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Latest UK Lunacy

You might have heard of the NatCon conference in Brussels, which is being attended by Nigel Farage and other "Far Right" leaders from across Europe. On the orders of the Muslim mayor of the city, police raided it and shut it down. Day 2 seems to have passed with incident.

Great Britain is literally Clockwork Orange nowadays. Just change the main character's race to Black and it's all the same.

The man’s lawyers were able to get a doctor to testify that the migrant would likely kill himself if he was deported.

They also claimed that he would be punished in his home country for evading military service.

As a result, the migrant will remain in the UK despite a security report concluding that the man poses a significant risk to public safety.

Conservative MP Nigel Mills commented “This man committed a serious criminal offence and should be nowhere near this country.”

He added, “If he was concerned about losing mental health treatment or being arrested for fleeing the draft, he should have thought about that before he committed the crime.”

“This decision is another sign the tribunal system is deeply out of touch with the rest of Britain,” Mills further urged.
This is far from an isolated case.

Last year, a migrant rapist concluded to be a significant danger to women was allowed to stay in the UK after he argued that the medicines he was receiving to treat his mental health would not be available in Gambia.
"Every SNP policy, shite. Every SNP Councillor, shite. Every SNP leader, shite."
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'Anti-White' Scottish First Minister Quits After Disastrous 'Hate Crime Law'​

I think this is all due to the reaction to the Scottish censorship law that got blown out.

The first thing I saw of this was JK Rowling coming out and saying a man can't be a woman, and daring them to arrest her. I understand the government caved and said they would not be arresting her. After that, everybody defied the law, and flooded the system with complaints against the first minister.

To what extent can Rowling be said to have played a key role?

Also, she primarily used Twitter to defy the government. I see this as being related to Twitter defying Brazil and Australia at the same time. Do people in the UK and Scotland mention any of this?
Sunak has finally announced when the next general election is and it'll be in 6 weeks. It's such a strange thing when the rest of Europe is shifting to the right-wing parties because of mass immigration that the UK is shifting to the left because our "right-wing" government has been anything but. Starmer seems to be playing up that he's more centrist to get more votes but Labour similarly has fuck all of any intention to reduce immigration levels.
Sunak knows he will lose, so why is he doing it now? Has he been told to?

I believe the deep state urgently needs a leader with more political capital to spend. Starmer will not have much, when he wins, but it will be more than Sunak has now.

They could be planning to try something stupid in Ukraine, to prevent a collapse before the US election, and they need Starmer in power.
What's odd about the left in Britian is that they are very anti-Israel, much moreso than the left in America, making them the better choice for right-wingers to vote for.

Had the British right actually gone with anti-immigration they'd have support, but since they aren't doing anything different it actually makes sense to vote for the left, since they are anti-Israel, and the conflict they will bring with Talmuds will force the Talmuds to lower Islamic immigration into Britain or risk being shut out of British politics entirely.
Much of the Labour Party base is Muslim now, but the pro-Palestine leadership, Corbyn and friends, got purged. Starmer is married to a Jew, and the Jews regained control of Labour. This is why Starmer is at odds with much of his party over Israel, and he has to tread very carefully.
What's odd about the left in Britian is that they are very anti-Israel, much moreso than the left in America, making them the better choice for right-wingers to vote for.

Had the British right actually gone with anti-immigration they'd have support, but since they aren't doing anything different it actually makes sense to vote for the left, since they are anti-Israel, and the conflict they will bring with Talmuds will force the Talmuds to lower Islamic immigration into Britain or risk being shut out of British politics entirely.
It's a common misconception that the Conservatives are a right wing party in the UK.

Maybe in the past, but today, they are a centre-left party, at best.

Labour are a far left party.
New Labour have been in power since 1997. The colour might have changed in 2010, but they are still there. The Conservative Party conference has a Tony Blair Institute stand, for goodness' sake.

My theory is that whoever is pulling Sunak's strings realises that they cannot beat Labour, so they're calling it early to stop any further bleeding to Reform UK. They'll lose, but still be the second party. If they left it until November, they could lose further relevance.

Whichever way, we're pretty screwed. At least the Tory's incompetence lifted the lid on what the plan is (mass immigration), whereas Labour would be more subtle.
My guess is that she has ovarian cancer, and is taking chemo that has made her hair fall out. If so, she can likely live 2-4 years with a few periods of remission and feeling better, in between long periods of suffering. She probably figures to stay out of the public eye until the chemo is finished and her hair has grown back a few inches.
New Labour have been in power since 1997. The colour might have changed in 2010, but they are still there. The Conservative Party conference has a Tony Blair Institute stand, for goodness' sake.

My theory is that whoever is pulling Sunak's strings realises that they cannot beat Labour, so they're calling it early to stop any further bleeding to Reform UK. They'll lose, but still be the second party. If they left it until November, they could lose further relevance.

Whichever way, we're pretty screwed. At least the Tory's incompetence lifted the lid on what the plan is (mass immigration), whereas Labour would be more subtle.
The UK is truly shambolic because it is more conservative than Canada, which also uses first-past-the-post, but consistently gets ultra-liberal results that mirror Trudeau’s government across the Atlantic but with a Conservative government. Go figure.

The comparison is even worse because Canada has federal provinces and the UK is unitary, so a Conservative UK government can technically achieve a lot more (but doesn’t).

Stephen Harper in Canada, as boring and technocratic as many conservatives saw him, achieved sensational things with the system and political climate he had.

By contrast, Cameron, May, Johnson and Sunak have been cowardly sell-outs. Poor Liz Truss, for all her faults, was the best chance the UK had of the five who have occupied Number 10.