LGBT Agenda

I agree with everything you said but I just thought the ongoing discussion and topic were appropriate for a completely separate thread. I thought this was the gay news and commentary thread, not an autobiography.
I think this is highly relevant to the issue, because what Crux is saying debunks the LGBT agenda. They claim it is in-born and they can't not do it. However, what Crux and some others here are saying is the truth.

Same sex attraction is one of many negative tendencies that humans can have, such as gambling, drug or alcohol addition, womanizing, etc. Homosexual desires can be overcome in the power of Christ, and are not some kind of overwhelmingly deterministic genetic nature that must be validated and celebrated.

It might still make sense to create a separate thread, but I think Crux's experiences and Christian convictions directly refute the LGBT agenda that is being pushed.
I internalised a question years ago that I believe helped me, at least in part, to get lust under control. This question took the focus off me and placed it on the other man: 'Do I want to send him to hell?' I stopped focusing on my own risk of damnation (because I believed I deserved it, so that wasn't initially enough of a deterrent), and started questioning if I wanted to send that other man to hell. The answer of course was always no. Another question I internalised was this: 'Do I want to disrespect his person?'
This is a profound insight.

Heterosexual men should think in the same way. Do we want to damn the women we fornicate with to hell?

It made me think, is homosexual sexual sin really worse than heterosexual sexual sin?
It made me think, is homosexual sexual sin really worse than heterosexual sexual sin?
Only a hypocrite would say yes.

1 Corinthians 6:9 Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, 10nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God.
'Sexually immoral' is translated from pornoi, which would include people who engage in fornication.

Heterosexual sex in itself is not evil. It is only evil when it is taken out of it's God-ordained context of marriage. Whereas homosexual sex is never good in any context. So between heterosexual fornication and homosexuality, both are equally damnable.

Homosexual sex is inherently more destructive than heterosexual fornication is, on average, but both are equally damnable.
This is a profound insight.

Heterosexual men should think in the same way. Do we want to damn the women we fornicate with to hell?

It made me think, is homosexual sexual sin really worse than heterosexual sexual sin?

Only a hypocrite would say yes.

'Sexually immoral' is translated from pornoi, which would include people who engage in fornication.

Heterosexual sex in itself is not evil. It is only evil when it is taken out of it's God-ordained context of marriage. Whereas homosexual sex is never good in any context. So between heterosexual fornication and homosexuality, both are equally damnable.

Homosexual sex is inherently more destructive than heterosexual fornication is, on average, but both are equally damnable.
Eh, the Bible puts the death penalty on sodomy, not fornication between men and women. Although it does say one should be removed from church if they are engaging in fornication.

Both are very serious sins, trivializing fornication because it’s not sodomy is definitely a slippery slope.

Also, being effeminate isn’t related to sexuality, it’s about being a man who isn’t masculine but feminine, such as a trans person.
Eh, the Bible puts the death penalty on sodomy, not fornication between men and women. Although it does say one should be removed from church if they are engaging in fornication.
We are not under the context of the Old Testament Law. That's why you don't see Paul stoning homosexuals in his churches. He places homosexuals and fornicators in the same group: those who will not inherit the kingdom of God. It is self-evident that homosexuality will, on average, destroy your life faster than heterosexual fornication will, but if you are unrepentant of either sin, you will still not inherit the kingdom of God.

Also, being effeminate isn’t related to sexuality, it’s about being a man who isn’t masculine but feminine, such as a trans person.
'Effeminate' is translated from malakoi, the one who is receiving the homosexual act. 'Homosexual' is translated from arsenikoitai, the one who is giving the homosexual act.

All three categories, malakoi, arsenikoitai, and pornoi will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Totally well-adjusted and definitely not perverted pedophile homosexuals organize a taxpayer-funded LGBTQ kiddy catwalk in Seattle. It is themed like the Wizard of Oz and will feature gay sex music. Judging the event will be several state legislators, one of whom proposed a bill to enable the state to kidnap the children of parents who wouldn’t allow the state to cut their son’s dicks off or mutilate their daughter’s vaginas. In addition to the legislators judging the event, one of the speakers is a local girl-sheriff who runs the DEI office and enforces all the laws.

We just need to vote these people out and we can surely take the country back guys!



This is a profound insight.

Heterosexual men should think in the same way. Do we want to damn the women we fornicate with to hell?

It made me think, is homosexual sexual sin really worse than heterosexual sexual sin?

Only a hypocrite would say yes.

'Sexually immoral' is translated from pornoi, which would include people who engage in fornication.

Heterosexual sex in itself is not evil. It is only evil when it is taken out of it's God-ordained context of marriage. Whereas homosexual sex is never good in any context. So between heterosexual fornication and homosexuality, both are equally damnable.

Homosexual sex is inherently more destructive than heterosexual fornication is, on average, but both are equally damnable.

We are not under the context of the Old Testament Law. That's why you don't see Paul stoning homosexuals in his churches. He places homosexuals and fornicators in the same group: those who will not inherit the kingdom of God. It is self-evident that homosexuality will, on average, destroy your life faster than heterosexual fornication will, but if you are unrepentant of either sin, you will still not inherit the kingdom of God.

'Effeminate' is translated from malakoi, the one who is receiving the homosexual act. 'Homosexual' is translated from arsenikoitai, the one who is giving the homosexual act.

All three categories, malakoi, arsenikoitai, and pornoi will not inherit the kingdom of God.

You all make a serious error:

The idea that sins are equal (directly contradicted by Christ many times, most famous example is when he explained to Pilate that his sins were less than the Jews condemning Christ) is the moral equivocation fallacy and is heretical.

Here is someone who understood the Bible 10000x more than anyone on this forum, John Chrysostom on homosexuality:

Homosexuality is Worse than Murder​

"I affirm that these [homosexuals] are even worse than murderers: since to die even is better than to live under such insolency. For the murderer separates the soul from the body, but this man ruins the soul along with the body.

And name what sin you will, none will you mention equal to this lawlessness. And if they that suffer such things perceived them, they would accept ten thousand deaths so they might not suffer this evil. For there is not, there surely is not, a more grievous evil than this insolent dealing. For if when discoursing about fornication Paul said, that Every sin which a man does is without the body, but he that commits fornication sins against his own body.

What shall we say of this madness, which is so much worse than fornication as cannot even be expressed? For I should not only say that you have become a woman, but that you have lost your manhood, and hast neither changed into that nature nor kept that which you had, but you have been a traitor to both of them at once, and deserving both of men and women to be driven out and stoned, as having wronged either sex.

And that you may learn what the real force of this is, if any one were to come and assure you that he would make you a dog instead of being a man, would you not flee from him as a plague? But, lo! You have not made yourself a dog out of a man, but an animal more disgraceful than this."

— St. John Chrysostom, 4th homily on the book of Romans

Don't fall victim to the propaganda of this age - homosexuality is one of the worst sins in the world, because Christ taught us not to fear those who can harm the body, but only those who can harm the soul.

Fornication only harms the body, murder only harms the body, most sins only harm the body. But sodomy harms the soul, making it worse than all of those put together.

Reading more from the homily of St. Chrysostom, we find more explanation:

"Consider then. It was meet, that the two should be one, I mean the woman and the man. For the two, it says, shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24 But this the desire of intercourse effected, and united the sexes to one another. This desire the devil having taken away, and having turned the course thereof into another fashion, he thus sundered the sexes from one another, and made the one to become two parts in opposition to the law of God. For it says, the two shall be one flesh; but he divided the one flesh into two: here then is one war."

Homosexual relations is literally a war of Satan against God by destroying the God given ordination of making male and female into one flesh. By turning male and male into one flesh, or female and female into flesh, Satan denies the proper order of Mankind and forces the soul into destruction.

And yet despite how terrible sodomy is, God is still capable of forgiving such sins. It's still not the king of all sins, which is blasphemy.
You all make a serious error:

The idea that sins are equal (directly contradicted by Christ many times, most famous example is when he explained to Pilate that his sins were less than the Jews condemning Christ) is the moral equivocation fallacy and is heretical.

Here is someone who understood the Bible 10000x more than anyone on this forum, John Chrysostom on homosexuality:

Homosexuality is Worse than Murder​

"I affirm that these [homosexuals] are even worse than murderers: since to die even is better than to live under such insolency. For the murderer separates the soul from the body, but this man ruins the soul along with the body.

And name what sin you will, none will you mention equal to this lawlessness. And if they that suffer such things perceived them, they would accept ten thousand deaths so they might not suffer this evil. For there is not, there surely is not, a more grievous evil than this insolent dealing. For if when discoursing about fornication Paul said, that Every sin which a man does is without the body, but he that commits fornication sins against his own body.

What shall we say of this madness, which is so much worse than fornication as cannot even be expressed? For I should not only say that you have become a woman, but that you have lost your manhood, and hast neither changed into that nature nor kept that which you had, but you have been a traitor to both of them at once, and deserving both of men and women to be driven out and stoned, as having wronged either sex.

And that you may learn what the real force of this is, if any one were to come and assure you that he would make you a dog instead of being a man, would you not flee from him as a plague? But, lo! You have not made yourself a dog out of a man, but an animal more disgraceful than this."

— St. John Chrysostom, 4th homily on the book of Romans

Don't fall victim to the propaganda of this age - homosexuality is one of the worst sins in the world, because Christ taught us not to fear those who can harm the body, but only those who can harm the soul.

Fornication only harms the body, murder only harms the body, most sins only harm the body. But sodomy harms the soul, making it worse than all of those put together.

Reading more from the homily of St. Chrysostom, we find more explanation:

"Consider then. It was meet, that the two should be one, I mean the woman and the man. For the two, it says, shall be one flesh. Genesis 2:24 But this the desire of intercourse effected, and united the sexes to one another. This desire the devil having taken away, and having turned the course thereof into another fashion, he thus sundered the sexes from one another, and made the one to become two parts in opposition to the law of God. For it says, the two shall be one flesh; but he divided the one flesh into two: here then is one war."

Homosexual relations is literally a war of Satan against God by destroying the God given ordination of making male and female into one flesh. By turning male and male into one flesh, or female and female into flesh, Satan denies the proper order of Mankind and forces the soul into destruction.
I must not be making myself clear. Homosexual sin is worse than fornication. I've said that in both of my posts. That does not mean that you won't go to hell for being an unrepentant fornicator. Being straight men, our temptation is to minimize the sinfulness of fornication and to maximize the sinfulness of homosexuality. But to do so would be to fall into a self-deceiving trap that has dire consequences.
Homosexual relations is literally a war of Satan against God by destroying the God given ordination of making male and female into one flesh. By turning male and male into one flesh, or female and female into flesh, Satan denies the proper order of Mankind and forces the soul into destruction.
That's Romans 1, the total depravity of man. Man is so depraved, even his ability to propagate mankind is impacted by sin.

Romans 1:24 Therefore God gave them over in the lusts of their hearts to impurity, so that their bodies would be dishonored among them. 25For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed bforever. Amen. 26 For this reason God gave them over to dishonorable passions; for their females exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, 27and in the same way also the males abandoned the natural function of the female and burned in their desire toward one another, males with males committing indecent acts and receiving in their own persons the due penalty of their error. 28 And just as they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not proper, 29having been filled with all unrighteousness, wickedness, greed, evil; full of envy, murder, strife, deceit, malice; they are gossips, 30slanderers, haters of God, violent, arrogant, boastful, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents, 31without understanding, untrustworthy, unloving, unmerciful; 32and although they know the righteous requirement of God, that those who practice such things are worthy of death, they not only do the same, but also give hearty approval to those who practice them.
Verse 27 always struck me: "They receive in themselves the due penalty for their error."
Sin is not only something that deserves punishment, it is a punishment itself.

Verse 32, how many people fit into that category: 'give hearty approval to those who practice them'?
Interesting data from your article. Looks like the we crossed the Rubicon of 50% support around 2012, with Obama's reelection. That is around the same time I noticed the extreme wokeness invading film, news, popular culture, etc. America became a completely different country. Now the Republican party alone is approaching 50% support and church-going Christians are even over 40%. If the sodomites attain majority support even in "conservative" and "Christian" circles, we will know the last bastions of sanity and reason in our society have fallen.

I tried tracking down the earliest polls on gay marriage I could find, which are from 1988. Only 10-12% of Americans were in favor. Of course in 1988 people had already become quite worldly. The fact that they were even asking the question means the seeds of corruption were already planted at this point, because decades before it would be near 0%. But in the 80s they were mostly still sane. Even in the 90s, when my parents came to this country, they really believed it was the greatest in the world. Now they are disgusted at what it has become. We really are living in a different country today, one in which sin is normalized and celebrated, in which the unnatural is treated as natural and the good is treated as evil.


Interesting data from your article. Looks like the we crossed the Rubicon of 50% support around 2012, with Obama's reelection. That is around the same time I noticed the extreme wokeness invading film, news, popular culture, etc. America became a completely different country. Now the Republican party alone is approaching 50% support and church-going Christians are even over 40%. If the sodomites attain majority support even in "conservative" and "Christian" circles, we will know the last bastions of sanity and reason in our society have fallen.

I tried tracking down the earliest polls on gay marriage I could find, which are from 1988. Only 10-12% of Americans were in favor. Of course in 1988 people had already become quite worldly. The fact that they were even asking the question means the seeds of corruption were already planted at this point, because decades before it would be near 0%. But in the 80s they were mostly still sane. Even in the 90s, when my parents came to this country, they really believed it was the greatest in the world. Now they are disgusted at what it has become. We really are living in a different country today, one in which sin is normalized and celebrated, in which the unnatural is treated as natural and the good is treated as evil.

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This perversion can be stopped very fast. Any group that does not procreate is destined to die off, no two ways about. Historically, this is why various monastic groups died off, and even now, this is why LGBT will die off. They need your kids to keep the movement going. That's why they push it so hard in schools. That's why they set up their tents close to children's playgrounds. This is why Christians need to have as many kids as God will grant them and to keep those kids out of the public indoctrination system.
It made me think, is homosexual sexual sin really worse than heterosexual sexual sin?
We certainly have a bizarre way of viewing sexual sinning in the west. Having pride in fornication. Almost half of regular church attenders support not just being gay, but gay *marriage* which is a totally new thing which gays throughout history have never even clamored for. Almost no reverence for chastity or virginity. Casual acceptance of ongoing genocide.

Anglin made a good point recently about how it's worse to have a girlfriend and do "dating" than it is to visit a prostitute, because you will be regularly fornicating with the girlfriend whereas the prostitute is a single sinful act (and probably one you will regret and atone for). Definitely something to ponder.

(It's actually a position Thomas Aquinas and others came to centuries ago but today it sounds odd to even non-Christian normies)

Humility Month is an awesome idea. There is a basic tenet of philosophy where you can easily tell which position is more truthful by inverting your opponent's argument (IE: Should the US send weapons to Ukraine? You should ask Should the US send weapons to Russia? Which would result in a better outcome? Then you know whether your opponent's argument is truthful or not. (No that doesn't mean you are advocating for arming Russia--it is merely a logical test to determine whether the original argument is true or not)

Having a month celebrating Pride in a Sin is truly an inverted Baphomet Satanic worship practice.
I'm just trying to hold on until Juneteenth!
Texas doctor who reported that illegal child mutilation surgeries were being performed is being prosecuted for reporting the crime.

The United States Department of Justice has indicted a surgeon who blew the whistle on a Texas hospital secretly performing trans surgeries and gender medicalization of minors.

Dr. Eithan Haim, a surgeon at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, who leaked evidence of the body-mutilating procedures to journalist Christopher Rufo, was indicted earlier this week on four felony counts

I think a felony will prevent you from holding most state licenses (such as a medical license). The guy will never be a doctor again.

Workers revolt against ‘Pride’ month in Mexico City, tear down ‘unworthy’ banners

Workers in Mexico City who have had enough of LGBTQ+ Pride celebrations quite literally took matters into their own hands and tore into pieces two massive rainbow banners that hung at the government’s National Housing Fund for Workers (INFONAVIT) building.

Union leader Rafael Riva Palacio ordered the destruction and removal of the banners, saying that they are “unworthy.”

“I personally and a group of colleagues cannot allow it, and as many times as they want to put it up, as many times as they put it up, we are going to remove it,” said Palacio, pointing to the rainbow banner, according to a report by El País.

Full story
Yes, as it necessarily involves feces.
Yes, this is true but that is just the nature of the act that is so beyond God’s intention it becomes a complete inversion of anything wholesome and clean. Homosexual “sex” is a total perversion of the natural, whereas illicit heterosexual sex is an amplification of the natural.

With sexual sin involving a man and woman, this is the result of natural desires that burn out of control because of a lack of (ultimately) personal and otherwise social constraints. I think of it as a fat person who will not stop overeating. They fail to control the natural desire to eat pleasurable foods just like most of us at some point have failed to control natural desires and allow lust to control us. There are different degrees of gluttony and presumptively different grades of lust, which can progressively worsen.

Homosexual sin is significantly more twisted. It is like a person shoving food into their anus instead of just eating it and getting fat. These aren’t people who just ate too much chocolate, they’re doing something totally deviant and bizarre that cause both immediate and long term harm. We instinctively know this about a person who would participate in that behavior or encourage it. A person or society that accepts this behavior is on a much quicker path to destruction.

I’ve posted this on RVF and it is how I simplify this in my mind’s eye. Moral laws are as iron as math. 1 + 1 always = 2 (sex in the context of man and woman bound by God in marriage). Convince yourself you can make an exception and sometimes stretch that to 1 + 1 = 3 (the most “benign” heterosexual sexual sin outside the context of marriage for hedonistic pleasure). Now stretch that to 1 + 1 = 33 for homosexuality, and 233 for trans kids and so on, all the way down the slippery slope. While 1 + 1 = 3 is way closer to the truth than 1 + 1 = 33, they are nevertheless both equally wrong and will lead to damnation without repentance. One is just further from the truth than the other, but it always starts small.

Edit: Perhaps I should phrase that last part differently. While both behaviors are devoid of God’s truth and intention for us, one is much further down that path.
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