This is my fourth Lent and each year things just seem to get worse. I'm actually getting worse at fasting, and it feels each year I'm capable of doing less all around and just making spiritual regress rather than progress.
I'm not sitting around eating hamburgers all day, it's actually pretty easy for me to give up meat (honestly, I miss stuff made with eggs a lot more.) The real problem is that I just eat stupid snacks and constantly grab random foods, especially at night. It's pretty easy for me to go until lunch without eating anything at all but I can't maintain any self-control after that.
I already gave up on trying to follow the exact letter of the daily fasting rule a long time ago. All of these excessively nitpicky rules: "Strict fast by monastic charter, bread, fruits, and vegetables only," "Food without oil," and so on. I spend most of my day dealing with two small children and constantly cleaning up after them, trying to keep them alive, and trying to keep my house from completely falling apart, I just don't really care if this or that cereal bar contains oil or not. I feel like these rules were not devised with situations like mine in mind, or really any situation besides "monk in a monastery."
At the start of the fast I resolved to try to keep my prayer rule as well as read some from the Prologue/lives of the saints each day, at least skim some of the daily services in the Triodion, follow the daily Scripture readings as well as additional personal Scripture reading, and at this point I'm so fatigued and beat down I feel like I can't keep up with virtually any of it anymore. In previous years I went to at least one weekday service like a Presanctified Liturgy during Lent but I haven't managed that a single time this year, between needing to devote even more time than usual to plugging the holes in the sinking ship that is my family life and just feeling totally out of energy and willpower in general.
It's actually been easy to mostly fast from things like music, playing guitar/bass, video games, TV/movies, and other frivolous entertainment, because I've lost all appetite for them and just don't enjoy any of it, or much of anything, anymore. Pretty much any scraps of free time I have is devoted to trying to catch up on my reading, mentioned above.
About all I can manage at this point is making an effort to not complain at my family, yell at my wife or kids, and try to force myself to be loving toward them and act like everything is okay despite feeling like everything is awful all the time. The general rhythm of Orthodox life I'm experiencing could be described as "be miserable, console yourself by saying that being miserable is actually great and spiritual progress, then feel guilty and chastise yourself for daring to think you're achieving anything, then repeat." Yes, our Western world worships comfort and convenience and "fun," and this is quite true of contemporary Christianity in general too, but I feel like trying to live the "Orthodox" way is totally bleak and not sustainable long-term. Isn't there something viable between these two extremes?
Weirdly enough, I'm finally reading The Ladder Of Divine Ascent and finding it the most practical and helpful thing I've taken up during Lent, with much of the advice clearly applicable to my family situation. But I'm only about a third of the way into it so we'll see if that continues.