Latest German Lunacy

TPTB in Germany lose their minds over a hand gesture or a song, but don't care about people getting stabbed or raped on a weekly basis by the real societal threat. This is exactly how to create an environment in which people just stop giving af what happens to the self-chosenites at all. Conditioning people to live in fear, instead of allowing freedom of speech and expression ultimately leads to violent outbursts and revolutionary sentiment. Seems they still have learnt nothing from history and are once again on the wrong side of it. The one comment was really biting but on the nose: the government needs the money to fund the real not-sees in the Ukraine.
Stabbed by a Muslim at a "festival for diversity"

You cant make this stuff up. I actually laughed out loud when I read that it was a diversity festival. God have mercy on me. People are being stabbed and I'm just laughing at the stupidity of it all.

Germany surely has to be the most suicidal nation on the planet?
I'm rarely impacted by the news, but this stuff really annoys me.

Also, pretty much all German youtube videos on the topic won't allow comments.
Stabbed by a Muslim at a "festival for diversity"

You cant make this stuff up. I actually laughed out loud when I read that it was a diversity festival. God have mercy on me. People are being stabbed and I'm just laughing at the stupidity of it all.

Germany surely has to be the most suicidal nation on the planet?

Definitely in west Germany and the major liberal cities, and Berlin for that matter.

In my experience living in Germany, the people can be so reserved they might miss the opportunity to truly change things because they simmer in their anger, yet will not chance it to really rock the boat.
It seems to be a cultural thing, almost like the tall poppy syndrome we have in NZ /Australia, or The Law of Jante in Denmark.

It's been some time since i've been there but I would guess there are pockets in Saxony, that are very aware of the diversity problems and are completely against it.
Wir schaffen das! *

Angela Merkel is the new Maximus.

images - 2024-08-25T072531.922.jpegIMG_20240825_080650_124.jpg

Also the attacker has been identified as a Syrian national.

UPDATE - Police arrest suspected Solingen attacker. More than 24 hours after the deadly attack in Germany, the Syrian refugee and Islamist Issa al H., 26, surrendered to a police patrol on Saturday evening. He was still covered in blood — Spiegel

The suspected Solingen murderer Issa al H. was born in the Syrian city of Deir al-Sor. He came to Germany as a "refugee" at the end of December 2022 and applied for asylum.
Angela Merkel is the new Maximus.

View attachment 11797View attachment 11796

Also the attacker has been identified as a Syrian national.

UPDATE - Police arrest suspected Solingen attacker. More than 24 hours after the deadly attack in Germany, the Syrian refugee and Islamist Issa al H., 26, surrendered to a police patrol on Saturday evening. He was still covered in blood — Spiegel

The suspected Solingen murderer Issa al H. was born in the Syrian city of Deir al-Sor. He came to Germany as a "refugee" at the end of December 2022 and applied for asylum.
I just learned today that Angela Merkel is no longer the Chancellor of Germany, it's Olaf Scholz, but he's a Social Democrat, so probably just as bad.
I just learned today that Angela Merkel is no longer the Chancellor of Germany, it's Olaf Scholz, but he's a Social Democrat, so probably just as bad.

The fact that you guys didn't realise that Merkel left office over 2 and half years ago in December of 2021 shows how just irrelevant a national leader is nowadays.
It doesn't matter who a globohomo puts in front as leader of a country, in the end they are all the same.
That's why voting makes (almost) no difference.
It's the entire system which is rotten, so the person who's "in charge" is just a puppet.
Definitely in west Germany and the major liberal cities, and Berlin for that matter.

In my experience living in Germany, the people can be so reserved they might miss the opportunity to truly change things because they simmer in their anger, yet will not chance it to really rock the boat.
It seems to be a cultural thing, almost like the tall poppy syndrome we have in NZ /Australia, or The Law of Jante in Denmark.

It's been some time since i've been there but I would guess there are pockets in Saxony, that are very aware of the diversity problems and are completely against it.
I generally agree with this sentiment. However, when it comes to political and social topics Germans are simply terrified of the prospect of being labeled a Nazi. It's the ultimate control mechanism.

It worked in 2015, it worked during the pandemic and the introduction of modern pronouns etc. People would rather live a life of agony than be called a right winger or Nazi.

They'll also find many ways to justify what's going on. I remember a friend of mine who was extremely based during the pandemic and knows all the "conspiracy theories" tell me that migrant violence was due to boredom and therefore understandable.

Honestly, when I was bored in my early 20s I'd simply masturbate, sleep all day or do sports. The idea of running around intimidating women or stabbing people never really crossed my mind.
I'd like to ask, what's the solution here as this is only the beginning. Is this God's judgement because most Europeans have walked away from God and we're receiving the Devil's side of the bargain? Should Christians be going out to meet the newcomers and preaching them the truth?...(I think this has been tried but seldom has an effect). Or do people just take the gloves off, incur the wrath of the law and the wrath of God? It's just in an impossible situation. It seems to be God's judgment, because the people as a whole, vote in who they deserve, so until they come to faith and get their lives in order, only then will they be able to vote for parties who'll do their bidding in the name of righteousness where those parties won't be able to be manipulated. But obviously, this was designed to happen.
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If the Old Testament is an indication of God's intention and behavior, then it should be expected that God gives nations a period of time to repent before calling down His wrath on them. First the warning with the clear message of the wrath to come unless the nation repents. I haven't given it too much thought, but my sense is that this has not happened yet in the west. That being said, it will probably get much worse for Christians in the meantime.
Isn't Solingen that brand of fancy German knives?
Yes it is, I used to know someone from there.

Solingen is to knives as Stuttgart is to cars :
Die Stadt Solingen ist das Zentrum der deutschen Schneidwarenindustrie, insbesondere bei der Herstellung von Klingen sind Unternehmen aus Solingen weltweit führend. Etwa 90 Prozent der deutschen Schneidwaren- und Besteckhersteller sind in Solingen ansässig. Solinger Schneidwaren sind mit der Herkunftsangabe Solingen durch die Solingenverordnung seit 1938 gesetzlich geschützt. Damit ist Solingen die erste Stadt weltweit, die auf diese Weise Schneidwarenprodukte schützt. Seit dem 19. März 2012 führt Solingen den amtlichen Namenszusatz Klingenstadt.
source - Wikipedia

One of the manufacturers :
and in their marketing material - Vielfalt - Made in Solingen

They're going to have to change that now that this has happened at the Vielfalt festival. Won't have the same ring to it anymore, not going to sell more knives with that (well, not just for the right reasons..)

Well, like with guns, it's not the gun that kills but the finger on the trigger, can't go blaming the knives. It will be interesting to hear if the perpetrator actually used a Made in Solingen knife to carry out that attack.

3 dead in Solingen, the 3 little girls recently in the UK. Then there was that thing in Frankfurt where they tried to take out Michael Sturzenburger but took out that German policeman instead. I was once myself almost at the wrong place at the wrong time in Germany where there was a knifing. What are law abiding citizens supposed to do these days..
The fact that you guys didn't realise that Merkel left office over 2 and half years ago in December of 2021 shows how just irrelevant a national leader is nowadays.
It doesn't matter who a globohomo puts in front as leader of a country, in the end they are all the same.
That's why voting makes (almost) no difference.
It's the entire system which is rotten, so the person who's "in charge" is just a puppet.

She's enjoying her private island just fine though.
Stabbed by a Muslim at a "festival for diversity"

You cant make this stuff up. I actually laughed out loud when I read that it was a diversity festival. God have mercy on me. People are being stabbed and I'm just laughing at the stupidity of it all.

Germany surely has to be the most suicidal nation on the planet?

I was listening to ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission) news radio through the day as I worked.

There was a stabbing at a "festival for diversity"

> A Syrian refugee was arrested.

There was a stabbing at "a festival celebrating the city's 650 year history"
I'm absolutely flabbergasted at the level of brainwashing going on there. The residents of Solingen are demonstrating against the "Right", after the attacks the other day, stating the city will "stay colorful instead of brown". I guess with "brown", they are implying the brownshirts. There is no helping those who hate themselves and refuse to wake up.

After the terror, Solingen is now demonstrating against the right
JF-Online2-3 minutes 08/26/2024
SOLINGEN. After the terrorist attack that left three people dead and eight people, some of them critically injured, there were several demonstrations in Solingen. Participants in a left-wing march tried to break through the police cordon and attacked the officers. They had to defend themselves against the attacks with batons.

Several hundred participants followed the call of the alliance "Wuppertal stands up" and demonstrated against the right. Motto: "Solingen stays colorful instead of brown." The call for the protest said that they wanted to "mourn the victims of the Islamist attack" and "stand in the way of the Nazis." In June, the organization called for the AfD federal party conference in Essen to be prevented and also protested there. Several police officers were injured in riots, some seriously.

Solingen: Left-wingers stand in front of asylum seekers' home
The reason for Sunday's demonstration was the registration of a rally by the Young Alternative, which was demonstrating against asylum policy near the crime scene. One poster read "Our country first". Around 30 to 40 participants gathered in Solingen's city center. However, the loudspeaker system failed shortly after the start for unknown reasons, so that the speeches were drowned out by the chants of the counter-demonstrators.

At another demonstration, 150 to 200 people stood in front of an asylum seekers' home to express their solidarity with the migrants and to protect it from allegedly impending right-wing attacks. This event remained peaceful.

The murderer of Solingen has now turned himself in to the police. He is a 26-year-old rejected asylum seeker from Syria. Issa al H. had deliberately stabbed visitors in the necks with knives at the city's 650th anniversary celebrations, which were called the "Festival of Diversity". The “Islamic State” has now claimed responsibility for the attack. (fh)