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Julian Assange

If you Google “plea deal assange pdf” you will find. Its the same of the Telegram channel.

Its one the last pages. I was rereading and it seems is for unpublished. Its point 22. Return or destruction of information.
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That being said, I'm sure there are copies of these files on servers all over the world now, in the public domain.

Like I said earlier the wikileaks website deleted more 90% of their content 2 years ago.
They have effectively been neutralised, and will probably fall into obscurity after this.
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Assange and I are around the same age and so I feel that we socially evolved in the same era. In the 1980's I was a naive liberal who lost a lot of friends because I was so passionately political and philosophical at such a young age. I was probably the only person in my high school reading Chomsky and Nietzsche. At the time, I dreamed of being famous so I could educate the masses about political, governmental, and economic corruption. What I didn't realize at the time is that most people know of these things already but don't really care. As long as normies have a car, a house, and a job and have the weekends off to pursue their hobbies and spend time with their families they are good. They don't really care about politics, or what Assange and Wikileaks "uncovered."

Assange naively thought he could go up against the powers that be and make a difference. However, his biggest mistake was making himself known as the public face of Wikileaks instead of vigorously defending his anonymity. Assange did this because of his desire to be famous. In hindsight, and now that he's "grown up," I would assume that he regrets this decision as I'm sure he realizes now that his "life's work" has amounted to basically nothing except the destruction of his attention whoring life.

It is unfortunate that nobody really cares what Wikileaks uncovered (again, because it is nothing that they didn't already know). However, what most people do instinctively know is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. They therefore keep their mouths shut in order to avoid the self-imposed fate of Julian Assange.
Assange and I are around the same age and so I feel that we socially evolved in the same era. In the 1980's I was a naive liberal who lost a lot of friends because I was so passionately political and philosophical at such a young age. I was probably the only person in my high school reading Chomsky and Nietzsche. At the time, I dreamed of being famous so I could educate the masses about political, governmental, and economic corruption. What I didn't realize at the time is that most people know of these things already but don't really care. As long as normies have a car, a house, and a job and have the weekends off to pursue their hobbies and spend time with their families they are good. They don't really care about politics, or what Assange and Wikileaks "uncovered."

Assange naively thought he could go up against the powers that be and make a difference. However, his biggest mistake was making himself known as the public face of Wikileaks instead of vigorously defending his anonymity. Assange did this because of his desire to be famous. In hindsight, and now that he's "grown up," I would assume that he regrets this decision as I'm sure he realizes now that his "life's work" has amounted to basically nothing except the destruction of his attention whoring life.

It is unfortunate that nobody really cares what Wikileaks uncovered (again, because it is nothing that they didn't already know). However, what most people do instinctively know is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. They therefore keep their mouths shut in order to avoid the self-imposed fate of Julian Assange.

In the Internet Age, there is no need to put a name and face to your online presence, while still getting red pill truth out to the masses. The only reason to identify yourself is due to pride. Unless you are super famous already, or so high up that you can't be messed with or disappeared, keep things under the radar but steady, while taking personal precautions (VPN, TOR, peer-to-peer networking, etc.). That's how I see it.
In the Internet Age, there is no need to put a name and face to your online presence, while still getting red pill truth out to the masses. The only reason to identify yourself is due to pride. Unless you are super famous already, or so high up that you can't be messed with or disappeared, keep things under the radar but steady, while taking personal precautions (VPN, TOR, peer-to-peer networking, etc.). That's how I see it.

We could make the same argument about Roosh then.
Assange and I are around the same age and so I feel that we socially evolved in the same era. In the 1980's I was a naive liberal who lost a lot of friends because I was so passionately political and philosophical at such a young age. I was probably the only person in my high school reading Chomsky and Nietzsche. At the time, I dreamed of being famous so I could educate the masses about political, governmental, and economic corruption. What I didn't realize at the time is that most people know of these things already but don't really care. As long as normies have a car, a house, and a job and have the weekends off to pursue their hobbies and spend time with their families they are good. They don't really care about politics, or what Assange and Wikileaks "uncovered."

Assange naively thought he could go up against the powers that be and make a difference. However, his biggest mistake was making himself known as the public face of Wikileaks instead of vigorously defending his anonymity. Assange did this because of his desire to be famous. In hindsight, and now that he's "grown up," I would assume that he regrets this decision as I'm sure he realizes now that his "life's work" has amounted to basically nothing except the destruction of his attention whoring life.

It is unfortunate that nobody really cares what Wikileaks uncovered (again, because it is nothing that they didn't already know). However, what most people do instinctively know is that the squeaky wheel gets the grease. They therefore keep their mouths shut in order to avoid the self-imposed fate of Julian Assange.

A large component of the decision of whistle blowers to pass on classified information is TRUST.
If an organisation that publishes classified information is totally anonymous then trust can never be fully established.
As a potential whistle blower you will always be afraid you are walking into a trap set up by the alphabet intelligence agencies.
Wikileaks would have never been trusted and taken seriously if it didn't have a real face and real name behind it.

Similarly, I doubt the Roosh forum would have worked either if it didn't have a real face and real name behind it.
A large component of the decision of whistle blowers to pass on classified information is TRUST.
If an organisation that publishes classified information is totally anonymous then trust can never be fully established.
As a potential whistle blower you will always be afraid you are walking into a trap set up by the alphabet intelligence agencies.
Wikileaks would have never been trusted and taken seriously if it didn't have a real face and real name behind it.
Again, there is nothing to "trust" as even average IQ people know that they are being robbed and spied upon at every juncture of this life. Assange didn't tell us anything we don't already know that he couldn't have told us anonymously without needlessly destroying his own life. What is frustrating is that the modern "pay off" to the masses is enough. Give them electricity, hot water, a toilet, McDonald's once a week as a special treat, a car, cable and internet, half a bitcoin, and $1500 a month and free medicine after they turn 65 and you can tax them, replace them, and spy on them all you want without fear of them rising up.
Similarly, I doubt the Roosh forum would have worked either if it didn't have a real face and real name behind it.
Actually RVF would have worked better and probably still be up and running if Roosh would have remained anonymous. I tried to convince him of this after I saw his first European street PUA video and before he intentionally crossed the celebrity seeking rubicon by going on The Dr. Oz Show. The death threats, stalking, family doxxing, negativity, and personal attacks that Roosh endured over the years became so overwhelming and stressful that he had to seek anonymity as a respite from his own known, public self.
Actually RVF would have worked better and probably still be up and running if Roosh would have remained anonymous.

Other forums have tried and all failed in short time.
One forum even copied the entire content of RVF word for word with all threads and all member profiles and rep reports prior to 2020.
It also failed....because there is no trust in an anonymous administrator when dealing with such "controversial" topics.
Other forums have tried and all failed in short time.
One forum even copied the entire content of RVF word for word with all threads and all member profiles and rep reports prior to 2020.
It also failed....because there is no trust in an anonymous administrator when dealing with such "controversial" topics.

Ultimately, it's the nature of the beast. How can anyone know if a PUA is legit or not unless they reveal themselves so people can see the results?

However, Roissy did not reveal himself, and he was mega popular. So it can be done.
Roosh didn´t have to go public. And even if he did he didn´t have to go to national tv or organize international meetups. I got banned because I pounded so hard on him not to go so much public. It was a mistake he did. These people think of themselves as heroes. And people will cheer them. They don´t read the actual truth. Or how truth is manipulated.

When you are public you become a prize. A trophy. For state agencies. And MSM.
Other forums have tried and all failed in short time.
One forum even copied the entire content of RVF word for word with all threads and all member profiles and rep reports prior to 2020.
It also failed....because there is no trust in an anonymous administrator when dealing with such "controversial" topics.
Well, the archived forum also failed because the admin had no idea how to moderate a forum. For the same reason, this forum will go down the drain sooner or later, unless the new admin makes an important change in the selection of moderators.

Also, the Citron forum is missing some years.