Latest Canadian Lunacy

Word around the camp fire is that it’s not a serious bill. Probably all for show and will never be implemented.
Saw a good video lately that explains why the latest firearms bans is all for show too and will never be implemented or survive a change in government. This pleases me.
Word around the camp fire is that it’s not a serious bill. Probably all for show and will never be implemented.
Saw a good video lately that explains why the latest firearms bans is all for show too and will never be implemented or survive a change in government. This pleases me.

So was affirmative action, now here we are.
There's some kind of sleight of hand going on here and if one gets worked up about the "horrible new proposal" that is probably missing the point.

The Liberal govt is likely on its way out. So now it's just signalling to the base, the tour of shame, the part in Wrestlemania where the villain has to preen and gloat over downed Hulk Hogan until the crowd cheers him back to life.

Also, Occam's Razor says they put insane stuff into proposals so that the truly nefarious things they do intend to enact will seem "okay" by comparison.

"House arresting people for pre-crime? You're right, that's too far. We have to enact common sense legislation like immediately debanking people for antisemitic statements. I'm glad you agree!"
From 5 days ago:
The CBC has obtained a 9-page redacted, Classified SECRET report from the RCMP, entitled "Whole-of-Government Five-Year Trends for Canada" under Canada's Access to Information Act.

The news article:

The redacted RCMP report:

Some of my favourite parts:

The coming period of recession will also accelerate the decline in living standards that the younger generations have already witnessed compared to earlier generations. For example, many Canadians under 35 are unlikely ever to be able to buy a place to live (italics mine). The fallout from this decline in living standards will be exacerbated by the fact that the difference between the extremes of wealth is greater now in developed countries than it has been at any time in several generations (italics mine)."

So, Constable Dudley Do-right, our elected and appointed officials have sold our country out, socially/politically/economically, and the younger generations will be pretty much screwed and you think that their resentment and anger is significant enough to constitute a serious law enforcement concern on a national-strategic level? Well, then, I guess it's a good thing that the unholy Liberal/NDP alliance are making hay while the sun shines and doing everything they possibly can in Parliament to disarm the Canadian public before the next General Election.

Through such mechanisms as social media, the Internet of Things, and biometric identifiers, big data is and will increasingly be available on a scale that is difficult to quantify. Access to this data will allow private entities to develop the means to exercise undue influence over individuals and populations at an unprecedented level (italics mine)."

That's swell! Just think of all the money the RCMP and CSIS will save in lying to/spying on us. Instead of maintaining those bloated civil-servant payrolls, they just have to pay these "private entities" a briefcase full of cash every now and then to do the leg-work for them. Perhaps these savings will be passed on to me when tax season rolls around? But seriously, the next time somebody calls you paranoid about Big Tech/Big Data, well the RCMP said it themselves in writing...

In all fairness, correlation does not equal causation. However, the 2022 handgun freeze, while lawful, is immoral and evil. See my ^above post^. Always ask yourself "What agenda does my government have in mind that would first require a disarmed populace?" Ah well, at the end of the day, no Canadian needs a Glock or an AR-15 in order for the Angel of the Lord to slay Justin Trudeau, his wife, and both of his children.
Looks like she's been hanging out with Jacinda Ardern:

Prominent and historically dignified countries being led by apparent drug addicts and doddering old folks.
Looks like she's been hanging out with Jacinda Ardern:

Prominent and historically dignified countries being led by apparent drug addicts and doddering old folks.

Some of the comments are saying it's so mean and unfair to jump to the conclusion she is on drugs. She might just have Tourette's syndrome.

In other words, she might just be mentally ill, which is completely understandable! :ROFLMAO:

Completely understandable for a leftist, that is!
Looks like she's been hanging out with Jacinda Ardern:

Prominent and historically dignified countries being led by apparent drug addicts and doddering old folks.

She has basically made herself a Salacious Crumb who's learned to suppress her cackle. The following has edited audio but this video from a couple of years ago demonstrates similar mannerisms from the creature: .