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Latest UK Lunacy

The Church of England now takes ESG money, it's openly on their website. In case anyone was wondering why it's gone woke.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. What do you mean by taking ESG money? ESG is an investment approach, it's not a source of money. And whilst the Church of England manages money (pensions etc) and almost certainly uses ESG criteria, to my knowledge noone external is investing money with them. ESG is admittedly largely a virtue signalling exercise but the Church of England went woke well before ESG came to prominence. They are proclaiming usage of ESG criteria because they are woke. They didn't go woke because they started using ESG criteria, which is the strange implication of your comment.
An outbreak of scholarly behaviour at a mall in England. The comments, whilst guarded in nature, confirm what has become all too familiar:


Note the quality of the video. I can guarantee you that 99% of surveillance cameras in use today deliver at minimum 720p, most likely 1080p, and in at least half the cases now 4k quality resolution. This footage has been intentionally blurred and degraded in order to obfuscate the obvious, which is that these 'children' are young teenagers of a particular ethnicity. Also read the top rated comments who focus on a lack of education, discipline, and moral values. How quickly has even the most recent past been forgotten.... just go back two or three decades and the world looks completely different. Oh gee - what would possibly have changed?

Honestly, at this point I rarely even check the news. The disconnect, the daily indoctrination, and non stop brainwashing is just too much for me to bear. The West as we once knew it is GONE because the people who incorporated traditional Western cultural and moral values have been pushed out and replaced by low education migrants from cultures that are completely incompatible with our way of life.

But that is what the majority has been voting for and financing over the course of several decades: their own replacement. There was never any doubt as to where we would end up, the only question at hand was how long it would take and how bad it would get before Western populations would finally wake up. As to the latter unfortunately the conclusion is 'too late'. The West is done.
I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. What do you mean by taking ESG money? ESG is an investment approach, it's not a source of money. And whilst the Church of England manages money (pensions etc) and almost certainly uses ESG criteria, to my knowledge noone external is investing money with them. ESG is admittedly largely a virtue signalling exercise but the Church of England went woke well before ESG came to prominence. They are proclaiming usage of ESG criteria because they are woke. They didn't go woke because they started using ESG criteria, which is the strange implication of your comment.

Splitting hairs like this and attacking your own political allies is exactly why our side lost the culture war. Spend your time and direct your criticism more wisely.
Note the quality of the video. I can guarantee you that 99% of surveillance cameras in use today deliver at minimum 720p, most likely 1080p, and in at least half the cases now 4k quality resolution. This footage has been intentionally blurred and degraded in order to obfuscate the obvious, which is that these 'children' are young teenagers of a particular ethnicity. Also read the top rated comments who focus on a lack of education, discipline, and moral values. How quickly has even the most recent past been forgotten.... just go back two or three decades and the world looks completely different. Oh gee - what would possibly have changed?

Honestly, at this point I rarely even check the news. The disconnect, the daily indoctrination, and non stop brainwashing is just too much for me to bear. The West as we once knew it is GONE because the people who incorporated traditional Western cultural and moral values have been pushed out and replaced by low education migrants from cultures that are completely incompatible with our way of life.

But that is what the majority has been voting for and financing over the course of several decades: their own replacement. There was never any doubt as to where we would end up, the only question at hand was how long it would take and how bad it would get before Western populations would finally wake up. As to the latter unfortunately the conclusion is 'too late'. The West is done.

Great Britain is literally Clockwork Orange nowadays. Just change the main character's race to Black and it's all the same.
Splitting hairs like this and attacking your own political allies is exactly why our side lost the culture war. Spend your time and direct your criticism more wisely.
I'm not sure who exactly I've attacked? The poster I was responding to criticised the Church of England. I didn't add any further criticisms, I simply clarified that accusing them of taking ESG money is a meaningless accusation - it betrays a lack of understanding of the term, what/whose money the Church of England is managing and for what purpose. We should be precise in our criticisms and factual in our statements. The poster also drew the erroneous conclusion that the Church of England are woke because they take ESG money. It's precisely the opposite of the reality. How is that splitting hairs or attacking my political allies? Are we supposed to back slap each other when people don't understand the subject matter and then reach incorrect conclusions. It's not a crime to not know something, but if you are going to speak about it be prepared to be corrected when you are wrong.
This is absolute gold - a BBC reporter tries to push the climate change/net zero agenda, and gets utterly destroyed by the President of Guyana:

This comes from the Office of National Statistics - behind a paywall, but the headline is enough:

It's almost like the banks used women to downgrade fatherhood and manhood only to betray them by creating the trannies to erode women's spaces.
Predictable: Nature, inflatable boats of surplus young men and the Argentineans all abhor a vacuum.

They could have easily done this with China's help, a few dozen missiles could take out Royal Navy ships anywhere near the Falklands. but Mileikowsky has burned that bridge.
They could have easily done this with China's help, a few dozen missiles could take out Royal Navy ships anywhere near the Falklands. but Mileikowsky has burned that bridge.
Theoretically, yes, but it would be completely out of character for the Chinese to make such a provocative move.