Latest Canadian Lunacy

Deadline today: survey asking how Canadians feel the government should tackle the "climate emergency". Obviously loaded questions and leading answers, but if you have 10 mins to spare, get in there and shift the narrative. There are also free-form comment sections where you can add your opinion and it's heartening to see some of them.
^ complete annihilation in the comments, the narrative is being ratioed to death, here are the last 10 comments:

Q6: In your own words, explain the reasons behind your preference.
  • 1d3b2197a2ec8187b680471453326ec2

  • 1- Climate models unproven
  • 2- Warmer weather beneficial to Canada
  • 3- Higher CO2 levels have led to a greening of the planet, and greater yields in world agriculture, staving off starvation
    a few seconds ago Like Reply

  • c9b53206eef2633c58002ec045d5d803

  • Canada does not need to bankruptcy itself as a nation to hit any climate targets because the WEF, UN and others say so. The carbon tax is a farce life on planet Earth will not exist if we drop our carbon footprint any lower. It's basic science 101.
    2 minutes ago Like Reply

  • f1991a68174ed8e7a51c00edba1bb730

  • CO2 is not a pollutant, it is a life giving force. Focus on real pollution in the air, water, and on the land and we will thrive
    4 minutes ago Like Reply

  • 3909f9134011df7d77e3527fff007863

  • Loaded question with typically loaded optional answers. How about zero targets as an option?
    4 minutes ago favorite 1 Like Reply

  • ec50edf384588de5f60a99499c9ad7b4

  • There is no climate change, it is a made up venture of the govt only. Canada has the biggest forest to offset other things. Our farmers and oil and gas section along with others have been reducing their foot print largely already. Carbon tax is a scam as you can't use money to affect the climate. Stop spraying the forests. Stop spraying the skies all you are doing is adding to the very thing you are complaining about. As there is no choice to opt for NO TARGET then I am left with this. This Govt and the govts leading to it have been working on this plan for very long time. We are being lied to in a big way, taxes on taxes added to what extent. Hurting the and decimating the very people that call this a Country.
    5 minutes ago Like Reply

  • ecdfa405135fa27ca07824d6993d4eee

  • There does not need to be any target for lowered emissions and absolutely no carbon charge to any Canadian
    7 minutes ago Like Reply

  • 5c7f21c085b9f7899487f290ce5e0295

  • I do not trust the federal government or any global entities like the WEF, the UN and the WHO. Calling carbon pollution does not make sense. Taxing carbon is taxing life itself. I am grateful to the current Trudeau government for being so unethical (scandals, covid response, etc) that I now see the many lies that have governed my life all my life (I am in my 60´s). Why would I support a government that supports the genocide in Gaza? There is zero credibility in your question that assumes you care about humanity. You do not. I do not comply with this lie any more. Stop the spraying of our skies to dim the sun and I will listen to the government’s next « aspirations ».
    12 minutes ago favorite 1 Like Reply

  • 99255ec91b721d2dda8674b1dcb6dff9

  • There is no "climate crisis"
    14 minutes ago favorite 1 Like Reply
  • The climate crisis should not be our main goal. Affordable housing and lessi inflation should be our main priority.
    14 minutes ago Like Reply
  • CO2 is being used to increase government control of our day to day life. It needs to stop.
    18 minutes ago Like Reply
  • My thoughts are temp rise leads CO2 build up in environment and CO2 is plant food. So as CO2 demonstrable shows little or no temp rise and I eat I'm in favor of doubling current CO2 levels immediately. Stop pollution (smog water etc) yes but focus on a measure that effects human health negatively rather than positively as rising CO2 does
    19 minutes ago Like Reply

  • It’s a ridiculous goal.
    19 minutes ago Like Reply
^ complete annihilation in the comments, the narrative is being ratioed to death, here are the last 10 comments:

Q6: In your own words, explain the reasons behind your preference.
  • 1d3b2197a2ec8187b680471453326ec2

  • 1- Climate models unproven
  • 2- Warmer weather beneficial to Canada
  • 3- Higher CO2 levels have led to a greening of the planet, and greater yields in world agriculture, staving off starvation
    a few seconds ago Like Reply

  • c9b53206eef2633c58002ec045d5d803

  • Canada does not need to bankruptcy itself as a nation to hit any climate targets because the WEF, UN and others say so. The carbon tax is a farce life on planet Earth will not exist if we drop our carbon footprint any lower. It's basic science 101.
    2 minutes ago Like Reply

  • f1991a68174ed8e7a51c00edba1bb730

  • CO2 is not a pollutant, it is a life giving force. Focus on real pollution in the air, water, and on the land and we will thrive
    4 minutes ago Like Reply

  • 3909f9134011df7d77e3527fff007863

  • Loaded question with typically loaded optional answers. How about zero targets as an option?
    4 minutes ago favorite 1 Like Reply

  • ec50edf384588de5f60a99499c9ad7b4

  • There is no climate change, it is a made up venture of the govt only. Canada has the biggest forest to offset other things. Our farmers and oil and gas section along with others have been reducing their foot print largely already. Carbon tax is a scam as you can't use money to affect the climate. Stop spraying the forests. Stop spraying the skies all you are doing is adding to the very thing you are complaining about. As there is no choice to opt for NO TARGET then I am left with this. This Govt and the govts leading to it have been working on this plan for very long time. We are being lied to in a big way, taxes on taxes added to what extent. Hurting the and decimating the very people that call this a Country.
    5 minutes ago Like Reply

  • ecdfa405135fa27ca07824d6993d4eee

  • There does not need to be any target for lowered emissions and absolutely no carbon charge to any Canadian
    7 minutes ago Like Reply

  • 5c7f21c085b9f7899487f290ce5e0295

  • I do not trust the federal government or any global entities like the WEF, the UN and the WHO. Calling carbon pollution does not make sense. Taxing carbon is taxing life itself. I am grateful to the current Trudeau government for being so unethical (scandals, covid response, etc) that I now see the many lies that have governed my life all my life (I am in my 60´s). Why would I support a government that supports the genocide in Gaza? There is zero credibility in your question that assumes you care about humanity. You do not. I do not comply with this lie any more. Stop the spraying of our skies to dim the sun and I will listen to the government’s next « aspirations ».
    12 minutes ago favorite 1 Like Reply

  • 99255ec91b721d2dda8674b1dcb6dff9

  • There is no "climate crisis"
    14 minutes ago favorite 1 Like Reply
  • The climate crisis should not be our main goal. Affordable housing and lessi inflation should be our main priority.
    14 minutes ago Like Reply
  • CO2 is being used to increase government control of our day to day life. It needs to stop.
    18 minutes ago Like Reply
  • My thoughts are temp rise leads CO2 build up in environment and CO2 is plant food. So as CO2 demonstrable shows little or no temp rise and I eat I'm in favor of doubling current CO2 levels immediately. Stop pollution (smog water etc) yes but focus on a measure that effects human health negatively rather than positively as rising CO2 does
    19 minutes ago Like Reply

  • It’s a ridiculous goal.
    19 minutes ago Like Reply
Yeah the comments are 99% anti climate hoax. Yet the survey results show that most Canadians support putting us into poverty to MAYBE protect future Canadians from some weather.
Some of the comments are saying it's so mean and unfair to jump to the conclusion she is on drugs. She might just have Tourette's syndrome.

In other words, she might just be mentally ill, which is completely understandable! :ROFLMAO:

Completely understandable for a leftist, that is!
Actually that tracks for my retarded, fake, and gay country of birth.

Our national hero is a crippled marathon runner.

They could herald Freeland as "the first female with Tourette's to....". They love doing that here.

Apropos of nothing, my mid-sized town is now completely taken over by junkies and homeless. I pulled out of the grocer the other day and saw a dude pushing a shopping cart but he was folded over at the waist so that his face was level with the basket of the cart (below his shoulders).

Something about fent makes people fold in half. He is not the first person I have seen with a moving lower body and a hanging limp upper body.

Cleansing fire now.

Oh the federal govt and provincial govt just jacked up the "carbon tax" such that people have calculated an extra 23 cents per litre cost of fuel in my province. Forget filling your car. Add that to every instance of food production, and then add it again to every instance of distribution. About to get real fun real quick.
General Canadian current affairs; I guess that many Canadians would consider the 'lunacy' to be the fact that Canada no longer has a Death Penalty to deal with people like this.

For those unfamiliar with Robert Pickton, he murdered a great many women in the Metro Vancouver area over the course of many years and fed them to the pigs on his farm. While in Fraser Pretrial lockup, he admitted to an undercover Mountie wearing a wire, that he had murdered 49 women. He claimed he wanted to make it an even 50 but he got sloppy and the last one escaped. Investigators found DNA of more than 30 missing women on his property, but the Crown only managed to secure 6 murder convictions.

Now, he's currently in critical condition after being attacked by a fellow inmate on Sunday.

He won't be. The judge merely ordered him to be deported; Pajeet has the right to appeal that Removal Order in immigration court. This could take years; there are thousands of dirty Indian and Chinamen immigration lawyers who make bank helping their morally/spiritually/legally dirty countrymen game the Canadian system, all to OUR detriment. Add to that, he and his wife have had an 'anchor-baby' since arriving in Canada; with our jus soli citizenship laws, the little sprog's status is damn-near irrevocable. That makes deportation damn-near impossible.

Once these brown and yellow rats get into the barn, there's no removing them...except by Christ's coming wrath.
General Canadian current affairs; I guess that many Canadians would consider the 'lunacy' to be the fact that Canada no longer has a Death Penalty to deal with people like this.

For those unfamiliar with Robert Pickton, he murdered a great many women in the Metro Vancouver area over the course of many years and fed them to the pigs on his farm. While in Fraser Pretrial lockup, he admitted to an undercover Mountie wearing a wire, that he had murdered 49 women. He claimed he wanted to make it an even 50 but he got sloppy and the last one escaped. Investigators found DNA of more than 30 missing women on his property, but the Crown only managed to secure 6 murder convictions.

Now, he's currently in critical condition after being attacked by a fellow inmate on Sunday.

Robert Pickton is now dead, no doubt cowering in terror on all fours before the Lord's Judgment Seat.
General Canadian current affairs; I guess that many Canadians would consider the 'lunacy' to be the fact that Canada no longer has a Death Penalty to deal with people like this.
I may normally be inclined towards the death penalty in the most egregious cases, however given Canada's long history of judicial screwups and wrongful convictions, I would rather err on the side of caution.

Besides, being Canada, they would probably ramp up executions to maintain place as a leader in supplying human organs for transplanting (if MAID can't keep up with the demand).

Regarding Pickton, I saw a few things speculating that his "mass murder farm" was actually a way of disposing of bodies for satanic elite-types; Trudeau was living nearby at the time. If that were truly the case though, I'm sure he would have been suicided, er I mean assaulted in prison, long ago.

Frank Stronach has been pretty vocal lately while questioning the narrative. I recently read that he was trying to install some kind of charter of economic rights whereby the government of the day can’t hinder business under the guise of progressive ideals. Example - shutting down the oil industry over climate change delusions. Looks like he might of been taken out.
Interesting news is coming out of the Coutts documents. In the document posted below, we can see that the RCMP requested assistance from the Canadian Arm Forces as early as 4 February 2022 (nearly two weeks before the mass arrests, including those of the Coutts Four). These documents show us that the covid regime was truly having a tough time dealing with the protests. According to the report, over 50 towing companies in Canada and over 25 towing companies across Montana - presumably standing in solidarity with the anti-mandate protestors - refused to offer their services for the purpose of disrupting the blockade: “Given the need to re-open this transportation route, the RCMP has attempted to obtain private industry tow trucks but these companies are refusing to provide their services.” “We have contacted over 50 tow companies in Canada, throughout Alberta, eastern BC, and Saskatchewan. We also made special arrangements via CBSA which would permit American tow trucks to cross the border to do the necessary work. We have contacted over 25 tow companies in the USA, including into Helena and Missoula, Montana, which are situated over two hours from the Coutts Port of Entry. We have encountered similar responses to our efforts on the Canadian side, and have no prospect or reason to expect any different answer from further efforts.” From documents like this, we can see that the covid regime lost the mandate of heaven years ago. Canada's bizarre and harmful COVID response left an entire country traumatized and indebted.
This was worth a chuckle.
"Records show that the New Democratic Party leader Jagmeet Singh’s brother-in-law, Jodhveer Singh Dhaliwal, donated more than $10,000 to Freedom Convoy 2022’s GoFundMe page — a fundraiser standing as of today at just over $6 million in donations with more than 79,300 donors."
"Dhaliwal, according to an NDP source, rescinded his donation after learning what the money was used for. His name, however, still appears as a top donor on the fundraiser’s website."
"After learning what the money was used for." Yeah, right. He couldn't possibly be that stupid. It's more likely that he rescinded the donation after it became a source of embarrassment for his brother-in-law. He should've stood by the donation to remain on the side of angels.
There is no low that East Indians in Canada won't sink to in order to scam a buck from the system. Today a female curry-coon parasite was sentenced to 3 years in prison for Inuit status fraud. Karima Manji enrolled her two kids in school, falsely claiming that they were Inuit, in order to get nearly CAD 160,000 in educational benefits/scholarships for them. And her twin daughters are now 26 years old, so you know they're damn-well aware and complicit in the whole scheme.

"Amira and Nadya were born February 26, 1998, in Mississauga, Ontario to Manji and Gurmail Gill (father). “From September 2020 to March 2023, the total amount paid out to Nadya and Amira Gill was $158,254.05,” according to the agreed statement of facts. “A further $64, 413 was on hold for Amira Gill in the spring of 2023, but was not paid out."
Dirty, lying ragheads, the lot of 'em 🤬
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There is no low that East Indians in Canada won't sink to in order to scam a buck from the system. Today a female curry-coon parasite was sentenced to 3 years in prison for Inuit status fraud. Karima Manji enrolled her two kids in school, falsely claiming that they were Inuit, in order to get nearly CAD 160,000 in educational benefits/scholarships for them. And her twin daughters are now 26 years old, so you know they're damn-well aware and complicit in the whole scheme.

"Amira and Nadya were born February 26, 1998, in Mississauga, Ontario to Manji and Gurmail Gill (father). “From September 2020 to March 2023, the total amount paid out to Nadya and Amira Gill was $158,254.05,” according to the agreed statement of facts. “A further $64, 413 was on hold for Amira Gill in the spring of 2023, but was not paid out."
Dirty, lying ragheads, the lot of 'em 🤬
indian indian.webp
Haha, yeah, she probably thought us Whites were to too stupid to tell one coloured race from another. Unfortunately for her, it was the territorial Inuit organization up in Nunavut who noticed something fishy. She gave the name of an Inuit woman up there, Kitty Noah, as her daughters' biological mother, claiming that she herself was only their adopted mother...