Lifter's Lounge

You seem to have been triggered by my first post so I just wanted to spare your feelings with my second one.

Anyway, you're on drugs.

It's true, I am nobody.

You're still on drugs.
Indeed I am taking drugs from a doctor. Just like you might take antibiotics or blood thinners or whatever else. 100 percent legal and monitored and safe.

You might have missed where everyone here (that ive seen) is talking about drugs from a doctor.

Whatever you're doing and have going for you, hope it's giving you all you want and I am happy for you.

You're entitled to call people fags or pussies but id probably look in the mirror first and ask "why do you care?"
Indeed I am taking drugs from a doctor. Just like you might take antibiotics or blood thinners or whatever else. 100 percent legal and monitored and safe.

You might have missed where everyone here (that ive seen) is talking about drugs from a doctor.

Whatever you're doing and have going for you, hope it's giving you all you want and I am happy for you.

You're entitled to call people fags or pussies but id probably look in the mirror first and ask "why do you care?"

You know exactly why he cares
I said fags as a manner of speaking, I could have said pussies or something like that.

You're entitled to your opinions, but comparing someone who takes testosterone to homosexuality is pretty dense and pretty arrogant from you.

I gotta side with @El Chaderino here, he's got a username that lets me know he means business.

I don't think he went far enough though. He's right that testosterone is for homosexuals, but if you really want to stop being a pussy, you gotta max out your xenoestrogens as well.

Everyone knows having muscles that women want to touch is extremely gay. Plus xenoestrogens come from petroleum and petroleum comes from the ground. What's more natural than the ground? Nothing. Checkmate, libs.
I've had a lot of woe in recent months on the road trying to get to a gym.

Sadly it seems to be a thing of the past that you can just turn up at a gym somewhere in the world, give them $5 or $10 and just use the gym. No, these days it's sorry we don't accept cash and we need to see your passport.

Need to see you passport - not to board a flight and cross a border, not to buy alcohol, but to use a gym.

Then, the other thing is, in places where that is not the case - members only, swipe a card, install an app. Otherwise, some, only some gyms have limited staffed opening hours where non-members can attend.

I finally lifted yesterday for the first time in about 3 weeks, now everything is nicely sore. Paid cash, had to show ID. I discussed the prospect of membership with them and whether they would force me to install an app after I paid the yearly membership fee. He explained that they would strongly prefer if I installed an app however they make exceptions for some elderly members without smartphones and give them a wrist bracelet. So I said that that would need to be part of the agreement before joining.

I don't think I will be joining however, as it is too expensive, and the treadmill was in miles per hour which is very annoying when you are not in the US or UK. As I was warming up on the treadmill I was mentally preparing for shoulder press dumbells to be in pounds, but alas, the weights were in kilograms! I really tried, there was no way to change the treadmill to metric units. What are these people thinking, how is one supposed to have a pleasant time at the gym with the units all incoherent like this.

Then, why the passport to use the gym? These were American and British owned international fitness chains. I think it's as there are inhouse teams of (((lawyers))) in the Manhattan or City of London offices contemplating what will happen with insurance and litigation when someone drops the benchpress on themself, or trips on the treadmill and has a whole lot of skin scraped off their chin.

Have any of you had good experiences with programs that let you use gyms in different countries? I know they would probably force you to install an app. Would be nice if it were just a membership card, but won't get my hopes up.. But I'm thinking of maybe moving with the times, where you can't just turn up at a gym, hand over some cash and expect to go in and lift, and join an appropriate program next time before I travel.

Actually, when I was refused entry for trying to pay cash and not having my ID, I tried to bribe them, offering double the entry fee. It would be an interesting social experiment to see at what point the gym attendant lets you in. Anyway for that place I know for next time.

Oh - medical certificates - in certain parts of the world you need a medical certificate to join some gyms. Some but not others, I think it depends on the kind of insurance they have but it's all a load of (((nonsense)))
Im impressed with this guys strength, he isnt a big guy but seems to have a very strong core and lots of strength. If you look at this page he does a lot of pranks at the gym.

I know that nobody is saying it doesn't work lol. What I'm confused on is how with almost no effort, I'm hitting new PRs that I could never dream of when I actually worked hard and optimized everything. I was gaslit my whole life to believe that hormones matter less than diet/workout routines, but clearly this is 100% false.

I'll post results soon. But like I said i've done tests before multiple times and my SHBG was always so high that it was actually past the reference range, at times it was as high as 70nmol/L with the ref range of 10-50.
Everyone knows TRT and and or steroids work. Nobody is disputing that. The question is are the long-term side effects worth the additional muscle gains? For most people the answer is no but that is really for you to decide.
You seem to have been triggered by my first post so I just wanted to spare your feelings with my second one.

Anyway, you're on drugs.

It's true, I am nobody.

You're still on drugs.
I agree, the TRT guys are drug addicts. Muscular junkies.

That said, I also think of myself as a drug addict due to the caffeine in the preworkout I take almost every morning, so it is what it is. Caffeine is very underrated as a drug because almost everyone is addicted to it, so it's considered normal.
I agree, the TRT guys are drug addicts. Muscular junkies.

That said, I also think of myself as a drug addict due to the caffeine in the preworkout I take almost every morning, so it is what it is. Caffeine is very underrated as a drug because almost everyone is addicted to it, so it's considered normal.
I think that's a pretty broad brush stroke to make for people who are using a medically justified treatment.
I think that's a pretty broad brush stroke to make for people who are using a medically justified treatment.
The majority of guys who are taking testosterone do not have abnormally low testosterone they are just trying to gain muscle faster. Sure there are people with hormonal problems or 80 year old men on TRT but that is the minority. Yes for those minority of people its justified but for other people it is not.

I know one guy who got seriously messed up after only 2 cycles of moderate testosterone injections. He was a muscly guy trying to get even bigger. His body adapted and permanently started to produce less testosterone which made him sick/weak/unmotivated and now he has to inject testosterone for the rest of his life to function normally

If you have a medical problem or are really old sure take testosterone but all the other guys should stay well away from it to avoid the nasty long-term side effects.
The majority of guys who are taking testosterone do not have abnormally low testosterone they are just trying to gain muscle faster. Sure there are people with hormonal problems or 80 year old men on TRT but that is the minority. Yes for those minority of people its justified but for other people it is not.

I know one guy who got seriously messed up after only 2 cycles of moderate testosterone injections. He was a muscly guy trying to get even bigger. His body adapted and permanently started to produce less testosterone which made him sick/weak/unmotivated and now he has to inject testosterone for the rest of his life to function normally

If you have a medical problem or are really old sure take testosterone but all the other guys should stay well away from it to avoid the nasty long-term side effects.
Low based on what standard? The ever changing goal post of the endocrine society of 300 my/do? Some tests say it has to be 250. Some 200.

There is a difference between low and optimal. No doubt people will experience side effects if they do abuse drugs.

I took cycles on and off in my youth and I've sired a large family. So outcomes are individually specifically.
Where do you all recommend a testosterone test? I've never done it, no idea if that's considered "preventative medical care" in the US.