Germany's New Way to Attract Youth!
That is a little bit too much truth for Germany unfortunately. Germany does not get any more Russian gas because the USA has forbidden Germany to get it. Now people have been asking about whether the other pipelines which were not blown up should be commissioned and start delivering Russian gas to Germany.Offenkundig sah das deutsche Innenministerium am Montag das Interview. Und am Dienstag wurde das Verlagsbüro durchsucht und das Magazin verboten. Ich denke, der Grund dafür ist, dass die Wahrheit ausgesprochen wurde, die vor den Deutschen sorgfältig verborgen wird
Die Bundesrepublik erhält nur deshalb kein russisches Gas, weil die USA es Deutschland verboten haben.'
'Russland und die UdSSR haben nie von sich aus Gaslieferungen an Europa und die EU gestoppt.'
'Technisch ist es eine Frage von Wochen, die Gaslieferungen durch die verbliebene Röhre der Nord-Stream-Pipeline wieder aufzunehmen.'"
Die Herrschenden haben die Köpfe ihrer Untertanen offenbar nicht mehr sicher genug im Griff
RT DE seit über zwei Jahren verboten und nur auf Umwegen zu erreichen. Letzteres war allerdings eine Willkür europäischer Bürokraten, deutsche Behörden waschen ihre Hände in vermeintlicher Unschuld.
Das von Bundesinnenministerin Nancy Faeser (SPD) am Dienstag verkündete Verbot von Jürgen Elsässers halbwegs erfolgreichem Nachrichtenmagazin Compact fügt sich zwar in die längst erkennbare Tendenz ein, ist aber eben auch ein neuer Schritt, eine Stufe tiefer in eine totalitäre Meinungsdiktatur.
Maybe he mentioned the jews and crossed the red line that can't be tolerated at all.I also saw that headline and wondered why Compact got banned.
I don't think it's mentioning the jews, not directly anyway. If he had mentioned them in a bad way surely the raid would have had a lot more than 50 police in attendance. The jews seem to be rarely mentioned in modern German press except as victims of 'antisemitism' now and then.Maybe he mentioned the jews and crossed the red line that can't be tolerated at all.
It's now in the English RT as well :...the plan here is to lock Russia and Europe in a perpetual state of war to: "keep America in, Russia out, and Germany down".
Had never heard of that before -Compact correspondent Hansjorg Mueller asked the spokeswoman which “red lines” Berlin might cross in Ukraine to trigger direct retaliation by Russia. He also wondered if Moscow could withdraw from the Two Plus Four Agreement – the multilateral treaty that allowed the reunification of Germany in 1990.
I don't understand what it would mean if Moscow "withdrew" from that but it sounds like the Compact journalist really annoyed someone high up.It was negotiated in 1990 between the 'two', the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic, in addition to the Four Powers which had occupied Germany at the end of World War II in Europe: France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States. The treaty supplanted the 1945 Potsdam Agreement: in it, the Four Powers renounced all rights they had held with regard to Germany, allowing for its reunification as a fully sovereign state the following year.
...not really looking that likely![]()
German police to ‘secretly’ search homes – media
The German Federal Criminal Police Office may soon be allowed to secretly enter and search homes, according to a draft seen by Der
It's pretty much the same in my area on some days, but Mexico instead of Turkey.Такое впечатление как будто я в Анталии иду по Стамбулу. Боже мой боже мой. слушай если ты хочешь допустим съездить в Турцию то можешь просто приехать на озеро.
It feels like I'm walking through Istanbul in Antalya. Oh, my God, my God. Listen, if you want to go to Turkey, for example, you can just come to the lake instead.
Doesn't surprise me at all.This has been going on for years already, and it's not just Afghanis doing this.
Oh look...besides pushing kiddy sex, look what the German government is teaching the migrants:
View attachment 10638
Slight correction, at the start of the video she that it feels like she's in Antalya OR Istanbul. I was confused at first by "through Istanbul in Antalya" because Antalya is a city. It's also a province, but Istanbul isn't in that province.Такое впечатление как будто я в Анталии иду по Стамбулу. Боже мой боже мой. слушай если ты хочешь допустим съездить в Турцию то можешь просто приехать на озеро.
It feels like I'm walking through Istanbul in Antalya. Oh, my God, my God. Listen, if you want to go to Turkey, for example, you can just come to the lake instead.