mud for Zelensky.
Not a single one of these states will help draft dodgers, are you kidding me? What's in it for them? They would risk losing on out billions of sweet EU funds, to help out some random White guys?

And travel outside of Europe will be banned by the EU, just like it was prohibited by Ukraine after the war started.

Combine that with the fact that only a small percentage of the population will be drafted a time, most soyboys will be happy playing their vidya games and ignoring reality until it hits them.

The fact there was no mass resistance to mandatory drug injections already tells us everything we need to know.

Ukraine has tens of thousands of troops manning its borders. In the EU however the borders are not guarded, and haven't been for decades now, it would require a gigantic effort to seal off their borders, especially when riots are already taking place in many European countries and countries like France or Holland are barely keeping up with policing them.

Imagine also if those soyboys were thrown into the trenches, the social media posts would be insane, and their antiwar message would be amplified and would render a wider draft politically unsustainable.
Ukraine has tens of thousands of troops manning its borders. In the EU however the borders are not guarded, and haven't been for decades now, it would require a gigantic effort to seal off their borders, especially when riots are already taking place in many European countries and countries like France or Holland are barely keeping up with policing them.

Imagine also if those soyboys were thrown into the trenches, the social media posts would be insane, and their antiwar message would be amplified and would render a wider draft politically unsustainable.

All of that will change. The borders will be sealed up (if you're White), NATO will become a conscription service, and there will be no where to run. The USA will also ship over any draft dodgers.

Men sent to the front will not have any phones or contact with their relatives, not that it would matter much. There is plenty of evidence of the clot shots killing hundreds of thousands, does anyone care?
Things are looking more like the West is ready to concede defeat. I don't think there will be a draft anytime soon.

This is propaganda to scare the masses and drum up fear of Russia to support the war.

This is how people are psychologically conditioned for false flags, and more war. This piece proves the opposite of what you think, and reveals the intentions of the usurers clearly.

Look at the language used in the article:

"Now the boot is on the other foot as Russia masses its troops and keeps Kyiv guessing where it is going to attack next."

"The Commander of US Forces in Europe, General Christopher Cavoli, has warned that unless the US rushes significantly more weapons and ammunition to Ukraine then its forces will be outgunned on the battlefield by ten to one."

100% fear porn designed to terrify the masses and ensure years and years of more war. Worked with COVID, so I'm sure it's working again now.
^ It's definitely not fear porn, if anything it's a piece of shockingly true reporting, considering the source. Nearly everything they wrote in that article is true, which represents a 180-degree turn from their previous reporting about heroic Ukrainian military valor and Russian ineptitude.

The MSM is just trying to manage western expectations here, which they have thoroughly propagandized for 2 years now, preparing them for a "soft landing" as reality is catching up fast with their fake narrative. There is also an element who want to double down on Ukraine, and that narrative also serves to keep US/NATO aid flowing to Ukraine in order to stave off Russian breakthroughs.

But part of this is the faction of neocons that is more concerned with Israel today wanting to prioritize it over Ukraine, which is now competing with Israel for NATO Patriot missiles and artillery. You also have the China hawks who want their "pivot to Asia" and see Ukraine as a distraction from the main event.
^ It's definitely not fear porn, if anything it's a piece of shockingly true reporting, considering the source. Nearly everything they wrote in that article is true, which represents a 180-degree turn from their previous reporting about heroic Ukrainian military valor and Russian ineptitude.

The MSM is just trying to manage western expectations here, which they have thoroughly propagandized for 2 years now, preparing them for a "soft landing" as reality is catching up fast with their fake narrative. There is also an element who want to double down on Ukraine, and that narrative also serves to keep US/NATO aid flowing to Ukraine in order to stave off Russian breakthroughs.

But part of this is the faction of neocons that is more concerned with Israel today wanting to prioritize it over Ukraine, which is now competing with Israel for NATO Patriot missiles and artillery. You also have the China hawks who want their "pivot to Asia" and see Ukraine as a distraction from the main event.

Fear porn is best with true facts. Truth is absolutely terrifying and blackpilling to 99% of normies.

For example, just tell a room of normies,

"Someday you will die and be judged." The entire room will fall silent, some uncomfortable shifting, and then someone will change subject.

So this is indeed fear porn, and telling the truth is the #1 way to break a normie out of their bubble of self-inflicted stupor.

The Rothschilds want Russia to die, so they can control China, and enact a true dictatorship over the world's resources and bring down the population to half a billion or so. Georgia Guidestone plan in action. They can't do that with an independent Russia.

The China hawks are a minor faction by comparison.
Fear porn is best with true facts. Truth is absolutely terrifying and blackpilling to 99% of normies.

For example, just tell a room of normies,

"Someday you will die and be judged." The entire room will fall silent, some uncomfortable shifting, and then someone will change subject.

So this is indeed fear porn, and telling the truth is the #1 way to break a normie out of their bubble of self-inflicted stupor.

The Rothschilds want Russia to die, so they can control China, and enact a true dictatorship over the world's resources and bring down the population to half a billion or so. Georgia Guidestone plan in action. They can't do that with an independent Russia.

The China hawks are a minor faction by comparison.
The covid fear porn was not true though, it was 100% built on lies. And it was successful. But I can't remember the last time the West successfully spread fear based on truth.

So even if you're right about the intent of that article, I don't think they have what it takes to be successful. They are so arrogant and conceited that they can't see the bigger picture. When you deal with the truth, the problem is people's better natures kick in automatically. Truth is from God, and the truth naturally opposes fear.